Status: Completed with Recs: 9 Readers: 321 Subscribers: 107 Comments: 98 Word count: 12364

Lovely, Stay Lovely

I Try To Bring You Down

I walked back in to the living room with a handful of blankets to see Dani sleeping against the wall. I sighed, leaning against the door frame to the living room. I don't know what mess Oli has gotten me into, or why the hell I agreed in the first place. I guess it was just because I wanted to prove him wrong, but that clearly has lead me into a hole.

Of all people Oli could have chosen, he chooses a homeless person. I suppose that would be fine, except he chose the most strong headed and conclusive person I have ever met. I barely knew the girl and she was already keeping me on my toes and irritating me.

"Twenty-nine more days," I spoke softly, leaving the small pile of blankets next to Dani. I walked back upstairs into my room before collapsing on the bed. "And counting," I sighed softly.

I awoke early the next morning to a baby crying. "Ugh," I rolled over, pulling the pillow over my head. I eventually got out of bed because, believe it or not, pillows can't block out the sounds of a whaling baby.

"Morning Jona," Dani smiled as I walked into the room. She was still sitting against the same wall, rocking her baby back and forth in her arms.

"Morning," I grumbled in return.

She giggled, looking down at her baby. "Not a morning person, huh?"

I looked at the clock reading 6:47am. "No," I mumbled. "At least not this early."

"Sorry for waking you," Dani sighed. "Abi has been acting up lately. She used to sleep through the night but lately she's been waking up so early. She might be getting sick."

I nodded not really paying attention. "Tea?" I asked over my shoulder.

"No thanks."

I went into the kitchen and made two cups of tea. "I made yeh a cup- Ah! I'm so sorreh!" I jumped, shielding my eyes and almost spilling the tea in my hands. Dani was breast feeding Abi.

Dani giggled, "it's alright, Jona. You can put your arm down. You're acting like you've never seen a boob before."

I let a breathe out before lowering my arm. I avoided looking at her and placed the cup of tea beside her before sitting on the couch. "I made yeh a cup anyway. Everyone needs tea in the morning."

"Thank you," she smiled, shifting her baby to one arm and grabbing the tea with her free one.

I looked over at her while she wasn't watching. She looked at her baby with the most adoration I have ever seen. The way she looked at that baby, you know she loved that baby more than anything.

I studied her face, frowning. She looked absolutely exhausted at closer examination. She looked exhausted and dirty, but she always wore a smile. You could tell she was grateful for everything given to her.

She still sat in the same spot on the floor as the night before. She never asked for food or a bed or blankets or anything. She was just happy she was inside and that she had her baby. Maybe that's why she turned down the tea when I asked. She felt bad.

I felt worse about myself immediately. Here is a young girl nursing a baby on the streets, just happy about having a safe place to sleep and here I am annoyed at the world. No wonder why I couldn't even make any friends. I wouldn't want to be friends with me either.

"How old are yeh?" I finally asked.

"Twenty-four," she answered, kissing her babies forehead.

"Why are yeh homeless wiff a baby?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me. I frowned at my own bluntness. Rude. Another reason why I probably didn't have any friends.

Without faltering, she answered. "I was beaten to a pulp and raped by my old boyfriend. He's in jail. The state took his house. I had nowhere to go, ergo the streets."

I nodded, watching as he smoothed Abi's hair out. My eyes fell to her breast as Dani pulled the baby off. I gulped and immediately looked away. "Do.... you want to shower?" I asked her.

Dani finally looked over wide-eyed. "Shower? Like in a bathroom?"

"Yea? Like a warm shower."

"With hot water?"

"Yea," I repeated, my lip twitching.

"Oh gosh, that'd be so lovely. Can I really? I'll owe you forever."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, yeh don't owe me anyfing. I want to help yeh. Go shower."

Dani grinned, placing her now sleeping baby down in the pile of blankets I left for her the previous night. "I won't be long, I promise. She'll sleep the whole time. She always sleeps after she eats. I won't be-"

"Go," I motioned to the hallway.

She smiled, shrugging the dirty and torn up coat off her shoulders. I nearly gawked at her body. She had a long sleeve thermal on and severely ripped skinny jeans. Even through all that, you could practically make out every bone on her body. Dani hung up the coat before passing me. "Thank you so much Mister Jona. I appreciate it a lot."

I nodded and waited for the bathroom door to click shut. I sighed, and closed my eyes. I've never felt so bad about living until I met her.
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I'm back at school which means regular updates!
Thank you so much modified youth, Crimson_Desire, TheyCallMeDame, dirty mind. and FantasticalJayla.
Jona feels bad D: