Status: Completed with Recs: 9 Readers: 321 Subscribers: 107 Comments: 98 Word count: 12364

Lovely, Stay Lovely

In The End, What Are You Without Me?

"Dani?" Jona whispered into my ear. "Dani, Dani Dani Dani Dani!"

"Mphherrgg!" I groaned into the pillow before rolling over and squinting up at the man standing above me. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!"

He chuckled before sitting next to me. "Get up! I have somefing to show yeh!"

"You tell me to sleep, then you wake me up. You tell me to sleep and then you wake me up again. I don't get you."

Jona grinned before patting my arm. "Come on! Up and at 'em!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled before climbing out of the bed. I stretched my arms above my head and looked back at Jona. "Well?"

"I didn't fink it'd be that easy to get yeh out of bed...." He trailed off.

"What?" I nearly laughed.

"Well most birds take fo'evah so I figured I wake yeh but now yeh up and I wasn't ready."

"What!" I busted out laughing before collapsing on the bed. "And boys say girls are complicated. Everyone, meet Jona: the most confusing man on this planet."

"Yeh the confusin' one!" He accused, plopping down next to me. "I've nevah met a bird like yeh before."

"It's because no one is as awesome as I am."

"Exactleh what I was finkin'."

I smiled and looked over at him. Jona rolled on his side and reached across moving some hair out of my face. Looking at him, I realized how well the tattoos actually fit him. He wasn't near as scary as I thought he was when I first met him. He was just a simple man that wanted to help me. "Thank you," I spoke softly.

"Fo' what?"

"I know I've thanked you a lot for everything, but-"

"Don't start," Jona interrupted. "Not yet." He stood outof the bed and reached his arm out to me. "I have somefing to show yeh. Yeh goin' to like it."

I sighed and grabbed his hand allowing him to yank me up. "It better be breakfast."

He chuckled and gently shoved me. "Breakfast my arse. This is way bettah. Now close yeh eyes."

I placed my hands over my eyes. Jona put his hands on my shoulder before guiding me around his house before he stopped us both abruptly. "Nothing is better than breakfast,"

"Yeh say that now." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Open yeh eyes now."

I opened them and tilted my head at the white door in front of me. "You got me... a door?"

"No!" He laughed. "It's behind the door! Open it."

I reached out and opened the door. My eyes began to water as I looked around the room. "What.... I.... what....." The room was filled with everything any baby would ever need or want. it had a white crib, changing table, a rocker... everything. "I...." I shook my head and collapsed to the ground crying into my hands.

"What's wrong? I thought yeh would like it. I'm so sorry." Jona spoke kneeling next to me. He gently rubbed my back. "I thou-"

"It's so perfect," I sobbed.

"What?" He chuckled. "Yeh cryin' 'cause yeh like it?" I nodded and leaned into his chest. "I wasn't kiddin' when I said I nevah met anyone like yeh." I clutched his shirt and took a deep breath in, more tears falling out. "Don't cry now! This is something to be happeh about! Now Abi can-" I heaved another sob into his chest and he chuckled, fully pulling me into his lap. "Now didn't I say this was bettah than breakfast?"

I sniffled and looked up at him smiling. "Don't go too far...."

He laughed and wiped the tears from my face. "Yeh smilin'. That's what I wanted all along."

I looked back into the room taking in all the small details. Next to the changing table, a small bag of pampers sat unopened. I nearly started crying again. "Diapers! You got-"

"Don't start cryin' again!"

I laughed and shook my head, leaning against his chest. "I'm just so happy I can't help it."

"Just wait until Abi sees it. She'll grow up in here and-"

"Grow up in here?" I asked, looking up at Jona. His face turned a bit red and he looked away.

"Well I was finkin' and yeh don't have a place to stay and she needs a place to sleep othah than blankets and she'll need clothes and yeh need a bed to sleep in and it's winter and it's too cold out and yeh shouldn't have to take care of a baby alone and she's goin' to need someone to teach her how to play guitar and who's going to make sure she has a warm bed and.... I'm rambling," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm sorry."

Tears weld up in my eyes and I sobbed into his chest again.

"What happened! I thought yeh stopped cryin' from the room! I'm sorreh." He ran his his hand comfortingly across my back, soothing the heaves into his chest.

"I'mcrying'causeyou'resoamazing," I quickly spoke before another sob came out.

"Well I nevah heard that before," he chuckled. "Look at me, yea?"

I looked up into his eyes and smiled lightly. "Sorry for all the tears."

He shook his head, wiping more of the tears away. "I'm like a shamwow. I absorb all the tears."

I giggled into his chest. "That was so corny."

"Well do yeh know what fixes tears whethah they are happy or sad?"

"What's that?"


I grinned and nodded.

"Come on little lady bug. I'll feed yeh and dry yeh tears." Jona helped me up off the ground before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

I hated to admit it but I've never been more happy than I was now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignore the fact that this was supposed to be out yesterday...
Happy Smunday!
I'm pretending it's Sunday when it's actually Monday just so I don't feel bad.

Now this could end in a couple more chapters or I could turn
this story into a giant shitfest with loads of drama and yelling
and love and making up, or it can just get way more fluffy.
What do you guys want me to do?

Thank you so much babygurl94512, patrikberglund,
and dirty mind. for commenting!

I think i just brought this story into fluffyness overload.
Can you handle the fluff!? o.o