Status: A Work In Progress, slow updates

Saviour in a Misfit's Disguise

Chapter Thirteen

The moment I stepped into work Jake put me to work stocking shelves. A big order came in so it kept me busy for a long time. Of course since it was me and Ty working we managed to find time to pick on each other, or mostly him picking on me.

"Hey Canada. Since you're here, whose looking after your igloo?" he asked stocking shelves a few isles away.

"I left it in the care of my friend the polar bear. She and her cubs are loving it. My pet moose and beaver weren't too happy but my dog sled team liked the new company." I replied in a serious tone of voice as I stocked shelves.

“I love how there’s no pauses between your comebacks. You give it as good as you get it.” Ty said laughing at my comment.

“Oh I give it good baby.” I said seductively as I turned to wink at him playfully. He smirked at and was about to retort before he narrowed his eyes at something behind me. I turned around to see Brian standing a few paces away with a raised eyebrow. Shit, he heard and he got the wrong idea.

“Is Jake in the back?” he asked as he gestured to the back.

“Yup.” I managed to choke out feeling utterly embarrassed. This is just going to add to his dislike of me.

“Thanks.” He said nodding and heading to the back.

Once he was gone I groaned and hit my head on the CD shelf. “Tough break Love. Now he really thinks you’re no good for Zack.” Ty commented in mock sadness as he came to stand beside me and put a hand on my back.

“Ugh my god this sucks. He’s going to hate me even more than he already does. I just can’t win with this guy.” I said sadly as I stood up and continued to stock shelves.

“You shouldn’t even care what he thinks of you. He’s been nothing but an asshole to you since the moment he met you.” Ty said as he went back to the shelf he was stocking.

“Yeah but he’s one of Zack’s best friends. There all like brothers and now their fighting because of me. That’s a horrible feeling. I want to be friends with Zack but it’s really hard when his friends don’t accept me.” I said as I moved on the next section of shelves.

“You heard what Val said this morning, it’s only Brian and Gena that don’t. So now you can stop pushing Zack away and be friends and shit. If Brian doesn’t like it then tough shit. You can be friends with who you please.” Ty said as he waved his arms dramatically.

“Yeah but I still feel horrible for being the cause of the fighting.” I sighed running my hands through my wavy hair. I looked up in time to see Brian walking out of the back room. As he walked past me he nodded in acknowledgement before walking out the front door. I sighed as I looked after him.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say that was a ‘Oh my god he’s so hot’ fan girl sigh.” Ty said from beside me, surprising me.

“Huh? No it was a ‘god why can’t you like me like your friends do’ sigh. It would make things a lot easier. I mean yeah he’s hot, really hot but so what. Doesn’t mean that I like him. Anyway he’s an asshole to me so I’m not all that fond of him.” I said shrugging my shoulders at him.

“You think he’s an asshole but you also think he’s hot?” Ty asked confused.

“Yeah. Look at him. All the guys in Avenged are good looking. It really isn’t fair.” I said once again shrugging.

“Who was your favorite in the band?” he asked interestedly as we took the empty boxes to the back.

“I never had a favorite. Their all amazingly talented at what they do and all but Brian are really nice guys.” I informed putting the boxes with the rest in the back room before walking bak to the front.

“There has to be one you think is the most good looking.” Ty scoffed at my answer.

“Well Matt is tall and built with nice hazel eyes and the cutest dimples ever. His smile makes any girl melt. Johnny is cute, with a cute smile. Brian has the high cheek bones, intense brown eyes, and the overall hotness. And Zack has amazing green eyes that sparkle and full lips that look even better with his snake bites, and when he smiles you have to remember to breathe. There all hot.” I said shrugging.

“Hmmhmm. It’s ok. I understood every word you didn’t say.” He smirked over at me as he hopped up onto the counter.

“What do you mean?” I asked as I leaned on the counter beside him.

“I know which one you think is the hottest just by how you described them and which one you smiled for.” He explained.

“Oh and do tell me who I think is the hottest.” I drawled sarcastically.

“Zack, of course.” He smirked before going to help some customers that just came in. I didn’t get the chance to tell him he was wrong unfortunately as Jake had me go into the back room with him and show me how to do some paperwork as sooner or later I would need to know all this if I was to be a closing supervisor.

The rest of the day was busy as I did paperwork with Jake, cleaned the store with Ty and helped out customers. By the time it was 8 I was more than ready to go home. I went to the back and got my things and was heading towards the door when Jake stopped me.

