Status: First story ever. I'm terribly sorry if it is horrible.

Give in to Sin

Interrupted Introductions


It's seven in the morning on what is to be my first day attending Midway High School. I have
been through schooling already, but this is part of my assignment so I must go again. I reach for the note I noticed was placed on the nightstand.'Michael Kauhl' was written in perfect script on the front. Yes! The information! Finally! I flip the note over, in the same fancy writing it read: 'Good luck on your first day. Never lose faith. -G' I sent up a quick prayer thanking him. Kind of disappointed it wasn't my information I needed. When will I recieve that anyway? I grab my uniform and head across the hall to the bathroom to shower. It takes me five minutes then I'm out.

The foggy mirror shows a seventeen year old boy about 6'2'', black hair, icey blue eyes, very masculine jaw, braod shoulders, and a sculpted, toned body. The only thing missing were beautiful, white feather wings. For now, they are invisible do to my current circumstances.

"Michael sweetie! Come eat breakfast before you leave." My foster mother, Martha Dahns, yells up the stairs to me. I dress quickly and comb through my hair with my fingers. In less than two minutes I am down the stairs and seated at the breakfast nook. She hands me a plate with an omelete on it and silverware.

"Thank you, Mrs. Dahns. It looks delicious." I take a bite. It IS delicious. Mmm, bacon..

"Please, you may call me Martha...or Mom.. whatever you are comfortable with." she smiles at me.

Martha Dahns is a rich forty-something but the money means nothing to her. She is very
sweet and motherly towards me and has been since the day her and Mr. Dahns sighned the adoption papers. I wish I could say the same about Mr. Dahns, but he seems to think I'm here to be his personal servant...

I finish eating my omelete as Martha hums, washing the dishes from her and her husbands breakfast earlier that morning. I recognize the song. Its a lullaby I used to hear when I was younger. Memories flooded my mind. I wonder if they miss me..

Martha takes my plate and begins to wash it as I gather my jacket and keys.

"Thank you for breakfast, Martha. I have to leave for school now."

"You're welcome, dear! Do your best!" I nod goodbye and head to my 2008 Camero SS. It was a present from Martha. Its a lot, but she insisted, wanting to give her new son something he'd like. Honestly, I'm not to big on cars. My means of transportation are normally wings. The key unlocks the door, and then i turn the ignition. I clicked the schools address in the GPS (another gift) and it guides me to the empty parking lot. Must be early. I look out the passenger window and thats when I notice the packet sitting on the floor board. Hoping it would be the information for my assignment, I open it quickly and scan the paper.

Charlotte Cinthia Raynes

April 2, 1995 age 16

5'6'' 110 lbs GRN eyes BLND hair

Rob and Cindy Raynes

Sebastian Robert Raynes age 18

2925 West Allen street

Midway High School

...No picture?! How am I supposed to find this girl? My assignment has already started if she gets in trouble, I'm in trouble. Ugh. She does go here though, I'll ask around.

A few people have parked now and are walking to the building. The packet goes underneath my driver's seat, hidden from view. I get out, lock the car and head to the school. I need to get my schedule from the office. The office doors are open so I walk in and smile at the lady behind the counter.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my schedule."

she smiled flirtatiously at me, ew. "Name please"

"Michael Kauhl, K-a-u-h-l." She began typing furiously. seconds later the printer on the desk next to her comes to life and starts to print a paper. as soon as it was done she handed it to me eagerly.

"Here you are, warm out of the printer" she winks. why me... "your locker is in the hall to your left, on the right side. The number and combination are on your schedule."

"thanks" and I left without another word to that cougar. I walk down the hall to the left and scan the lockers on the right until I come up on mine. I spin the dial and enter my combo. It clicks open and I throw my jacket inside and shut it again. More students are flooding the halls. With nothing else to do I head to my first hour class, Mrs. Calihan's Midevil History. As I walk I noticed I keep getting looks from everyone. I decide its only because they don't know me.

The class room was empty when I walked in except for Mrs. Calihan. She looks at me and rolls her eyes

"You must be Mr. Kauhl"


"here's your book, please take a seat the bell will ring in a few minutes." I sit down on the far left towards the back. People are now filing in with their friends taking up seats and soon the room is almost full. The bell rings and the teacher quiets everyone. She begins lecturing on some war I already know about so I open my notebook and doodle. Halfway through one feathery wing on my paper, and in the middle of the teacher's sentence, the door opens and two girls walk in laughing.

Time froze. Wow. One of the girls took my breath away. She had on a black leather skirt, gray converse high tops, and a grey vneck tshirt and silver chain with a read crystal heart. Her hair was down to her hips, pin straight and white blonde. Her rose lips had that heart shape to them, and her eyes, oh her eyes, the brightest green. Emerald.

"Ladies nice of you to join us, please take your seats." Calihan said, rather annoyed. The girls were still laughing quietly as they took their seats. Her friend sat in at the desk to my right, but she walked right past me to the seat behind me. Her perfume, fruity, like kiwi and pineapple. My thoughts broke as I feel a tapping on my shoulder, I turn.

"Hey new kid, you gotta name?" she asked chewing her bubble gum then blowing a big bubble only to pop it.

"I-I'm M-Mich-"

"oh spit it out already" she said a little too loud. Heads turn.

"Yes, Miss Raynes, why don't you take your own advise and spit out that gum youre chomping."

"..but Mrs. Calihan its a new piece I-"

"Charlotte, NOW."

My jaw drops as she walks to the front of the class, swinging her hips like she knows guys are watching. She throws away her gum and walks back to her seat, winking at me as she passes. SHE is Charlotte Raynes?!
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Sorry it isn't that great. New at this.