Status: A Work In Progress, slow updates

Saviour in a Misfit's Disguise

Chapter Fifteen

"Zack!" Matt yelled from the table causing us to jump away from each other and look over at them. "Come over here." he said beckoning Zack over to where him and they rest of the guys stood including the Berry brothers.

"Let's go join the masses." he chuckled lightly, taking my hand and leading me to the table before joining the guys.

"There's more there than just friends Elliot." Joe commented as she leaned over and said it low enough for only myself to hear.

"Elliot?" I heard someone say before I could make a retort to Joe. I looked to my left to see Michelle sitting in the seat beside me. "I want to apologize to you for how I acted. I was rude and I jumped to conclusions and for that I'm really sorry." She said sincerely as she gazed at me.

"It's ok Michelle. I was never mad by what you said. You believed your husband and one of your friends and there's no fault in that. You don't owe me an apology." I said smiling at her so she knew I was telling the truth.

"Yea I do. It was rude of me to just assume even after you had said what you did. I really am sorry."

"It's fine honest. I don't blame you so you don't need to apologize but I will accept it anyway." I said with a small laugh. She smiled at me and looked relieved.

"So how are you liking Huntington?" Val asked as she sipped her drink and stared at me from across the table.

"I love it so far. I think it's great and I've met some really great people. I really enjoy it and I think it's a beautiful place." I said honestly.

"Zack told us he showed you around a bit. He said you've never seen the ocean before." Lacey said from her spot at the table.

"No I haven't. I'm just a small town Canadian girl so when Zack took me to the ocean it was amazing. He made fun of me for my excitement." I laughed remembering that day.

"Well I guess we take it for granted seeing as its right there. He said you acted just like a little kid in a candy store. He said it was adorable." Val said teasing me slightly. I blushed and smiled.

"I was, I'm not going to lie. It was a big deal for me. I still can't believe its January and I'm only wearing jeans and a light sweater outside. This is crazy. At home I'd be completely covered in multiple layers."

"You guys want a beer?" Johnny asked as he came to the table and stood behind Lacey handing her a drink.

"I'll have one please." Joe said smiling at them.

"Kay. Ellie you want one?" he asked turning to me.

"No thanks Johnny. I'm not much of a beer drinker." I said smiling and shaking my head. "You're Canadian christ. Shouldn't you love your beer?" he teased sounding shocked.

"I'm a bad Canadian. I like hard liquor better." I said shrugging.

"Hard liquor it is then. I'll be back with your drinks." he said smiling before walking away.

"He does realize I never said I wanted a drink right?" I asked everyone at the table.

"He doesn't care. He thinks everyone should drink all the time. He's a partier." Lacey said shrugging.

"Here you go Ell and Joe." he said placing a beer in front of Joe and a glass with dark liquid in front of me.

"Thanks Johnny." I said as I made a move to take a sip.

"You're not even going to ask what it is?" he asked as he put his arm around Lacey as he stood behind her.

"I trust you Christ." I said taking the sip. I smiled and set down the glass. "Jack and coke. My favorite."

"That's my girl." Johnny said laughing before walking back to the guys.

"You'll fit in just fine. I'm sure of it." Michelle commented smiling down at me.

"I hope so. I don't want to cause any more trouble or awkwardness." I said honestly.

"Nonsense. Whether you like it or not you’re a part of this family now. First Zack invited you in and the rest of us have accepted you." Michelle said as she gave me a side hug. I smiled at her and hugged her back happy that she had no problem with me being around.

"Speak for yourself." a voice huffed as they joined us at the table. Brian sat himself in the chair beside me, the one between Michelle and me and threw his arm over her shoulder his other hand holding a beer.

"Don't even start babe." Michelle scolded as she frowned at her husband as he took a sip of his beer.

"I never said anything rude. She knows I have nothing against her personally I just don't like the situation she caused." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Nice to see you to Gates." I said sarcastically as I sipped my drink.

"You going to call me Gates from now on?" he asked looking over at me and arching one eyebrow.

"Depends." I shrugged.

"On what?"

"On whether or not you'll be an ass to me from now on." I responded looking over at him full on. He just stared at me and I could see him trying to fight off a smile. Finally he gave in and smiled a full smile and let out a small chuckle.

