Bite Me

Chapter 1

Ugh, mom where are you? I questioned her in my mind.
Today is Friday and she promised that she would be home on time.
“Oh well,” I said to the empty apartment we lived in. “I guess I will go on a walk and meet her on her way home.”
I pulled my old jacket and walked out into the night. I locked up and grabbed the key from under the mat and went on my search. I walked around the block for an hour, but she was still not home.
Okay midnight on a Friday and she is not home something is up.
I walked over to where she works, but no one was there.
Okay Rose, stay calm, maybe you missed her on the way here. I lied to myself knowing that no one had pasted me.
I walked back home, still no luck. I walked back outside then it hit me; the feeling that someone had struck he down, but no one was there and I was still standing.
I ran down the road with the thought of my only family member dead.
Then I stopped, like my body said she was close by, but all I saw was darkness. I heard footsteps and turned toward them. I was standing in front of an alley. I then saw someone on the ground. I somehow knew it was my mother, without seeing her face.
I saw something move and whatever it was it was covered in blood. I started to run, but it pulled me into the alley. It pushed up against the wall of the alley and stared at me.
Whatever it was it had long black hair and blood red eyes. And the thing that stood out the most was the things gleaming white in the moon light, its fangs. They were covered in my mother’s blood.
The thought hit me again; my mother was gone. This caused a tear to roll down my cheek and I took my eyes off of the creator in front of me and looked at my mother. Dead, gone, I could do nothing for her, but stay strong.
Strange, but I was not scared when I thought of this thing killing me in a way I was happy, I would not have to bare the pain of living alone
I smiled at him and did something no sane person would do; I lifted my hand to his face. He stood still not moving an inch, he just watched me. I was fascinated by his fangs. I moved my hand to his mouth, yet he still did not move. He growled at me, but I proceeded. I touched his fangs and traced them one by one. When I was done I put my hand down and looked back up at him.
He looked confused. He dropped me, but I did not move. He looked down at me and he looked more human for some reason; his fangs had disappeared.
“What the hell is the problem with you?” he asked looking me over.