Bite Me

Chapter 4

“What did you just say? You kill my mother then you become my legal guardian. And you think that I have a problem.” I said frustrated.
“Oh just great not only is my mother dead, my only family member. Now my legal guardian is a vampire. Not just any vampire, a crazy vampire that can’t make his mind to kill me or not.” I mumbled to myself.
I sat in frustration as he laughed.
That is it, I thought to myself. I grabbed my pillow and hit him in the head with it.
I smiled and said to myself, “I feel a little better now.”
I got up and turned on the light. I looked at the clock, it was four p.m.
“Give me the door knob.” I said with my hand out.
“Why? I can fix it." he said.
"I can see that you can't take it off." I said looking at my poor door.
I pointed at the door and said, “You do know that you have to fix it or pay for it, right?”
Then I heard a knock at the door, “Popo?”
“No, girls and a boy.” He said while fixing the door.
“Oh, if that’s all. I have a good idea on who it is.” I said walking out of my room.
I walked over and unlocked the doors. I opened it and there stood my only friends Miranda, Kate, and Jacob.
“Hey guys.” I said happy to see them.
“We heard what happened to your mom, that she is missing…where sorry Rose.” Jacob said.
He has always been straight forward with me.
Miranda elbowed him in the side. Most likely for bring up my mom.
“It’s okay guys, really. You want to know why? Cause I have the best three friends a girl could asked for.” I said hugging them.
“And what am I?” he asked from behind me.
“You…you are nothing to me, but a man that I wish never met!” I shouted throwing something at him.
He caught the object and laid it down on the table. He smiled and left the room.
“And who is that?” Kate asked.
I laughed and rolled my eyes. Kate is the same old Kate.
“Kate don’t look at what you can’t have. He’s my guardian.” I said shutting the door.
“Why, is he yours? You can’t deny; he is good looking.” Miranda said.
“Miranda, if you only knew the half of it and no.” I said.
“And you in there, yes you in the kitchen. Don’t get any ideas from my friends. And don’t give him any.” I said to all of them.
“Rose come here.” he said from the kitchen.
Great Rose now you did it. Ya pissed him off. Way to go.
“What?” I said coldly.
He dragged me in to the kitchen so no one could us.
“Don’t threaten me little girl.” he said baring fangs.
“You know your fangs don’t scare me.” I smiled at the truth.
He smiled at me then kissed me. The taste of blood ran through my mouth. Then he pulled back.
I stood there, for the first time scared. Then I heard a slap and felt a sharp pain in my hand.
“Did I just…” I said not thinking.
“Yes, you did.” he said.
I turned around in a daze and said, “Listen, I don’t care what happens to me, but just leave my friends alone. They are the only thing I have left in this life.”
I walked out of the kitchen to see my friends laughing. I walked over and joined in. The time flew, by the time we knew it, it was 9 p.m.
“Rose, we’re going to head home.” Miranda said gathering the guys.
“Okay, I’m glad you guys came over.” I said wishing they did not have to leave.
“Bye, Rose.” they called out the door.
“Bye guys.” I called after them.