Status: Completed with Recs: 9 Readers: 321 Subscribers: 107 Comments: 98 Word count: 12364

Lovely, Stay Lovely

A Level Isn't Good Enough

Letting the hot water drip down my body, I sighed satisfyingly. I haven't showered in a shower, let alone a hot one, in a long time. I took a deep breath of the thick air letting the smell of Jona's conditioner envelope me.

"Dani?" Jona spoke, creaking the door open.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I'm leavin' some new clothes on the counter fo' yeh, alright?"

I frowned and pulled the shower curtain open, peaking my head out. "You don't have to do that."

He looked up at me before quickly looking at the floor. "Well yeh can't wear what yeh were so jus' wear them, yea?"

I nodded, pulling the shower curtain closed again. The door clicked shut and I quickly finished showering. I stepped out and dried off, pulling on the clothes he had left for me. It was a pair of jeans cut off at the knee and a wolf shirt. I picked up my clothes and entered the living room again. Abi still laid on the floor, sleeping silently.

"Jona?" I asked, entering the kitchen. "Where should I put my clothes?"

"The garbage, I suppose. No use for 'em." He answered over his shoulder.

I nodded, throwing them in the trash. Jona placed food on two plates, turning and placing them on the table. "Here yeh go."

"You made me food?"

He nodded, sitting down. "Well yeh do eat, don't yeh?"

I smiled before sitting down and taking a bite. "This is so good," I practically moaned, closing my eyes.

He chuckled, taking a bite himself. "Fanks, I guess."

"It's been so long since I've had a home cooked meal."

Jona nodded solemnly before looking up. "The clothes fit yeh okay?"

I nodded, taking another bite of the food. "The pants are a bit big, but it's fine. Thank you for letting me borrow them. I love the shirt." I smiled, pulling at the hem of the fabric. "Wolves are my favorite."

"I figured the pants would be big. They're an ex girlfriends. I don't have anyfing smaller than that though. The shirts Macbeth. It's one of my favorite shirts."

I frowned, looking up. "I'm sorry. I can change if-"

"Stop apologizing," he chuckled. "Keep the shirt. I can get plenty more. I model for them from time to time."

"That's so cool," I grinned, taking another bite of food. "What is this, by the way?"

"Vegan stir fry. Do yeh like it?"

"I love it," I smiled.

He nodded, continuing to eat his food. I closed my eyes, letting the tastes envelope my mouth. I don't think I could have been any more appreciative for him than at that moment. He fed me, brought me in, gave me clothing... it was like a dream. I was just hoping I wouldn't wake up any time soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
donthatemeforever. I already know I suck for how long this took me.
And I feel awful. If you guys want anything to make up for it, just let me know.
Follows on tumblr, fan signs, gif requests, a confession of my love, anything xD
Just leave it in the comments and let me know and I'll do it.

ANYWAY, thank you so much FantasticalJayla, dreamingyouhere,
modified youth
and dirty mind. for commenting! You're all perfect. I swear.