Bite Me

Chapter 7

I awoke in the dark and saw a pair of glowing red eyes.
“Austin is that you?” I asked sitting up.
The eyes disappeared and were replaced by my mother.
She looked around worried, then said, “Rose, leave home it’s not safe.”
Then she disappeared and Austin was standing over me. His blood red eyes were staring into mine. I could not take my eyes off of him until my mom appeared behind him.
“Run!” she shouted and again disappeared.
I did not move. This is too weird. What is it with everyone appearing and disappearing?
Then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out.
My eyes shot open and I sat up. I looked at the alarm. Then I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked over, it was Austin.
“Do you know that you wake up within thirty seconds of me being in your room?” he said leaning in the door way.
“Yea that is normal.” I said standing up.
“Get dressed we have to go down to the station.” he said shutting the door.
“Wait, why?” I asked.
“Because they called at 8:30 and asked for use to come in when you wake up.” He said shutting the door before I could respond.
I walked over to the door and locked it. Then I walked over to my closest and opened the doors. I searched through my cloths and decide that I would do laundry when I got home. I found a pair of jeans and put them on. Then found a black tank and a black shirt that said, ‘Don’t Fuck With Me Or I’ll Fuck You Up’ in big red letters. Then I pulled on a pair of high heels; too lazy to find my other sneaker. Then I pulled a brush through my long hair.
I took a looked at myself in the mirror and decide that I could care less about what the fuck I look like.
I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen to make some toast for the road. When the toast was done I headed for the door; he was standing there waiting.
We walked over to the station and the whole way I stared at him, wonder if all the myths were false.
“Myth.” he said talking about the sun.
I nodded and said, “Crosses too.” pointing out his necklace.
He nodded as we turned into the station.
“Miss Walless come this way.” someone said.
“Call me Rose.” I said.
“And Mr. …Uhm… What was it again.” another man asked.
“Austin, just, Austin.” he said.
“Well, come with me.” the other man said.
We split up into two different rooms.
“Rose…we found a body and we believe it is your mother.” he said after we sat down.
Even though I knew what he was going to say, it still broke my heart. A few tears escaped, but nothing more.
“We need you to verify that it is your mother. Can you do that?” he asked.
“Of course. Do you have any clues on the son of a bitch that killed her?” I said with anger in my voice.
“No, come with me.” he said getting up.”
I followed him around the building. In a room I saw Austin getting questioned. He looked up at the glass like he could see me. He then made a face of sadness that I have never seen before. Why did he make that face?
I continued on following the guy until we went into a room. I stopped inside the door to compose myself before I broke down in tears.
He uncovered the body and sure enough it was her.
I nodded and said, “Yeah, it’s her.”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“God damn it! I know what my mother looks like!” I shouted in tears.
He took me back down to the same room to talk to me again.
“Your mother was number fifteen. We have had fourteen other families like this. We got lucky that Austin took you in or you would have gone to an orphanage.” he said.