“Hey Ellie, can you stay here for a few extra minutes? I have to run and get you keys made for everything. We’re closed now anyway so you won’t have to deal with anyone. I just need someone to stay here while I head out quick.”

“Yeah sure no problem Jake.” I replied setting my things on the front counter. “I don’t mind.” I said hopping up onto the counter and sitting cross legged.

“Thanks Ellie. I’ll be right back.” He said heading out the door, keys in hand.

I sighed and grabbed my notebook and pen from my bag. I opened it to a page with some words and plenty of scribbles. I had been trying to write this song for a long time now but I couldn’t get it right. I was chewing on the pen cap and frowning down at my page when the door chimed.

“ We're closed." I called not even looking up from my notebook.

"I know. I came to see you." a male voice spoke from in front of me. I looked up shocked to see Brian standing in front of me. He stood looking at me with a guarded expression. He was wearing dark blue jeans with faded spots and a long slaved V-neck black shirt, his hair was spiky and messy. Over all he looked good but I still didn't like being around him.

"Here to tell me to stay away from your friends again?" I asked a bit snidely as I wrote a few words down before crossing them out.

"No. Believe it or not I'm actually here to have a civil conversation with you." he replied with a small sigh.

"Sure you are." I snorted disbelievingly.

"You don't have to believe me, I don't expect you to either, but I do at least want us to be civil towards each other for the sake of Zack and the rest of my friends. I may not approve or trust you but I will be civil." Brian informed as I heard him take a few steps closer.

"Are you doing this because your friends gave you shit?" I asked narrowing my eyes up at him.

"Honestly? Yeah I am." he muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Figures." I muttered going back to my notebook.

"Look I love my friends so that's why I'm doing this. And since I know you won't stop seeing Zack we might as well act civilly to one another." he sighed his voice bordering on frustrated.

"You don't like me, you've made that very clear but I'm polite enough and care about the others enough to agree to this." I said nodding to him before looking back to my book.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he stood I front of me.

"Not to sound rude, but why do you care. We agreed to be civil not to be friends." I stated.

"Because I'm curious." he shrugged.

"I'm writing lyrics. Well at least I'm trying to but I can't get them right." I said after a small pause.

"Lyrics for what?" he asked sounding genuinely curious.

"My mom and Ethan. It's just a lot harder than I thought it would be. I have the feelings for it but I can't find the words to fit." I sighed in frustration.

"What do you mean you can't find the words to say?" he asked as he glanced at the paper before looking back up at me.

"I have the words in my head, but it’s hard to put them on the paper. It's like every time I try it doesn't sound right." I sighed capping my pen and closing my notebook before sliding them back into my bag.

"You're too close to it right now. You need to calm down and take a few steps back. Come back to it after a while. You're freaking yourself out by trying to make it perfect that it's never going to be perfect. I've seen Matt do it a million times." Brian said with a soft chuckle as he leaned against the counter beside me.

"Well I can see why he'd freak out. You guys write songs for millions of people, and this is just for my mom and Ethan." I said uncrossing my legs and letting them hang off the counter.

"It's harder to write a song for someone you really care about and love then it is for a bunch of people you will probably never meet. For us, if some fans don't like it that's ok because we and others do. But to write a song for someone you know and love, you worry that they may not like it." he reasoned.

"That’s it exactly. I worry that the songs not good enough for them." I sighed pushing my hand through my hair.

"They loved you and you love them. As long as your song says that then its perfect." he said quietly as he looked over at me.

"You know, when you're not getting mad at me and telling me to stay away from your best friend, you're a pretty nice guy." I mused kicking my legs back and forth.

"I have nothing against you as a person Elliot, so you’re not that bad yourself." he chuckled and I snorted. I hopped off the counter and put my bag over my shoulder as Jake walked into the store.

"Here are your keys Elliot. Your off tomorrow so you in the next few days. Have a good night, the both of you." Jake said ushering us out the front door. I laughed and said good bye as I made my way to my car.

"See you tomorrow Elliot. I'll be civil but not nice." he warned as he turned and walked away.

"I've come not to expect niceness from you Gates. See you tomorrow." I called after him before climbing into my car and driving off. I groaned when I realized Morgan still expected me to call and go for coffee with him. I drove to my apartment with music blasting. I was so happy when I finally got there. All I wanted to do was relax on the couch but I did say I would phone Morgan. I took the elevator to my apartment and ran to my door and unlocked it stepping and closing it behind me. I rummaged in my bag for Morgan’s number and grabbed my phone punching the number in. It rang twice before he answered.

