Status: Completed with Recs: 9 Readers: 321 Subscribers: 107 Comments: 98 Word count: 12364

Lovely, Stay Lovely

I Hate To Break It To You

Oli chuckled, throwing his lanky arms over my shoulder. "Yeh realleh finks-s-so?" He slurred.

I chuckled at him. "Yea, I realleh fink so."

"What's goin' on?" Matt Kean, the only other sober one, asked.

My eyes glanced around the pub we were at before looking back at Matt. "Olleh finks that I'm awful at makin' and keepin' friends. He says I'm too angry and snap too easileh."

"It's a bet!" Oli interrupted laughing.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to Kean. "Yea, he bet me that it's true, which, I don't know why 'cause it's not."

Matt raised his brow before slowly nodding his head. "'Fraid so, mate. Yeh not the best at anyfing involving interaction."

"False!" I yelled.

"Uh... it's true," Matt chuckled lightly.

"Okay," Oli grinned. "Jus' to prove my point, go talk to that lass and get her numbah. If yeh can't, yeh lose."

I looked in the direction he was pointing and sure enough, two entirely under-dressed whores were standing there. "Easy enough." I stood up and walked straight over to the two. "'Ello loves."

The blonde squealed, turning to the brunette. "Oh my god, Suzie, he's, like, British!"

"Are you like from London?" Suzie asked.

"Erm, actualleh, I'm Australian."

"Oh," Suzie scoffed, turning away from me and back to the bar.

I turned my attention on the blonde. "My name's Jona. What's yeh's?"

"Linda," she grinned. "Want to buy me a drink?"

I nodded and ordered one beer for her.

"You're, like, not going to drink?"

"I'm straight edge," I smiled.

"Like emo?"

I stared at her wide eyed before glancing back at Oli. If I wasn't on a mission to prove him wrong, I would have left this conversation a while ago. "No, I don't drink."


"'Cause I don't," I rolled my eyes. An explanation to someone like her would be a waste of oxygen.

"So what do you do?" She asked.

"I'm in a band!"

"Really! Do you know Nickelback?"

"I... Wha'?"

"Like, you know, that metal band?"

"They ain't metal! I'm in a metal band."

"Metal's stupid," she giggled, drinking the beer that I stupidly got for her.

"Do yeh like animals?" I asked. My blood pressure was already increasing and I was holding onto my last string of control that I had in my body.

She smiled, whipping her hair off her shoulder. "Yea! Cats rock."

"Do yeh eat meat?"

"Like who doesn't? Are you one of those vegecarians?"

"Vegetarian," I corrected her. "And no, I'm vegan."

"That's stupid."

I rolled my eyes, trying to calm myself down. "Yea, whatevah. Can I have yeh numbah?"

"You're a stupid emo. No way! Thanks for the beer though."

I groaned and sulked my way back to the table.

"Didn't get a numbah from an easy slag like that?" Matt chuckled.

"Come off it, mate. I would burn her numbah anyways."

"I'm jus' surprised yeh lasted that long." Matt laughed.

"Still doesn't change the fact yeh lost!" Oli yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, what do I have to do now?"

"I'll fink of somefing," Oli smirked.

Matt stressed his hands above his head, yawning. "In the mean time, I fink I'm readeh to leave."

"Same," I nodded.

We paid for out things and headed out for the walk home. "I got it!" Oli grinned.

"Got wha'?"

"What yeh have to do. Yeh have to take care a person of my choosing to the best of your ability for a whole month."

"Sounds easy enough. Who?"

"Her," Oli pointed.

I looked and there on the sidewalk was a homeless woman holding a small bundle of blankets. Next to her was a sign.

Broke bitch with a baby.

My eyes immediately flickered back to Oli where he stood, drunk and smug.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! 38 Subscribers and one comment from teenage z0mbie before I even posted the first chapter! Much love guys! I just wanted to post this first chapter! I might not be able to post the next one until the end of this week, so bare with me! I just didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer!
I fucking love you guys!