Bite Me

Chapter 8

“There are others” I asked sadly.
“Yea, but I can’t speak of it with you.” he said.
There was a knock at the door. He got up and spoke with the person on the other side of the door.
“Rose I have to talk to another family. Austin is waiting at the front doors.” he said.
I nodded and went to the front doors. Like he said he was there. The face he made came back into my mind, but I forced it out.
I walked over to him and he had his eyes shut. They shot open when I was a few feet away. I turned and left, he followed quietly behind me.
“What did you tell them?” he asked.
“Nothing, nothing at all. But I got lovely news fourteen others that they have found.” I said out of anger.
The walk back home was quick and silent. We walked into the apartment in silence. I looked at what I had through at him a few days back; it was a picture of me, my mom, and my dad.
“I hate this.” I said with tears in my eyes. “Why did this have to happen?”
Austin did nothing, he just stood there.
“Why?” I asked after a long silence. “Why did you kill her? Why her of all people?”
“You would not understand…”
“Your human! I get that!” I cut him off.
“I hate that about you! You can’t trust someone enough to tell them one little thing about you!” I shouted.
He then pinned me against the wall. I looked away from him, not able to look him in the eye.
“Look at me!” he demanded.
“No,” I said under my breath.
Will he kill me? I asked myself. Will I be number sixteen?
“God damn it Rose look at me! Do you think I like what I am?! Do you think I want to kill?!” he said with his grip on my shoulders growing tighter with every word.
I said nothing, did nothing.
I could feel his breath on my neck.
“You know I could kill you. I could do it now.” His mouth came closer to my neck.
He threw me to the ground and said, “But I can’t. Something in me won’t let me kill you.”
He picked me up and pushed me up against the wall again. The fear ran through my eyes.
“What did I tell you, humans can’t understand what I’m going through.” he said as he walked away.
I slide down the wall seeing how we were the same, just wanting to be understood. Just wishing for that one person to try to understand them.
“No, I don’t understand.” I said to him.” “But I can try to understand.”
I was shaking from fear.
He turned around laughed, “How can you if you can’t even look at me without fearing me?”
“Because what I physically show you may be the one thing I don’t want you to see, but emotionally I want to understand…I have been running from the fact that I’m stuck with you. I…” I could not think of what to say, my mind went black.
“You what?” he asked stepping closer.
Every cell in my body was telling me to run, but I stayed.
‘Run’ I heard a voice called from inside my head.
‘No, I will stay. I can’t run anymore.’ I told the voice.
I had stopped shaking, but I had not moved.
“You are the first, the only.” he said sitting down in front of me.
“The first what? The only what?” I asked.
“The first and the only person to want to try to understand. Why though?” he asked.
“Well if we are stuck together then why not understand one another. And you seemed like you needed someone to talk to.” I said looking away not able to look him in the eye again.
He nodded and asked, “Why are you looking away from me?”
I put my face in my hands to hide my smile. I ‘m not very good at telling people things and thinks is no exception.
I sighed and said, “Because a thought came to mind.”
“About what?” he asked.
I said nothing and keep my face in my hands.
“Fine, you have a choose; tell me what it was about or show me you face.” He said with a smile in his voice.
I was not going to tell him that I was thinking of the fact that I was not stuck living with a guy that was a vampire. The vampire part scared me, but not as much as the guy part.
I took my hands away from my face and looked up. My face was flushed and I could feel it.
“Are you…?” his sentence trailed off.
He reached up to touch my face and I pulled away.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” I said.
He again reached for my face and again I pulled away.
“Would you just…” he said reaching again for my face.
I did not pull away this time. His finger traced my jaw bone down to my lips and my blush deepened. His finger was cold as ice to my face and it strangely felt good.
“Why do you act so strong, when really are not?” he asked.
“I have to, for my mother and my friends.” I said softly.
“Why do you act this way around me?” he asked.
“Why can’t you kill me?” I asked.
He said nothing.
“Something inside you won’t let you right? Well something inside me, tells me that I can somehow trust you.” I said getting up.
“Where are you…?” my stomach cut him off.
I started to laugh, “The kitchen.”