Hatred, Adoption and... Love?


[Two years later]

“Jayne!” We yelled as we walked out into the hot sunshine at the airport in Brazil dragging our cases behind us. She jumped and stood up from leaning against the hood of the car.

“Hi girls!” She opened her arms and the four of us hugged her tight. Ever since The Wanted performed the Capital summertime ball, Jayne Collins had been their manager, and they’d brought on other guys as members of their crew and security, and we became close with them all on their first tour. Of course, The Wanted just became bigger and better since graduating high school, but we stayed at home to get on with our courses at University and college. We went on tours with them during the summer, and went to shows whenever we could every other time, but now seeing as we’d just graduated from our second year, we could see them more often for summer.

We got in the car and Jayne drove us to the Hotel they were staying in whilst over here – they were in Brazil supporting Justin Bieber. This trip was being filmed for a documentary that would be shown back home, and we were slightly dreading it because Jayne was telling us how they just filmed everything, but we'd been in flips with them on their YouTube before, so we weren't so bothered. And of course, we didn’t complain too much about it, because they didn’t know we were coming today. They’d flown over here two days ago just after our second year graduations then flew straight out again, and we’d told them that we couldn’t make it because we’d paid to go on some sort of holiday to celebrate graduating; yes, we were evil. The plan was – now that they thought we weren’t coming – to fly in and have Jayne pick us up and take us to the Hotel where we’d quickly get dressed and head out to the venue where they'd be rehearsing – apparently the only one who knew we were coming was Jayne, so it’d be an even better surprise for everyone. Oh, and my parents knew, meaning the rest of their parents knew. We took the half an hour drive from the airport to the Hotel, which was absolutely mobbed, and then spent the next two hours getting ready before Jayne called for two cars to take us to the venue.

When we got there we had a couple of hours before the doors opened. Jayne led us through the back door to the venue. When we came into the fans line of vision some of them started screaming – which still freaked me out a little that they knew us, even here in Brazil. Jayne ushered us through the back door then through the maze of backstage where we could hear The Wanted soundchecking. She pulled out her flipcam before ushering us around to the front of the stage. She filmed us sneaking around and then kept flicking between us and The Wanted, waiting on them to notice us. When they did, Jayne flourished her hands as if to say ‘ta-da’. Their mouths dropped, and they stuttered over their lines. We laughed along with Jayne who started explaining what was happening as she continued to film them abandoning their mics and instruments to jump off the front of the stage and rush over. Jay ran to Bekah and Nathan ran to me, as Tom, Siva and Max ran over to us to hug us all closely. So many questions were flung at us all at once. I smiled when Nathan kissed me, smiling wider when I felt him smile too. "Hi," he said quietly.

"Hi," I said just as quietly back. I noticed Jayne filming us and pushed my face into his shoulder, laughing a little. He glanced behind him and laughed aloud.

"Aw," he grabbed my hands, "What are you doing here?” he asked as he rested his forehead on mine.

“Well I thought it was obvious; we’re here for the gig like everyone else,” I joked but cut him off before he could speak again, “We lied about the holiday, this was a surprise.”

“Best surprise ever,” he said quietly and hugged me before breaking apart and joining everyone else. We were all grinning like fools and it reminded me of the night of prom when we all stood together grinning like fools when we found out about the summertime ball. There’d been plenty of times between prom and now, but this was different; probably the fact that we’d just graduated again.

We all made our way backstage so that Justin Bieber could soundcheck. The film crew filmed everyone and even asked us a couple of questions after they'd introduced us. When the time finally came around for The Wanted to perform the heavens had opened up and rain was pouring on everyone, but when they went out and started to sing, no one really cared. We danced around side-stage, ignoring Jayne and the film crew filming us sometimes, and when they finished we went back to the Hotel to have a bit of a celebration.

After we'd had a few drinks we went up to the roof of the Hotel and, despite there being more than enough deckchairs up there, we all sat around the concrete floor laying over one another – drunk and talking of everything and anything that came to mind. The concert was a topic of conversation that got everyone interested, and it led to us speaking about how it used to be when the band first started out. As we spoke about it, it got me thinking about how much my life had changed. I’d hated Jay but my parents adopted him, and no matter what I said at the time, it was the best thing to ever happen to me. If it weren’t for eventually becoming Jay’s friend, I wouldn’t know the people I did now, I probably wouldn’t still be with Nathan, and I definitely wouldn’t be on a rooftop in Brazil. We were all laying pretty much the same way; we’d sprawled out and were a drunken tangle of limbs and hair as we rested on each other and watched the stars fade and the sun rise over Brazil. I really did love my life and was so grateful for it; I was constantly surrounded by good people and I hoped that would never change, and if there’s one thing I ever learned from high school, it’s that too much hatred doesn’t ever do you any good. Because you never know, the people you thought you hated could end up being the ones you couldn’t love more in the whole wide world, through weird means or not. I mean, hey, I was laying on the people I’d once hated, watching the sun rise in Brazil, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Le end. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed posting it. It actually became pretty amusing. :') So yeah, this one's now finished, but I have another one that I'll post the first chapter of tomorrow! And you can find that here >>> http://stories.mibba.com/read/446302/The-Inbetween/ <<<! I look forward to perhaps seeing you all there?

Final comments on this would be looovely! Thank you all so much for sticking with it! :)