Status: ...still in writing, but only will continue if requested.

One Way to Say I LOVE YOU


Life is precious. Life is short. I know I can say that hundred times and no one will actually listen, but it’s true. Please actually read my story. Then, just then, will you might actually understand.
I sit each day with a bit of sorrow from May 22, 2009, but does it hold me back? No, not anymore. I have learned a lot in the last year or so. Do I wish I could have ended it on a good note? Yes, very so, but I can’t change the past. If I could of I would have changed it a long time ago, but then I would have missed out of a major lesson. So once again please read my story.
To the Unknown Writer, I requote part of his words “…True Love never end, but saying Goodbye is another way to say I LOVE YOU.”
--Bay Newport xoxo