Status: Under Maintenance! So stay posted! <3

Sorry, I Love Him

I'm Sorry That I Don't Know My Own Heart

I left just like Toby told me to.

I got inside my car and turned on the engine, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get out of the drive way and go home.

It felt like I left a part of me with that house. No. I didn't leave a part of me with the house. I left a part of me with Toby, my heart.

But aren't I suppose to like girls, not guys? I'm suppose to be straight! But that kiss, I've never felt like that before. I don't know what Toby is doing to me, but I don't want it to stop.

He kissed back, I can't believe it, but Toby kissed me back.

Just the thought of it makes me smile. The sparks when his soft lips collided with mine were real.

Damn, I wish we weren't interrupted by Toby's older brother! Damn cockblocker!

Is this what love feels like?

Wait, I'm not falling in love am I? That's crazy.

The only reason I'd ever fall in love is to prove to my parents that true love does exist, and that it can last. They've been divorced for over 10 years and I barely see my dad anymore since he left me and my mom.

But is Toby the one?

I need some time to think. Toby's right, we barely know each other. Besides, he said he wanted to start off as friends and see what happens, so that's a start right?

I need time to clear my head. I need to talk to Colt.

I went to Colt's and banged on the door in a hurry. He opened it after a few more knocks with a grin.

"Jon-Jon! You came to visit me! Give your bestie a hug!", he said, jumping forward with his arms open to ensnare me in a hug. I just simply moved to the side and he hit his lawn with a thud.

"Get up Colt and stop kidding around! I've got a big problem! I think I'm in love with Toby!", I exclaimed.
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bleh! I'm tired and sleepy! i'll probably put up more stuff later tonight! sorry for the late update and it's shortness! COMMENT, RATE, & SUBSCRIBE! and an important message! you guys(i literally mean guys/men/males/dudes/anyone with a penis) that wear skinny jeans, keep them on your ass! it's not attractive to see them baggy! if God wanted skinny jeans to be worn loose under your ass, then he would've! that's all, i shall quit my ranting :] oh wait! i uploaded Toby's older brothers to the characters page. and yes, i did say BROTHERS. i plan on putting up Anna's later n i'm really sorry for taking so long on this chapter! i'm putting up a lot of characters, because i'm a procrastinator and if i don't now, i won't later. i also changed the cover and summary pic, idk they felt more story oriented after the whole kissing scene. tell me your thoughts! :) ps. big shocker in Jon's next chapter!

Team Mason or Team Nate? (and yes i do know that there's not a lot of info on Nate, but i'm working on it!)