The Unknown

Chapter 6

That was the lasting memory I had created in my mind. My mom woke me up by opening my curtains and pulling my covers off, she soon scooted out of my room when she realised I was stark naked.
Breakfast was slightly awkward that morning.
“So, school today?” My dad looked up from a pile of papers, he’d been away on a business trip and this was his first day back home, my father spent time away from home quite often with his line of work, so nowadays whenever I did see him it was incredibly awkward.
I nodded swirling my Lucky Charms around in their bowl

I must have turned into Auto-Mode because I couldn’t remember the drive to school or anything all I remember is standing there starring at my first class before being pushed inside by a sea of people. And throughout the day just thinking about later that day, I’d hoped I was seeing Wren and Jack, they were my only friends at my previous school and still were now. I don’t even remember talking to anyone that day.

I tried to visit Wren everyday while she was in hospital. My routine had completely changed once more:
Get up at 5am,
Have a shower,
Throw some clothes on,
Brush my teeth,
Go to school,
Come back from school,
Have a quick snack,
Visit Wren,
Get home watch and start working on Wren’s gift.

On weekends it was another story, I had the whole day to waste away:
I’d get up at 9am then I’d go for a shower, get dressed, I’d eat my breakfast, I’d brush my teeth then I’d rush off to the hospital to see Wren for a few hours and possibly Jack, I’d get home for around 4:30 then carry on with Wren’s gift.

When I wasn’t visiting Wren or with Jack I was tidying my room, or working on Wren’s gift. I tried to stay out of my mother and fathers way because I didn’t want anything to do with the baby, or any of the plans they made for the baby!

Jack had learned to trust me again, though he’d snap at me very easily for the slightest comment about his sister. I’d managed to convince him I wasn’t interested in Wren, in an emotional sense, I’d pretend I was more interested in boobs, butts, females, sex and booze… I really wasn’t.

I had told my folks that I had other friends; I seemed to tell everyone who asked. It wasn’t easy for me to make friends, I’d never had a girlfriend, I wasn’t the best looking guy, and I hadn’t ever found it simple to speak to people I’d only met once or twice.

I’d started making Wren’s gift when I first found out that she was in hospital, up to now I’d had two and a half months to work on it, I’d made her a dust cover for a book, I had cut two pieces of cardboard and stuck some smooth, silky stain to it. I’d stuck some gems and crystals to it; this had taken a while because I was using bits of old jewellery my mother was collecting for me whenever she’d clean out her jewellery boxes. I had almost finished it and tomorrow I was going to take it to her! I couldn’t wait!