"You know the more you open your mouth the more I like you."

"Really? You have the opposite effect on me." I dead panned.

"Sure Elliot." he laughed before ruffling my hair in an affectionate manner.

"No touching the hair Gates. How'd you like it if I did it to you?" I said making a move to touch his perfectly messy styled hair.

"Don’t even think about it sweetheart." he retorted grabbing my wrist and stopping me. "No one touches the hair."

"Exactly. No one touches the hair." I huffed before fixing my now messy hair.

"You know you two play at hating each other, but I think you two will be great friends if you let it happen. Possibly best friends." Michelle commented looking back and forth between the two of us.

"Right. Nice one babe." Brian said with a snort like laugh.

"I'll be best friends with Brian when cross dressing pigs fly and become presidents." I scoffed sipping my drink. The others looked at me like I was crazy and I just shrugged before looking at Brian to see him trying to hide his smile behind his beer bottle. I smiled but quickly became straight faced when he glanced over at me. He shook his head and chuckled lightly before standing up and ruffling my hair again. "Later sweetheart." he said before walking away from the table and back over to the guys.

"Chelle's right on this one. You two will end up being great friends." Val agreed with a shake of her head and a smile on her lips. Before I could say anything Lacey started up a conversation. All we girls sat for a while talking and drinking till the food was ready. Sammy asked Zacky to help him get his plate of food. Zack helped Sam and Sam talked his ear off about anything and everything and Zack talked back just as excitedly. He took Sam's plate in one hand and took his small hand in his larger one and led him back to the table. Zack set Sam's plate down beside Joe and kissed the top of his head before turning to look at me and grabbing my hand and pulling me up to my feet and taking me to where all the food was.

"I could have done it on my own." I laughed as he handed me a fork, plate and napkin.

"I know, I just wanted to help." he said flashing me a smile, his green eyes sparkling. I rolled my eyes but smiled at him as I grabbed some food. We went and sat back at the table with everyone and everyone was loud and talking with one another. It felt like a great big happy family atmosphere.

"Having trouble sweetheart?" Brian asked smugly as he watched me struggle to try and cut my meat with my casted hand and my left hand.

"Yes." I grumbled. "I don't get how Zack makes being a lefty look so easy."

"It's a gift really. Natural born talent." he said with a smirk at me as everyone chuckled.

"Think you could share that natural born talent with me?" I asked looking up at him and giving him puppy dog eyes.

"To damn cute for your own good." Zack grumbled with a big smile as he cut the meat for me.

"Thank you Zacky." I smiled before digging into my food. We all ate and everyone was talking amongst each other and it was a happy atmosphere but you could still tell that something was missing. Once everyone was finished eating and the food and dishes were all cleaned up everyone sat around in various groups to talk. I was sitting with all the women and McKenna when Sammy came running up to us.

“Mommy can I swim? Please oh please can I swim?” He asked laying the puppy dog eyes on thick. I snickered knowing she would cave instantly.

“I don’t have a suit so I can’t go in with you baby and Ellie has a cast so she can’t either. Plus it’s not our pool so you have to ask Val for permission.” Joe commented. Instantly Sammy turned his puppy eyes to Val who was defenseless against all that cuteness.

“Of course you can go in Sir Sam. As long as you have someone to go in with you.” Val smiled at him.

“I can go in with him. I’m a really great swimmer.” McKenna offered as she smiled at Sam.

“I’ll go in to Joe. I’ll stay in the shallow end and cover up my cast.” I said standing up and grabbing Sam’s backpack so I could change him into his trunks.

“There’s a bathroom on the first floor just of the living room. Help yourself to towels in there.” Val said motioning to the house. I grabbed Sam’s hand and headed into the house. As we got to the kitchen I saw Brian grabbing a beer out of the fridge. He turned at looked at us as he closed the fridge door and opened his beer.

“Hey sweetheart. What are you doing?” he asked taking a sip.

“Changing Sammy into his trunks so we can go in the water. Do you know where I can find a bag so I can wrap my cast?” I asked stopping in front of him.

He nodded and reached under the sink to pull out a white garbage bag. He walked towards me and took my cast in his hand and wrapped it before reaching in a junk drawer and finding packing tape. He then taped it up so no water could get in. “There you go sweetheart.” He said setting the tape down on the counter.

