Bite Me

Chapter 6

I walked to my room and set my bowl on my bed. I grabbed my book bag and rummaged through it until I found my English folder.
The report had to be on something about my life I knew what I was going to write it on so it took about three hours to write.
It was three in the morning when I had finally finished. I put the papers in my folder, then into my book bag.
I could hear him in the hallway. He has been sitting out there for an hour now.
What is his problem? I’m the one that has watch both of my parents die.
I through my book bag across the room and plopped back down on my bed. I heard him start moving again, then sit in front of my door once again.
“Uuuuuugh! What is your problem? If I’m stuck with you then tell me what the fuck is wrong.” I called through the door.
I heard nothing from him so I said, “Alright, don’t talk to me, whatever.”
Alright something like that would normally piss him off. What was his name? Oh right.
“Austin?” I called scared.
The door opened to show me him sitting in the hallway bare fanged. Why? I would not know.
“What the…” was all that would come out.
His face turned back to normal and he said, “I was waiting for you to go to sleep.”
“Why? So you could scare the hell out of me like you did last time.” I said.
“No, so I could leave.” he said still in the hallway.
“What does that have to do with me? What do you think, I’ll run away?” I asked jokingly.
He nodded and stood up.
“You did it once you could do it again.” He said angrily.
“I was on a walk. That is all. I’m not going to run from my home!” I shouted.
“Really now? Would you run if I said I would kill you? Would you run then?” he said walking over to me.
“No, not even then. What is with you? Did I asking you name piss you off that bad? If so tell me.” I said standing up.
“Sit down and no it didn’t. You would not understand.” He said sitting down in the door way.
I sat down and said, “Really? Try me.”
“A human would never understand.” he said with his face in his hands.
“Fine then.” I said kind of upset.
Then his head shot up as if something scared him. But there was no one other than me around and I did not hear anything.
“What?” I asked.
“Someone found the body and she screamed.” he said.
“Oh……so they will be here later today.” I said.
He nodded and said, “I’m going to leave. Stay here and nothing funny; like looking me out.”
“I was not even thinking about it.” I said.
Then he left the room.
“Austin,” I called grabbing my key chain.
He walked back in and I through my key at him.
“What is this to?” he asked.
“The apartment, what else? Try it if you like, but lock up before you go. I don’t need to be robbed of what little I have.” I said grabbing cloths for a shower.
He left again, and then I heard a door shut and lock. I walked out and went to the bathroom. I took a long hot shower and got dressed.
He was still not back when I got out, so I went to my room. I set my alarm for nine in the morning, even though it was four in the morning. I turned off my light and so he would not flip I shut my door, but left it unlocked. I crawled happily into bed and fell into a deep sleep.