Status: Under Maintenance! So stay posted! <3

Sorry, I Love Him

I'm Sorry That We Were Caught

What the hell is he doing here? Isn't he suppose to be at college right now?

And by he I mean my older brother Mason. He was standing in the middle of my doorway, just staring with eyes full of shock.

"Um, Toby, can I please see you in the kitchen for a minute?", Mason asked me, trying to avoid eye-contact with me or Jon. I don't blame him, I was practically riding Jon.

"S-sure. Jon, wait h-here. I'll b-be back.", I told Jon.

"Um, okay?", he replied, a bit confused at the situation.

"Don't worry, Jon, right? I'll send Toby back. Let me just have a word with my little brother.", Mason reassured him with a smile.

I got off of Jon and walked to the kitchen with Mason. We had one of those huge, walk-in kitchen cabinets and he held the door open for me, motioning with his hand for me to enter the cabinet. Well, that sounds strange.

Mason walked in behind me and closed the door. He then pulled the chain from the light bulb that hung loosely from the ceiling, "shedding some light", so to speak.

"Toby?", Mason started.

"Y-yes Mason?", I replied sheepishly with a blush. You have no idea how bad it feels to be "caught in the act" by your older brother. Thank God it was just Mason and not Mom or Dad. If it was, Jon would be dead and I'd probably be castrated.

"Care to explain why I found a strange man touching my baby brother, who also happened to be half-naked?", Mason asked with a raised eyebrow.

“First, Jon is not a ‘strange man.’ Second, I’m not your ‘baby brother’. And third, I was not! The only thing I wasn’t wearing was my shirt!”, I retorted, trying to be as intimidating as I could, but epically failing.

I saw a flash of anger in Mason’s eyes as he said, “He is a ‘strange man’ when I haven’t been properly introduced to your boyfriend, and as long as I’m still alive, you’ll always be my ‘baby brother.’ And you are half naked when you’re moments away from doing ‘it.’”

I sighed in defeat and blushed from the embarrassment.

“Well, when you put it that way, I see your point. Besides, he’s not my boyfriend. We barely met today and-”, I was cut off before I could finish since Mason interrupted me.

“Wait, you two barely met today?”, he asked with a face that could only be described as shock hiding boiling anger underneath the surface.

“Yeah! But, I’m the one that let him in and-”, I tried explaining to Mason.

“Look, I approve of your whole sexual orientation and I love you unconditionally, but Jon has got to leave. He cannot be here when Mom and Dad get home. So either make you make him leave or I’m going to be forced to kick his ass for laying a finger on my baby brother. Be thankful it was me that caught you ‘doing the dirty deed’, not them.”, Mason said, hinting that his anger was about to get the best of him.

Why did I tell him I barely met Jon today?

“Okay, fine, but-”, I tried talking again.

“We'll talk about this later Toby.", Mason said trying not to lose it.

"Fine, but can-"

"You have ten seconds Toby.”, he said bluntly, moments away from completely exploding.

I ran up to my room and saw Jon, still laying on my bed. Why can’t I wake up to that every morning?

“Jon, I’m sorry. But I barely know you. We’re rushing things and I’m not ready for any kind of relationship right now. Can’t we just start as friends and see where that takes us? And don’t think that I didn’t like your kissing or your touching, it was great! Oh fuck, why the hell did I say that? Um, forget I ever said that. I’m sorry, but can you please leave? My brother Mason is convinced that you were corrupting me so he’s going to come up and kick your ass if you don’t leave.”, I explained to Jon with and finished with a nervous smile.

Jon simply laughed and got up from my bed and walked over to me.

“Are you sure it was me corrupting you, because I was straight until half an hour ago, and some of the things you were doing did not make you seem so innocent.”, he teased with a grin.

“Shut up! Can you please hurry and leave? You're way too hot to be killed. Holy shit, I did it again! Shut up Toby! Stop talking Toby!”, I told myself.

“Okay, I’ll leave, but only on one condition.”, Jon told me.

“Sure, anything, just please hurry up and leave before Mason gets up here!”, I exclaimed.

“I’m not planning on giving you up so easily, I hope you know that. I do plan on winning you over, and with that being said, it’s your job to make sure that nobody else gets to touch you like I did a couple of minutes ago. Only with the exception that it's me and I get to call you my boyfriend. Got it? And one more thing before I go.”

Jon leaned down and kissed me.

When he pulled away, he said, "I'm arachnophobic. Spiders scare the crap out of me and I'm sharing this with you, because I trust you won't tell anybody. And you're pretty cute yourself.", he finished with that smile that makes my heart melt.

“Bye Toby.”, he said and just like that, he was gone.

I was in total shock.

What the fuck just happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
just lots of cutesy fluff :) don't you just luv older siblings? damn cockblockers! i do, because i am one and i would soooooooooo act like Mason if i was ever in his position. what do you all think of Mason? the damn cockblocker. XD speaking of Mason, I'll try to put up his profile in the character's page tonight, so look out for that! a huge thanks to all of you readers, subscribers, and commentors! (idk what they're called, so i'm going to call them critics.) i luv you guys! and all you newbies to "Sorry, I Love Him" better COMMENT, RATE, & SUBSCRIBE!

i bet most of you thought it was the parents that walked in huh. but i'm not that evil. besides, i plan to put them in later. and i didn't forget about Toby's ring, i'm just trying to figure out where to put it.
and a big shout out to my newest critic, Tickin!

ps. everyone hope that my friend Sam aka Bolts;; gets better so that she can write more of her amazing slash story!

What do you think is going on in Toby's head right now?