“Thanks Brian.” I said smiling up at him. He flashed me a smile before affectionately ruffling Sam’s hair and heading out the door. Sam tugged on my hand impatiently and I led to the bathroom. I gave him his shorts so he could change and pulled a handful of towel out of the closet. Once Sam was changed I put his clothes in his back pack and grabbed the towel and we headed back outside. We stopped at the pool area and I made him put on his arm floaties and wait for me before he could go in. He pouted a bit as McKenna was already in there swimming around. I sat his bag down on a chair and kicked my shoes off beside them before slipping out of my clothes and laying them on the chair as well. The air was cool but a lot warmer than I was used to for January. I stepped into the water and was surprised at how warm it was. I grabbed Sam and lifted him in with me. Instantly he was swimming like a little fish with McKenna as she tried to teach him the dog paddle. I chuckled and watched them as I leant against the side of the pool.

“Nice tattoos.” A voice commented behind me. I turned to find one of the Berry brothers behind me. He kicked of his shoes and pulled up his pant legs so he could sit at the edge of the pool and stick his feet in.

“Thanks. Your Jason right?” I asked not completely sure.

“Yeah. Don’t worry a lot of people get us confused at first.” He said laughing before sipping his beer. “What do your tattoos mean?”

“The hand prints are my moms and fiancés. They died for months ago so this is my way of saying their still guiding me. The birds and feathers and the quote are also for them. I also have Ethan’s D.O.B and D.O.D behind my right ear and stars on my right foot.” I explained as I moved me hair and lifted my foot so he could see.

“There really nice. Good artwork and very meaning full. Sorry you lost them.” He said quietly with a nod.

“Thanks.” I said with a small sad smile.

“Yo Bro get your ass over here!” his brother Matt called from his spot with the guys. Jason looked back at me and rolled his eyes and smiled causing me to laugh as he got up and went over to the guys.

“Sammy stay close. You can’t swim so don’t go the deep end.” I scolded as he swam that way. McKenna towed him back closer and the played catch with a ball.

“You could always swim after him and save him.” Zack’s voice commented from behind me. I turned to see him smiling down at me.

“I couldn’t actually. I can’t swim.” I said with a sheepish shrug.

“Ah, well them I’m gonna have to teach you. You can’t live in California and not know how to swim.” He said in a teasing tone as he sat beside me his feet dangling in the water. I laughed and pulled myself up so I was sitting beside him. With Zack’s help of course seeing as I couldn’t do it one handed.

“I really hate this cast.” I grumbled as my hand lay in my lap.

“It’s your own fault for thinking you could fly.” He laughed as he pushed his shoulder into mine playfully.

“ The flying part was awesome but I need to work on my landing.” I laughed.

“Yeah you really do.”

“Aunty Ellie can you get the ball?” Sammy asked as I turned to see the ball on the deep end.

“Sure little man.” I said standing up and walking around the pool to the deep end. I went on my knees and scooped the ball close before tossing it back towards Sam and McKenna. I had just stood up when I heard Gena’s voice yelling s she made her way toward me. I looked up in surprise and her eyes were glued on me and Zack who I hadn’t even noticed had followed me.

“I knew you were a slut. Out here in a bikini and trying to seduce my boyfriend. You’re nothing but a manipulative whore who should have died in that car accident with your pathetic excuse for a family!” she yelled getting right in my face.

I was completely shocked and I felt my ears fill with tears at what she said. Before I or Zack could retort. I heard a smack sound. I looked up shocked to see that Joe had smacked Gena right across the face and was glaring at the woman with such hate.

“Listen here bitch. You will not speak that way about Elliot just because you’re an insecure slut and can’t handle your boyfriend being friends with a woman who’s prettier then you. If you ever say or do anything to hurt Elliot again I will do much worse than a slap across the face.” Joe threatened in a deadly calm voice.

“Oh please. What can a trailer trash diner waitress do to me? Get your pimp to rough me up? Do you even know who the father of your son is? Should have just aborted him when you had the chance honey. You would have been much better off. Maybe then you would have been able to find a man who wouldn’t have to pay you for sex.” Gena shot back at Joe. Before joe could rip her head off I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face me before letting my left hand fly back and punch her right in the nose. She let out a scream of pain before falling on her ass and glaring up at me as she held her nose.

