Status: Being re-written as Honest Heat - Please check it out!

Truth Fire

Chapter 24: Ah, the book.

“Miss Cooper? Have you seen my book anywhere? I must’ve dropped it in that fall,”
“Ah, you might want to check, I had a few orders to deal with so I did them first. No time to clean the mess,”
I nodded thankfully and investigated the incident. I couldn’t find it yet, maybe I should clean up first. That’s what I did. Eventually, everything was back in order and a new bookshelf was out in place of the broken one. I searched around again, and found it! It was hidden under a pile of books that were huddled in the corner. To my surprise, no damage had come to it. I stared at it curiously and then slipped it back into my pocket. Until the bell went to signify the end of the day, I helped out in the library. Afterwards, I woke Luke up and headed home, eager to open the book and find out why it was hidden so much.
After changing out of my uniform, I took a deep breath and opened it. Inside the cover was a beautifully hand-engraved title. ‘Truth Fire’. The first page was blank. The second one too. Actually…most of them were blank! I started flipping through the first pages again and again. Nothing! Then I skipped to the back and found a small pocket watch etched in like the book was before. I gently pulled it out and examined it. The intricate design of the pocket watch was almost fathomable, bringing time itself to a stop. It was absolutely breath-taking. It seemed very old, from the Victorian era it seemed. Amazing! No wonder it was hidden so well. I carefully pressed the button and it popped open. The silverware was decorative and inside had an elegant red shimmer to it. I watched the accurately working pocket-watch work. “She must have set the time right… or it wouldn’t have been working right?” I pondered to myself, glancing to and fro from the book the watch. Then I thought about the title ‘Truth Fire’. Curious. I placed the watch gently onto my pillow and held the book up to the sun. Excruciatingly slowly, I burnt the book, page by page.
That’s when I noticed it. The writing. It was…unbelievable! It was…visible now…It was utterly intriguing! I began reading as if my life depended on it. Everything…I understood every word though none of them were English. Without realising it, I began to feel frightened and dropped the book from my hands, staggering back. What was this? Why? Quickly, I kicked it under my bed and kept the pocket watch. It had caused me no harm today, but tomorrow I was going to find out whether this watch - what everything was and everything about them.
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Sorry, I'm updating slower.
Motivation has plummeted.
Plus. Next chapter is MAJOR writers block.