"Hello?" I heard his voice over the phone.

"Hello Morgan? It's Elliot."

"Ah Elliot. I'm glad you called. I was beginning to think you wouldn't." he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Sorry, I had to stay at work for a bit longer then I planned." I explained sheepishly.

"It's no problem Elliot. Would you still like to go for coffee?" he asked sounding hopeful.

“Uh sure. A cup of coffee would be nice. Where would you like to meet?” I asked as I moved around my apartment. He told me a place that wasn’t too far away and agreed that we’d meet there in about 5-10 minutes. I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone before grabbing my bag and heading out my door.

“Ellie. Where you going?” Joe said coming out of her door with Sam right behind her.

“Oh hey. I was going to meet Morgan for coffee.” I said shuffling my feet. “You know, Doc.” I said raising my cast as an example of who I meant.

“Oh? What about Ty? Or Zack for that matter?” she asked looking at me confused.

“Huh? Ty and Zack are just friends, and Morgan said he was interested but I told him I wasn’t. I said I’d rather just be friends and he was ok with that.” I explained shrugging as we walked to the elevator.

“You crazy? Why would you tell him that?” Joe asked in disbelief as the three of us climbed in the elevator.

“Because I’m not looking to date Joe. I’ve told you this before plenty of times. Hey wait. I have an idea. How about you just show up at the coffee shop and stay and talk to us. I think the two of you would hit it off. And really what do you have to lose? The last guy you dated turned out to be a dick and a half and not in a good way.” I said as we rode down.

“Oh god. I can’t believe you just said that.” Joe said laughing at my dick comment. “But I could swing by with Sammy I suppose. He is a very good looking man.” Joe mused as Sam said yuck under his breath for only me to hear. I chuckled as we got out of the elevator and headed outside.

“Ok so I’ll see you there in a bit. Later.” I said ruffling Sammy’s hair as I walked past them to my car. I got in and drove to the café we said to meet at. Once I entered the building I saw Morgan sitting at a table near the back. He saw me enter and smiled at me as I walked over.

“I’m glad you came.” He said as I reached him and slid into the care across from him.

“I would have been earlier, but I had to wait around at work so my boss could give me keys.” I explained as a waitress came up to me.

“Anything I can get you?” she asked politely.

“Just a French vanilla cappuccino please.” I said give her a polite smile.

“Sure. I’ll be right back with that.” She said before walking away to make the coffee.

“How’s work?” I asked politely as I stared back at Morgan.

He chuckled and smiled lightly. “It’s good. I love what I do.”

“What made you want to be a doctor?” I asked genuinely curious, before smiling at the waitress as she placed the coffee in front of me. “Thanks.” She nodded in acknowledgement before walking off once more.

“I’m not sure really. I just grew up knowing I wanted to save lives and make a difference.” He said with a shrug as he smiled at me.

“That’s a good thing to want to do. Just out of curiosity how old are you?” I asked as I sipped my coffee.

“I’m 30.” He replied.

“Really? You don’t look it.” I said shocked to find out his age. “In all honesty you look mid to late twenties.”

“Well thanks. You’re 21 right?” he asked.

“Yeah. I turn 22 in july.”

“Hmm. So what brought you to Huntington?” he asked as he leant forward in his chair and crossed his arms on the table.

“I got into a car accident four months ago at home with my mom and fiancé. A drunk driver hit us and they died on impact. I was DOA and once I was resuscitated I was in a coma for two weeks. I didn’t remember what happened. The doctors had to tell me, and I missed out on the funerals. The family that I did have blamed me for the accident, so when I was able to leave the hospital, I packed up my car and drove till I couldn’t anymore. I ended up here and it’s been the best thing for me so far.” I explained with a bittersweet smile.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I’m sorry for your loss as well.” He said showing empathy.

“Thanks. But whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?” I asked with a small smile.

“Met anybody interesting so far?”

“Definitely. My boss’s at the dinner, John and Anna are amazing people and have kind of been acting like parents since I’ve been here. They offered me a job and a place at their apartment building for half rent till I could afford full. My friend Joe and her son, whom you met briefly, are like family already. And I’ve made some great friends.” I smiled thinking Of Ty, Zack and the rest.

“That’s great. I remember your friend Joe and her son. The pretty redhead.” He said with a smile.

“That’s her alright. She definitely noticed you as well.” I said with a teasing smile.

“Really now?” he asked with a small smirk.

