Bite Me

Chapter 11

“What happened to him?” he asked.
“We were walking home; it was a warm summer night. My mom was staying with her mom’s place that week, so it was just me and my dad. It was dark out that night but we didn’t care, we were having the time of our lives. We thought nothing could bring us down that night, but we were so wrong. A gang came out of an alley and killed my father. They took his wallet and turn to me.” I stopped and smiled. “The funny thing was that we were walking home from my fighting classes. They came at me and they were just about dead when I had crawled over to my father. Of course I did not make it out without getting hurt. One of them cut me; twenty on the inside and twenty one the outside. Life ever since has been hard.” When I had finished I notice that he was starting at me.
“How old were you at the time?” he asked.
“Twelve.” I said.
“And you took on how many guys?” he asked.
“Three.” I smiled seeing what he was talking about. “Yes I know unbelievable.”
The drier went off and I turned quickly around to hide my tears. I took the cloths out and started to fold them.
“Are you alright?” Austin asked from behind me.
“Yeah I’m fine. It’s nothing really.” I said continuing to fold cloths.
There was a long silence while I finished to laundry and put them in a bag.
“Rose?” Austin called from behind me.
I said nothing.
He twirled me around and looked me in the eye. I tried to look away, but my eyes locked to his and did not move.
“I’ll tell you later.” I mumbled.
“Fine.” he said leaving.
Why does have to do this to me? Acts one way than another so damn confusing.
“Uuuuuuuuuuugh!” I groaned, “Why does he have this way?”
“You like him don’t you.” I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.
“Jacob!” I screamed; running out to hug him.
“And no I don’t.” I said angrily.
Jacob was the greatest guy I have ever met. I would be with him, but he’s gay. Like people say the best men are taken or gay, but I love him never the less.
“Right, come on rose, I know you too well.” Jake said.
“Really, I’m telling the true.” I insisted.
Did I love Austin? And if I did what would I do? What if he finds out? What would I do then?
“You’re lying.” he smiled.
“But can’t… he is my guardian… I can’t…”I said softly.
“How old is he?” Jake asked.
“Twenty… why?” I mumbled.
“See he is only four years older than you.” he pointed out.
“Jake.” I groaned.
“Rose, don’t Jake me. And your birthday is only two months away so really he is only three years older than you.” he smiled.
There’s no arguing with him. The drier went off and started to fold cloths. When I was done Jake walked me home. We talked the whole way there. I tried the door and it was locked.