Status: Completed with Recs: 9 Readers: 321 Subscribers: 107 Comments: 98 Word count: 12364

Lovely, Stay Lovely

You Keep Me On The Edge Of My Seat

Hours later, I felt Jona gently shaking me. "Dani," he whispered. "The doctor is 'ere. He says we're free to go."

I yawned and stretched, smiling up at Jona sleepily. I had fallen asleep in his arms not long ago. We were both tired, but you could tell he never went to sleep at all. He looked worn and broken. It was around twelve in the afternoon now and Abi was still sleeping from the medicine the doctors had given her. They said she would probably sleep until tomorrow morning.

I stood up and let Jona out to sign all the papers and get the billing information. I felt bad he was paying for all of this. It only made me appreciate him more.

I looked over the edge of the crib at Abi and smiled, gently stroking her hand. "We're so lucky," I spoke softly as to not wake her.

"I fink I'm the luckiest one here," Jona whispered from behind me. I blushed and looked away, gathering all of Abi's things.

It didn't take long before we got everything in the car and back home considering we came with barely anything at all. "Can I put her in her crib?" Jona asked.

I looked up at him as we just entered the front door. "Yea," I smiled handing her to him. I figured he wouldn't have asked unless it was something he wanted to do really badly. I put the hospital papers on the table before retreating back to the couch and collapsing on it.

"Hey," Jona whispered what felt like a few seconds later.

"Hmm?" I mumbled sleepily back.

"Come on, let's go to bed, aye?"

"You can have the bed tonight. I'll take the couch."

Jona shook his head before offering his hand to me. "No, let's both take the bed."

I smiled up at him before taking his hand and following him to the bedroom. Jona took off his shirt and pants before laying down and closing his eyes. I walked over to his dresser and quickly changed into a t-shirt and boxers before joining him in bed.

I was absolutely exhausted and was almost asleep when I felt Jona's hand wrap itself around my own. It wasn't dark enough in the room considering it was only the afternoon and the sunlight peering through the windows gave away the blush creeping on my cheeks.

"Dani?" Jona whispered hoarsely.

"Yea?" I whispered back, my voice nearly cracking.

"Can I hold yeh?"

I smiled and moved over, wrapping my other arm around his body, holding him close. "Nope," I giggled.

He chuckled wrapping his arm around me. "I like this," he said after a moment of silence.

"Sleeping? Me too."

"No," he laughed. "Don't make me say it."

"Say it," I grinned.

He sighed, "I like sleeping wiff yeh, yeh silly bird."

"Sleeping with me, huh?" I laughed, sticking my tongue out. He knew I was only kidding, but I always found it funny to push his buttons.

"Whatevah!" He laughed. "Laying wiff yeh. Same fing."

"Not the same thing! It's like the total opposite."

"Whatevah!" He repeated again, chuckling. "I like opposite sleeping wiff yeh then."

"Same," I giggled. Silence fell in the room again as I was fighting to stay away, just to lay with him consciously a little while longer. "Hey Jona, do you know what I like?"

"Preventing me from getting sleep?" He joked. "Jus' kidding, what do yeh like?"

"I liked kissing you earlier." My cheeks flushed as soon as the words had left my mouth, but it wasn't something I regretted saying. It needed to be said.

Jona didn't answer for a moment and I got concerned that what I said was too brash. A second after I thought that, my body was pulled up and Jona's lips were on mine. My fingertips went numb and my mind went haywire. A few seconds later, Jona slowly pulled his lips from mine. "Want to hear a secret?" Jona whispered, his breath hitting my lips making me want more. "I like kissing yeh too."

"Want to hear another secret?" I whispered back. "I want to opposite lay with you."

"Wha-" Jona looked confused before his mind processed what I was asking. Not a second later was his lips and body on top of mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
I figured I'd get some things spiced up ;)
I didn't have time to proof this, so don't yell at me!

Also, if you guys want to recommend any stories
for me to read, I'm open to a lot of ideas! I am
only subscribed to like five stories at the moment!

Thanks for commenting!
FantasticalJayla, lexin3d, babygurl94512,
PonAndZiFan, Rawrrrrrrrr, skyrimjobs