Bite Me

Chapter 9

I looked through the kitchen, nothing. My stomach growled again.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m looking.” I said to it.
He stood in the kitchen door way with a smile on his face.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing.” he laughed.
“Okay, no food and I need to do laundry. It is noon, so it looks like I’m going out.” I said to myself.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“First, to my room.” I said walking past him.
I grabbed some bags and started to throw cloths into them. I tied up the bags, then got up and reach under my bed and pulled out my box of savings. I pulled out some change and a twenty, and then put the box back.
I looked up and saw Austin standing by the door, so I threw him a bag of cloths.
“Do you have a thing about throwing things at me?” he asked.
“Yes I do.” I said picking up the other bag.
“Why?” he asked.
I stopped and said, “Well I know you will catch anything I throw and it’s just fun to do.”
“Do you have the keys?” I asked.
“Yeah, I do.” he said rolling his eyes.
“Well then that’s all we need. Lock the door behind you.” I said as we walked out.
The walk to the laundry mat was silent. I listened to the talk of other people. Gossip was spilled about the death of my mother and how I was living with a young single man. I got stares and angry glances. No one spoke with me; I hung my head not making any eye contact.
“You okay?” Austin asked once we were inside.
I looked around for a free washer and spotted one. I threw a bag of cloths into the washer and started it up.
“Rose?” Austin said.
“I’m going to find some place to eat.” I said walking away so he could not see the tears.
I wiped the tears from my eyes when I got outside. Why was I being so emotional? Normally I could hold everything in. Why is it when I am with him I feel some damn safe?
I walked over to McDonald’s with that thought gnawing at my brain. When I got there, there was no line. I walked over and ordered.
She came back with the order and asked, “What’s up with all the food?”
“I have to feed a man too.” I lied.
I did not know if he could eat human food, so I bought extra. If not it could be my breakfast.
I walked back over to the laundry mat to see that Austin had put the other bag into a washer.
“How?” I asked putting the food down.
“I’m a guy not stupid.” he smiled.
I said nothing just stared at him. He reminded me of my father in looks and personality. If he would tie his hair back and was not so skinny he would be a clone of my father, just taller. No man in my family would do laundry, but my father. He was quiet and scary, yet still sweet and fun. Just like Austin, but I don’t know if Austin is sweet or fun.
I came back to the real world when someone shoved me into Austin.
“Rose you okay? What is your problem?” he growled at the person the shoved me.
I turned around to see who pushed me.
“We don’t have a problem, but she does. Drops her dead mother for a man.” The blonde said.
Austin started to growl, “Austin stop. What do you know? I have my reasons for what I do so fuck off.”