Bite Me

Chapter 3

I heard a knock at the door twenty minutes later. He had disappeared into my room to hide from the popo. I opened the door and let them in.
“Sorry, about the mess.” I said as if I care.
They sat down on the couch and I stood.
“Why don’t you sit?” One of them asked.
“No, I can’t sit at a time like this. I sit, I cry. It’s as simple as that.” I told them.
“Alright then, when was the last time you saw her?” The other asked.
I thought about it then said, “She left at about four p.m. and said she would be back at ten.”
He nodded and took notes down.
“Do you have a picture of her?” he asked.
“Yea I’ll be right back.” I said as I ran to my room.
I opened my door and saw him sitting on my bed so I shut the door. I grabbed my wallet and pulled out my only picture of my mom and dad together. It was the most resent picture I had of her.
I walked back out into the front room making sure I shut my door.
“Can I have the picture back when you are done? It’s the only picture I have of my mom and dad together before my dad died.” I said as I handed him the picture.
He nodded and said, “Yeah that should not be a problem.”
“Do you know anything else? Anyone that might want to kill your mother?” He asked.
“No, I don’t know anything other than what I have told you.” I said looking around.
“Is there a problem?” he asked.
“Mh? Oh sorry, I have not slept for a day, so I’m sorry that I’m not all here. May be I could call you if something comes to mind?”
“Yeah that would be good, here is my card. Call me if you need to.” he said handing me a card.
I went to grab it, but it was gone before I could.
“Rose you should sleep. You were up all night waiting for your mother. Take a shower and rest. I’ll explain everything to the police.” A voice said from behind me.
I nodded as if I care what he said. I walked into the bathroom and took a long shower. The popo was still there when I got out so I went to my room and looked my door. It least I am safe while the popo are still here. I fell straight into a deep dreamless sleep.
I felt the presents of another person in my room and I awoke.
“Silly to think that a locked door could keep me out.” He said playing with something in his hands.
“When did they leave? What did you tell them?” I asked.
“They left about ten minutes ago. It took me that time to get in here. Sad… they believed me when I said that I was a friend of your mother’s from out of town. Oh and they asked if I would be your legal guardian and I said yes.” He said with an evil smile.
“What?!” that woke me up!