Status: Under Maintenance! So stay posted! <3

Sorry, I Love Him

I'm Sorry That I Helped Him


"You want his trust right? Well I have a plan.", I told Jon.

"What do you have in mind?", he asked.

"Hold on a second. Colt, what class do you have next?", I asked my brother.

"Science, same as Jon.", Colt replied, a little confused.

"Good, wait for us there. We'll be there in a minute."

"But I want to know your plan!", he whined.

"No Colt. I don't want to risk you seeing Toby and spoiling my plan."

"But, Maxie!", he whined again.

I just gave him my "bitch, if you don't leave within the next 3 seconds I'll bust a cap in yo ass" look and he was gone.

"Anyway, as I was saying. This is the plan. I'm going to leave without waiting for Toby afterschool. When he calls or texts me and asks me where I am at the end of the day, I'll lie and tell him that I left with my girlfriend. Then, knowing him, he'll refuse to go on the bus.", I explained to Jon.

"And I come in where?", he asked.

"What period do you have last?"

"Math, why?"

"Perfect! Toby does too!"

"I think I know where your're going with this, but won't he just walk home or call his parents? Or what about that Alexis girl? Aren't they friends, so won't she just drive him home?"

"Trust me, I know Toby. Him and walking don't mix. Plus, his parents don't return home from work until 10, and he'll feel really guilty if he tells them to come pick him up. And Alexis' car is being fixed and it won't be ready until next week. She also lives far from him so he'd feel guilty for making her drive him home. So when he doesn't have anyone to drive him home-", I started.

"I'll be there to take him.", Jon finished.

"Exactly! You know for a pretty face, you're smarter than I thought.", I told him with a smile.

"But how is this suppose to help him trust me?", he asked.

"It won't. It'll help tell you if Toby's going to start trusting you or not. He can never get inside a car with someone he doesn't trust, especially strangers. One time, he spent the night at my house and when Colt tried taking him home, he would not get into that car. Finally, I had to go with Colt and drop him off."

"But wait, what if-", Jon started.

"God damn it! Must you play "20 Questions" and find some sort of flaw in my plan or what?!", I interrupted, a bit irritated with all these questions.

He chuckled and said, "Sorry, but why are you helping me?"

"You seem like you a nice guy and I think that a new friend would do him some good." Plus, I saw you eye-fucking him in the cafeteria in the morning.

"Thanks Maxine.", he said smiling.

"Don't mention it. I trust that you will not tell Toby of our little arrangement, because if you do I'll drop-kick you faster than you can say 'sorry.'", I said with a grin.

Jon just laughed at my threat.

"Don't believe me? Ask Colt, he knows I will. There's a reason he had a black eye for an entire week, so don't let me down for your sake.", I told him.

He wasn't laughing anymore.

*End of Flashback*

That was right after lunch. Now it's 3rd Period and I'm in Science with Colt and Jon. We're separated, because this damn teacher has us in a seating chart. This teacher could suck my left nut that does not exist for all I care.

She was going on some type of space-related topic and everywhere I looked, all the students in this class looked dead.

She was babbling for half the class when suddenly, my cell started vibrating.

I took it out and saw that Toby had sent me a text.

It said, "did u forget 2 tell me sumtn?"

What is he talking about?

"no. y?", I texted back.

"u sure? my lil birdy says that u were passn notes with jon during 2nd pd.", Toby replied.

Oh crap. How does he know? Who would've told him? The only people he knows here is Me, Jon, Colt, and Alexis. Wait. Alexis was in that class with me and Jon! How could I not notice her there? She probably told Toby. Damn her!

"oh, u mean that. i was thankn him 4 1st pd. dat was all.", I lied. I didn't lie. I just didn't tell him the whole truth.

"u sure?", Toby asked.

"positive." I lied again.

The bell rang for 4th Period and before I could tell Jon that Toby knew about our notes and prevent him from telling Toby that we were talking about him, Jon was gone. Damn Alexis!

Let's just hope everything goes well afterschool. Jon better not screw up!
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i'm sorry i didn't post this up earlier and i also planned to put up 2 extra chapters, but i got into a fight with my mom and well, i was bummed out all day. i know it's my fault. anyways, next chapter will be Jon's POV and then Toby's. i do plan on at least giving each character 1 chapter each, so look out for those. i just luv Maxine! well, remember to COMMENT, RATE, and SUBSCRIBE! if you do, i'll give you a little treat within the next couple of chapters! :) and thanks to my readers, subscribers, and commenters!

*READ THIS* i'm going to have a question for each chapter starting today. you don't have to answer all of them, but some will require answers to help further progress the story or else I'll just keep writing it my way. i want to put some of ur ideas into this and give you all a story that you like, but how am i suppose to do that if you don't tell me your thoughts? so tell me, Team Jon or Team Toby? leave your answer in the comments page!