Status: Completed.

Pink Is the New Black

Synfully Beautiful

Six months, three days, four hours and seventeen minutes. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve last seen Jason and Brian. Hell, they were the only ones not allowed at the house when I was home, and Johnny knew that from the day he got home and said everyone was outside. I told him that Brian and Jason could shove it, but everyone else was welcome for dinner.

Four months and two days. That’s how long I’d been in a relationship with Bryson and I couldn’t be happier. He’s not anything like Brian or Jason, and that makes me happy, not to mention that he works as a trainer, teaching special needs children how to properly exorcise and stretch. He also volunteers his time to help train them for the Special Olympics every year.

“Babe, are you ready yet?”

I look up from my computer, where I’m skyping with Johnny, to see Bryson walking into the room, pulling a shirt over his head before walking behind me, leaning down to wave hi to Johnny.

“Hey Brys, what’s going on,” Johnny greets him with a sigh.

“Not much, but I am stealing your sister. We’ve got a date with some realtor’s today,” Bryson tells him.

I bite my lip and wait for Johnny’s reaction; I had yet to tell Johnny that Bryson and I were looking at apartments because I was planning on moving out of our house, before he got home.

“What for,” Johnny asks, looking directly at me.

“Johnny, I’m moving in with Brys,” I tell him, “I know I should have told you sooner, but I didn’t want you to get mad at me.”

“I’m not mad at you, well I am because you decided to tell me now, but I’m not mad that you’re moving out. It’ll be good for you.”

I breathe a sigh of relief before smiling at him, “alright Johnny, I’ll see you later then. When are you guys coming home?”

“We’ll be home this weekend, I’ll see you later.”

I close my laptop and stand up, wrapping my arms around Bryson’s waist and squeezing him in a tight hug, “I’m so glad we met Brys, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Blaise, sit down for a second,” he tells me, gently pulling away from me.

I slowly walk over to the bed, sitting down on the edge and looking up at him with my heart pounding in my ears, “Bry, did I do something wrong,” I ask him quietly, nervously.

“No, it’s not like that,” he tells me, a smile on his face as he sits on the bed next to me. He takes my hand in his and looks at me, directly in the eyes, making my blood rush faster,

“Blaise, we’ve been together for four months, and they’ve been amazing; I’ve never cared so much for a girl before…”

Oh dear fucking Christ he’s going to fucking propose. Is he insane?! I can’t marry him. It’s been four months. Breathe. Listen to him and breathe.

“… and I think it’s time for me to tell you how I really feel,” he states, pulling a box out of his pocket. My heart leaps into my throat and my stomach twists as opens the box, revealing a gorgeous white gold ring with little diamonds in the band.

“Brys…” I trail off as he takes my hand in his, my throat constricting and my eyes watering.

“Blaise, I’m not asking you to marry me, but I want to promise you that my heart will forever be yours, and when we’re ready, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage, but for now, I just want you to know that I love you,” he tells me as he slips the ring on my finger.

What the fuck do I say to that?!

“Brys, holy shit,” I mumble, laughing a little bit through my tears, “it’s beautiful,” I tell him; Synfully beautiful. Your heart will never belong to him. Face it. You love Synyster Gates. I shake my head clear of those thoughts and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

“Let’s get going baby,” he whispers into my hair, while pulling away.

I nod my head, not trusting myself to speak as we leave my bedroom. I couldn’t think of anything to say as we left the house, and saw a few people standing around the gate, which was usual when the guys were getting ready to come home, but this time, one of the women, noticed my hand, the hand I completely forgot to shove into my pocket, the hand with the ring on it.

“Blaise! Blaise Seward! Are you engaged?”

I felt my face heat up as Bryson laughed, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his body as he lead me to his Escalade, opening the door for me and letting me get in before he shuts it behind me, and quickly getting into the driver’s seat.

“Blaise, you’re not mad are you,” he asks me softly, seeing my face in my hands.

“No, but holy shit, if Johnny finds out about this before he gets home, he’ll kill me,” I mutter, chuckling into my hands.

“Don’t worry about it babe, you didn’t get engaged without telling him, so he can’t be that mad.”

Boy, was he ever wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is short, but I want the guys coming home to be a completely different chapter.

And don't hate me haha. Bryson's a good guy xD