I'll stand by your side.

A Deathgrip On Yesterday.

I hit the pause button on my laptop and removed my earphones. I could almost feel his eyes staring, burning holes into the back of my head, eagerly awaiting my review on the demo i had just listened to. I had always been the guinnea pig for demo cd's, not that i minded of course, It means i get to listen to Atreyu's newest album before it's even released.
I brushed the bangs from my eyes and tucked them behind my ear. He groaned and began to drum his fingers along the table top, growing impatient.

"Do you mind? That's really not helping my concentration.."

"Well hurry the fuck up! I'm dying over here!"

He frowned and pulled his arms tightly around his torso, before sticking out his tongue. I roll my eyes at him and leant back into my chair drumming my fingers together, doctor evil style.

"Mr Saller.. I have some news regarding your latest demo album.."


"As you know Mr Saller. I am not one to be easily pleased-"

"Amber, honey you're killing me!"

I couldn't help but giggle, i knew i was being mean but i couldn't help it, I loved how impatient he was. He stared, his eyes wide and questioning.

"Dude. It was freaking awesome!"

"Yes! What?! Really?!"

"Yes!" I giggled as i jumped up from my seat. "Oh and Track four, I think that's going to be my new favourite song."

Brandon leapt from his seat, pulled me into his arms and swung me around the kitchen whilst laughing like a total maniac.

"This is gonna be shu-wheeeet! I knew you wouldn't let me down Amber!"


I couldn't wait. "A Deathgrip on Yesterday" Is due to be released any day now and Brandon was sure to throw a free copy my way, including a really cool Atreyu tee to go with it. Man, i loved having a famous drummer for a friend. Haha..

I was laying on the couch, flicking through the music channels when i heard the front door open. It was my dad, followed by Brandon and a few other guys who i'm guessing are from his work place. My dad works for a company called KAST, they shoot music videos for bands, my dad's one of the leading directors. He's met loads of pretty cool bands, Including the rest of Atreyu.

"Hey hon, how was school?" He called from the kitchen.

"It was okay, I had gym today which kinda sucked. Oh and i handed in my history essay. Mr Adam's is sure i'll get an A this year." I yawned and continued to flick through the channels. "You guys need the lounge? I 'm gonna go to my room, there's nothing on tv"

"No thanks sweetie, we'll be gone again soon. I just came back to pick up some paperwork for Brandon. Shooting them a brand new video next week."

"Ah, sweet."

Brandon trudged back into the room and heaved himself onto the couch next to me. He stared up at me with his puppy dog eyes, and pulled his lips into an adorable pout.

"Amber i'm sleepy." He whined. "You're dad's making go back out there to do more paperwork.-"

"Hey!" Dad shouted "You want your video recording or what?"

Brandon grumbled and snatched the remote out of my hand. I glared at him.

"Stop switching channels, your making my fucking head spin."

"Whatever i'm going to bed. Night guys! Night dad!"

I closed my bedroom door behind me and smiled to myself. I loved my room. I loved my posters and my dark blue walls. I loved my huge comfy bed and my closet, but most of all the view from my window. New Jersey. Not the safest place in the world but i grew up here my mother had lived here all her life, it made me miss her sometimes.

I changed into my bed clothes, a white baseball tee and a pair of blue shorts. I pulled my long black hair from the ponytail, i quickly ran a brush through my hair and turned of my bedroon light. I heard the door slam, dad must have left with the guys again. I wasn't bothered about my dad being out of the house most of the time, it gave me time to be with myself. Or whatever. I jumped into bed and crawled under the covers, as soon as i got comfortable i felt myself drinting away.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter.
I do already have this planned out, but i would like to see if it'd be worth carrying on. Comment! Give me feedback! Let me know if there's anything i can to to hopefully make this story alot better :)