Status: No idea when I'll update. . But I'll try to make it as soon as possible.

With or Without You

Sophie is a cute girl with a complex about boys. Due to the aggressive teasing of the neighborhood kids throughout grade school and the lustful stares of the men around her now, she can no longer stand dating nor any advances anyone makes at her. However, that doesn't stop Kit--her childhood friend--from wanting a relationship. Though he's quite the flirt and is always trying to get another look at Sophie's panties, he's very serious about his feelings. The problem is, he just can't seem to make Sophie believe that. And when a strange boy, Tallen, suddenly comes to town, Kit knows he's running out of time to show Sophie he's sincere. And Sophie, on the other hand, can't seem to help but be drawn to Tallen's wild innocence. It's almost as if he was raised by. . . wolves. But, innocent or not, could Tallen possible win her heart?

Sophie Evans
Callie Orlen
Kit Parrish
Tallen Muir ------> Also Tallen
Carol Tiffany