“Oh yeah.” I said with a laugh before I heard the door chime and heard Sammy yell out my name.

“Ooff. Hey little man.” I said with a laugh as he threw himself at me in a fierce hug. “Hey Joe.” I smiled up at her as she stopped in front of us.

“OH hey Ellie. Sorry to interrupt your date.’ She said as she looked back and forth between me and Morgan. “Nice to see you again Dr. Reese.”

“Nice to see you again. And you’re not interrupting and nor is it a date. We are simply meeting as friends for coffee.” He said flashing her a charming smile. “Would you like to join us?”

“Sure if you don’t mind the company.” She said taking the seat between us at the four seater table. Sammy climbed into my lap and started to play with my cast.

“Not at all.” He assured as he turned towards her and engaged her in conversation. I smiled in victory knowing they would hit it off. I sat and talked with them for about 20 minutes before I decided it was time to make my leave.

“I’m gonna head off now. Call it a night. I’ll take Sammy back with me Joe so you two can stay here if you’d like.” I said standing up and holding Sammy’s little hand.

“I would like that, if that’s ok with you Joe.” Morgan said smiling hopefully at her.

“I would. Thank you Ellie.” She said flashing me a look. I smiled as she hugged Sammy goodnight. We said goodbye and walked out the door and to my car. We made the short drive home and once we were inside my apartment we collapsed on the couch.

“Does that man like my mommy?” Sam asked as he looked over at me, taking his eyes off his coloring book I kept here for him.

“He does. He thinks she’s very pretty.” I said with a small smile. “Do you like him?”

“He seems nice. Hey aunty Ellie when are we going to see Zacky again?” he asked me, his big blue eyes sparkling.

“Well actually if you would like to we can see him tomorrow. Zacky’s friends invited me you and mommy to a barbeque at their place. Would you like to go?” I asked smiling at him as his face lit up immediately.

“Yes! Oh yes please. I want to see Zacky and Johnny again. I like them a lot.” He exclaimed jumping up and down.

“They like you two little man. We’ll see them tomorrow.” I said laughing as we settled down and watched cartons till Joe came back. It was 9:30 when she walked into my apartment with a big smile on her face. She sighed happily as she sank down into the arm chair by the couch.

“I’m guessing it went well then?” I asked with a chuckle from her reaction.

“It did. Oh he’s so charming and kind. We made plans to meet again.” She informed smiling over at me. “Thank you for that Ellie.”

“You’re welcome. You deserve a good guy in your life. As does Sam.” I said sitting up on the couch.

“You do too. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before it’s either Zack or Ty.” She teased.

“Speaking of Zack, his friends wife invited the three of us to a barbeque tomorrow at 4. They all want to meet me properly and get to know me. And Johnny really wants you and Sam there. She came over and invited me before work this morning.” I explained.

“Wow. Sure we’ll go. But if Brian or Gena give you any trouble I’m not holding back.” She warned.

“Don’t worry. Brian came to work today and said he’d be civil but not nice so I guess that means he’s not gonna tell me to get lost but he’s not going to be accepting of me being there either.” I said shaking my head. “And Gena can suck it up. I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“Damn rights you’re not. But of course we’ll go. I have the day off tomorrow anyway. Oh I also talked to John and Anna and told them you have another job and they said there more than willing to work around that schedule when you’re ready to come back to work.” Joe informed standing up.

“OK that’s great. I was hoping they would be ok with it.”

“Of course they would be. They love you.” Joe said as he picked up her bag. “Come on Sammy. Clean up your stuff. It’s bed time.” Joe said reaching her hand out to Sam. He got up and put his coloring book away before coming back over to me and wrapping his little arms around my waist and burying his head in my stomach.

“Night Ellie. I love you.”

“I love you too little man.” I said smiling as I hugged him back and kissed the top of his head. He let go and walked back over to his mom.

“Ok night Ellie. See you tomorrow.” Joe said walking out my door with Sam beside her. I closed and locked the door behind her and shut off all the lights in my apartment along with the TV. I made my way into my room and stripped my clothes off and put on my VU shirt from the previous night before climbing into my bed and snuggling under my blankets. Sighing I couldn’t help but think that tomorrow would be an interesting day.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's a pretty lame chapter but it leads up to bigger and better things.
Brian is starting to show a nicer side so thats a plus.
And Morgan is not out of the picture and has only eyes for Joe.
The next chapter will have drama so it will more than make up for this chapter.
Sorry for the late update. Enjoy :)