The Unknown

Chapter 7

I hadn’t been able to sleep that night, I was so restless, I waited till I could see the warm light of day pouring through my window until got up and started rushing about, I ran around the house grabbing everything I needed that I could find, I wrapped Wren’s gift and smiled at it, before placing it inside my bag, I got my bike from the garage after I’d locked the front door, I rode as fast as I could toward the hospital.

The morning air was cool and crisp; the dew was still fresh on the grass. There was hardly any traffic about as it was still rather early, I could hear the birds chirping in the trees and on the fences, I heard a few people getting in cars, collecting milk bottles, posting letters.
When I eventually got to the hospital I threw my bike to the side, I didn’t care what happened to it; I just wanted to see Wren’s face when I gave her my gift! I ran in with a huge grin on my face, there wasn’t anyone on the front desk so I ran down the hallway toward Wren’s room; I noticed the blinds were shut, as per usual, I flew into the room feeling so excited I could shout it from the roof tops!

“Wren! I made you a dust cover for one of your books! I hope you like it!” I yelled enthusiastically, not quite computing that the bed was empty just yet.
Then it hit me, like ten tons of solid iron.
I starred at the empty, made, clean bed, there was no heart monitor or any equipment, and there wasn’t a trace that Wren had ever even been in this room.
She hadn’t had she? She couldn’t have gone? She was doing so well… she can’t be gone!
I stumbled toward the bed and began to cry, “Why did she have to go!” I sobbed
She was dead wasn’t she? My Wren, my Angel was now a real angel.
I cried for a long while undisturbed before I stormed out of the hospital, I jumped on my bike and rode furiously and recklessly.

Why did you take my Wren? God, why did you take my beautiful Wren?

I spent a few hours on my own before I went home, but when I did get home I sat by the pond where Wren had once talked and watched the fish swim about.

"Wren?” I looked around, I was sure I’d heard her voice
Ash, I am so sorry I left you without saying goodbye.
I heard her soft Irish accent whispering in my ear, I looked to my side, there was no one there.
I did not want to leave you so soon Ash.[i/]
“Wren, where are you?” I heard her laugh
I am right here silly. I have to go now Ash, you are a lovely boy Ash, you have always been a friend to me, just please be careful!
“Wren no! You can’t go! Stay!” I stopped to listen to myself, myself, exactly, I was talking to myself, and I was imagining it.

Then I remembered that time at the hospital, how I couldn’t move, even when Jack was yelling at me, I wasn’t scared so I wasn’t stunned with fear, and when she was asleep and I heard her tell me Jack was coming and he walked through the door minutes later. Was I just imagining that too? Yes, that’s it, I was imagining it.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped, almost fell into the pond, “Oh mom, it’s you”
“Your father told me about what happened, I tried to get in touch with Julia but they’ve changed their number.”
I shrugged and looked back into the water, back into the unknown.
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This is a very short chapter because the next chapter is going to be a few years later.