The Unknown

Chapter 4

I tried to fathom out what he just said “What?”
“Wren’s ill”
“In what way?”
“Her heart” He took another sip from the soda
“What’s- wrong- with- it” I spoke slowly, emotionlessly, she was my best friend from the age of 5
“It stopped beating”
“A day ago or two ago”
“Where is she now?”
“In hospital”
"And you never thought of telling me?"
"Look over there! At that one!" he pointed at a woman of at least 27 with big breasts, that were almost popping out of her shirt.
I noddded, "Nice" I lied.

A vision flashed through my mind making my stomach turn and my heart sink:
She was lying there in the hospital bed, wires coming out of her, her eyes closed, her smile abandoned her face, her heart not beating, she wasn’t breathing, heart monitor going crazy with a monotone shriek.
I pressed my lips together and tried to push those thoughts from my mind.
“Is she gonna be okay, Jack?”
He nodded throwing his empty soda can into the nearest trash can from where he was sitting; it went straight in, no problem.
I hadn’t touched mine since he told me what had happened to Wren.

The long walk back home from the mall was an awkward silent one.
Jack tried to start a conversation about something, but soon realised I had other things on my mind.
We turned onto our street and he grabbed me by the shoulder and spun me round, he looked annoyed and confused.
“Tell me you’re not in love with my sister!” He yelled
I stayed calm, “I’m not in love with your sister”
She’s not really your sister though is she Jack? Your mom adopted her; her British mix Irish accent gives it away. I thought. . I wasn’t in love with her, she was my friend. You don’t fall in love with friends.
“Then why did my mom tell me she saw you kissing?” He raised his voice
“Jah! I kissed her on the head!” I yelled
“That’s all you’ll be kissing, d’you hear me? I swear touch my little sister in any way I'll hit you into the fucking ground, you hear?”
He let go of me and stormed off in the direction of home.
I ran home, not because I was scared. I wanted my room; I wanted to be alone for a while. I wanted to see her, I wanted to see my Wren.

That night I was too restless, I was worried. I didn’t want my friend to die.

I lay awake most of the night, just staring out my window gazing up at the stars, I looked across the street seeing Jack’s bedroom light on, I could see his TV screen, my eyes widened I could see breasts then… oh he was watching porn. I quickly sat back down on my bed and stared at my ceiling, I blinked back the sleep scared that if I went to sleep I’d dream about her, about her dying.
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15/01/12- I'm really enjoying writing this...