The Truth Will Out

Chapter Eleven.

The following day Katerina walked into Remus' classroom to find that he was no where in sight. She almost ran through the room to get to his office at the top of the stairs at the back.
Once she burst through the door it became obvious why he hadn't been to see her since the previous day.
He sat slumped over reading a large, dusty book.
"Remus, you look awful!" She sighed as she ran to hug him.
"I've looked worse Rini, you know that." He smiled back sadly.
She had completely forgotten that there had been a full moon the night before.
"I'm sorry I wasn't with you Moony, but after everyone heard that Sirius had been in the castle Dumbledore made me stay in my room." She said apologetically and he just smiled.
"You don't have to apologize Bootsy, I've managed on my own for quite some time now." He reassured her.
"I promise, the next full moon, I'll be here." She said seriously as she put her hand in his shoulder. He nodded in agreement and she sat down on the opposite side of the desk.
"I don't suppose you could do me a favor? You couldn't take my class today could you? I'm feeling a little run down." He asked.
"I would, but I have classes all day. The only free that I have is at 11 O'clock and you don't have a class then. Why don't you ask Severus? He hasn't got any lessons today." She suggested as she got up to leave, realizing she had a class in 10 minutes.
He agreed that he would ask Snape.

After her first class of the day she remembered that she had promised to go and see Hagrid. His Hippogriff, Buckbeak, had been on trial in front of the Ministry of Magic for attacking Lucius Malfoy's son, Draco.
It was completely absurd in Katerina's opinion, Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, he would never hurt anyone on purpose. Malfoy had offended him, the worst possible thing you could ever do to a Hippogriff.

She walked down to his hut but found no sign of him there, then she saw a note he had scribbled for her left on the table.
I'm down by the Black Lake.
I'll tell you all about the trial when you get here,

She made her way down to the edge of the Black Lake and found Hagrid paddling in the shallow water near the shore.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were already there.
"Hagrid, what happened?"
He explained tearfully that the trial hadn't gone well. Not well at all in fact.
Buckbeak had been sentenced to death.
Katerina promised that she would be there when it happened, she didn't want Hagrid to be alone when they executed his beloved Hippogriff.
It broke her heart to see him so upset, but she knew how he felt. She too had watched some thing that she loved dearly be wrongfully accused of harming someone.
Buckbeak was just as innocent as Sirius was.

Speaking of Sirius, she half expected there to be another letter in her bedroom when she returned from Hagrid's hut to prepare for her class.
But alas, there was no sign of any letter.
She hoped it was because he was keeping himself out of trouble.
But then again, she knew Sirius Black and trouble went hand in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its not very good. It's just a filler.

I promise the next chapter will be better. I shall no doubt put it up tonight anyway.
Like I said before, if the updates are too frequent and they're bothering you, just let me know.

Thanks for reading!

Comments are appreciated as always :)

xox Kate xox