Bite Me

Chapter 2

He stepped away from me and said, “You stood there and saw that I killed a woman. You run, but I stop you. Then you do that. Answer me, what is your problem?”
I stood up and walked over to the body to see if she was my mother. I kneeled down to see her face. The tear broke free and I snapped.
I stood up in rage, “She was my mother you good for nothing vampire! You think I will care for my life without her? I was waiting for you to kill me as well or do you want me to suffer like this?”
I stood there staring into his eyes. I calmed down after a minute (well as calm as you can get around a vampire that killed your mother.)
I turned to my mom again and said to the empty night, “But that is not what she would want me to do. Good bye mom.”
He stood there without a word as I walked past him. Then he grabbed my wrist.
“What? Would you like to come with me?” I asked not looking back.
“Where are you going?” he asked from behind me not letting go of my wrist.
“Home, I have a bad rep with the popo. If they find me here they would think I had something to do with her death. My mom would want me to walk away from this.” I said looking at my wrist.
“Fine,” he said letting go of my wrist.
I walked home and unlocked the door and left it open not knowing if he was behind me and not caring. The door shut so he must have followed me.
I walked into the kitchen for a drink. I cleaned out a glass and poured myself a glass of water.
I turned around, but he was not there. I walked into the front room and he was sitting on the couch. For a vampire he was strange: he attacked me, but did not kill me and he was wearing a cross necklace around his neck.
“What?” he said.
“Do you own a shirt?” I asked him as I sipped my water.
“No,” he said not caring.
I walked into my mother’s room and found one of my dad’s old shirts.
I sighed at the thought of my dad, well dad I hope you and mom are happy together.
I walked back out into the front room and through the shirt at him, “Put this on. No guy is allowed to walk around my place half naked.”
“Why should I?” he demanded.
“Whatever don’t I don’t care. I have to call the popo about my mom not coming home.” I said grabbing the phone.
“You know what happened to her. So why do that?” he asked while putting on the shirt.
“Cause if I don’t, what am I going to tell them? That I watched a vampire kill me mother? They would think I’m crazy.” I said.
I dialed the number and someone picked up on the other end.
“Hello,” the voice said.
“Hello, my mom never came home from work and she said that she would be home at ten.” I said.
“Alright what is your name?” she asked.
“Rose Walless. Listen my mom would have called if she had to work late. I think she is in danger.” I said with tears in my eyes.
I gave her my address and the I hung up.