“Say what you want about me. I can handle your bullshit. But I will stand by and let you insult my friend and her son, who are better people then you could ever hope to be.” I glared down at her before turning to Zack.

“I’m sorry. But no insults the people I love. We’ll leave so we don’t cause any more trouble.” I said before turning and taking a few steps around Gena.

“You’re not going anywhere you bitch!” I heard Gena shriek before I fell two hands on my back and pushing me forward. I had no time to scream as I felt the water of the pool engulf me. Instantly panic set in and I thrashed and tried to get air. My lungs were filling with water and I hear splashing sound before I felt multiple arms around me and lifting me upwards. I felt us break the surface and I was pulled up on the patio of the pool. I coughed and gulped air into my lungs gratefully. I felt hands on my back as they rubbed it and I coughed out the water from my lungs. I took a few deep breaths and lifted my head to see Brian and Zack on either side of me, both soaked and dripping water.

“You ok sweetheart?” Brian asked in a worried tone as he rubbed my back with one hand and pulled my hair away from my face with the other.

“Fine.” I coughed and nodded my head. “Thank you.” I said giving him a shaky smile.

“No problem sweetheart. Come on let’s get you up.” He said as he put his arms around me and helped me to my feet. Michelle was there and handed him a towel and he wrapped it around me before putting his arms around me in a side hug and rubbing his hand up and down my covered arms to provide some warmth.

“Are you ok hunny?” Michelle asked concerned as she stood beside us.

“I’m fine. Just shaky.” I said through a couch. I looked to see everyone standing around and looking worried to shocked. Joe had a sobbing Sam in her arms and was trying to calm him down. Instantly I felt bad for all the trouble I caused.

“What the fuck were you thinking Gena! You could have fucking killed her! She can’t swim” Zacky yelled as he glared at Gena.

“You’re going to take her side in this? That fucking bitch just broke my nose!” Gena shrieked back.

“You deserved it after what you said about them! God your such a fucking bitch. Just get the fuck out of here. I can’t stand to look at you right now.” Zack yelled before turning his back on Gena and making his way over to Brian and I. Gena glared and screamed in frustration before stomping out of the yard.

“You ok Ell?” Zack asked worriedly as he stood in front of me pushing my wet hair away from my face.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry I broke your girlfriends nose.” I said not sounding all that sorry which caused Brian to chuckle.

“She deserved it. She had no right to say those things. None of its true so don’t even listen to her.” Zack said his green eyes looking at me with such concern.

“I still feel bad for all the drama I caused. It wasn’t my intention.” I said truthfully and I gave everyone an apologetic smile.

“What’s a family gathering without a little drama?” Brian Sr said causing everyone to laugh and smile in agreement. “You’re part of the Avenged Family now my dear, all three of you. Things will only get more interesting from here on out.”

“Sure you’re up for it?” Matt asked with a dazzling dimpled smile.

“I think I can hack it.” I said with a big smile on my face. Everyone laughed and gave me hugs and welcomed me to the family in a sense. I laughed and felt truly welcomed for the first time.

“Hmm I guess Michelle was right.” Brian said from his spot beside me, his arm still over my shoulder.

“About what?” I asked curiously.

“About us being best friends.” He said with a big cheeky smile on his face before pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. I just laughed and hugged him back tightly, happy that Brian had come to accept me.

“Should I be afraid?” I asked playfully pulling out of the hug to look up at him.

“Definitely.” He smirked down at me. “You’ll be my new partner in crime. You think you’re up for the challenge?”

“Of course I am Gates. Mischief is my middle name.” I said with a smirk of my own causing him to chuckle.

“Welcome to the family sweetheart.” He said chuckled placing an arm around my shoulders and kissing the top of my head. I smiled, happy that everyone had accepted me and especially happy to know that Brian and I would be great friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heres another chapter everyone. I'm not all that pleased with but I don't hate it either.
I had different plans in the beginning but whe I started to write this came out instead.
I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope it was dramatic enough.
And finally Brian and Ellie get along. I didn't plan on that either really but I'm happy with the way it turned out.
So I hope you've enjoyed it :)