Status: Completed with Recs: 9 Readers: 321 Subscribers: 107 Comments: 98 Word count: 12364

Lovely, Stay Lovely

I Slow This Down 'Cuz You Can't Keep Up

"Fuck shit fuck dam fuck arsehole fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck," I mumbled to myself as I helplessly cleaned the house. "Fuck!" I yelled, stubbing my toe on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Dani giggled from the doorway.

I jumped at her voice, "erm noffing?"

"Huh," she raised her eyebrow before walking over and plopping on the couch. "Likely story. What's going on?"

"I'm jus' cleanin' up," I mumbled, fixing a few things on the living room table.

"Lies!" She accused.

"I'm nervous!" I finally whined before collapsing on the couch next to her.

Dani laughed as the sudden weight of me on the couch made her body jump in the air a bit. "For what?"

"Meh mum is comin' and the guys are comin' and I don't want them to fink I can't keep a clean house or whatevah and yeh here and-"

"Shush!" She giggled again. "Jona, look around. Your house is practically spotless. I'm not nervous. You shouldn't be either."

"Yeh not?"

She shook her head and smiled. "Nah. Mums don't scare me and neither do boys. I think I'll be fine."

"But what if-"

"Jona," she warned. "Stop it. Go shower and get ready. I'll finish whatever is left. Relax, yea?"

I nodded and sulked off to the bathroom. As many people do in the shower, I let my mind take hold of me. It wasn't that I was nervous about her meeting my Mum because my mum loved everything that had a heartbeat. Dani was sweet and caring too. What mother wouldn't love her? The guys on the other hand I was nervous about. Sure Oli has met her and the baby, but what about Nicholls or Kean or Lee?

What if they don't like Dani and think I'm absolutely bonkers for bringing in a homeless person with a baby. But what if they did like Dani? That scared me more than them hating her. What if they like her... like really like her? What if someone makes a move on her?

Why do I care?

"Jona?" Dani knocked on the door. "I'm just letting you know your mum is here."

My heart quickly began to race. "Uhm, fanks. I'll be out in a few."

"Okay," she spoke, closing the bathroom door. I could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"This is mental, all mental," I shook my head and quickly finished my shower. I threw on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a shirt before combing my hair.

"She's adorable!" I heard my mum gasp from down the hall. I chuckled and went down to the living room where Dani and Abi were waiting. The smell of dinner cooking hit my nose and I made a mental note to thank Dani for that later.

"Hi mum!" I grinned.

"Jona, look at this little fing!" She laughed.

"Hi to yeh too," I rolled my eyes and smiled, sitting next to her.

"Yeh ain't this cute so yeh don't get my attention. Why didn't yeh tell meh abou' these two adorable little ladies?"

"Mum," I groaned.

"Yea Jona, why not?" Dani challenged smirking back at me.

I stuck out my tongue to her. Of course she would understand why I haven't, right?

"What a cute baby," my mum grinned, tickling Abi's feet. I breathed a sigh of relief. Babies were distracting, that's for sure.

I jumped at the knocking of the front door. "I'll get it!" I yelled, running for the door.

"He's a bit jumpy today," his mum laughed. "I'm Mary by the way."

"Dani," Dani spoke reaching out and shaking her hand. "It's lovely to meet you."

"Manners? Yeh don't find that too frequent in Jona's friends," Mary chuckled.

"Mary!" Oli shouted, running over and engulfing her in a hug.

"See? That's what I meant!" Mary laughed making Dani chuckle herself. The rest of the guys shuffled in and I closed the door. Quickly, I shuffled my feet into the room and sat next to Dani.

"Who's this?" Lee asked, pointing to Dani. His eyes flashed to the baby and a peeved look took over his face. "And what is that?"

"Uhm," I began.

"Malia," Oli leered, pushing him lightly. "Be nice. This is Dani and baby Abi."

Both Nicholls and Kean sat on the floor right by the baby. "Have yeh been hiding a bird on us Weinhofen?" Kean chuckled.

Matt Nicholls jumped a bit and looked over to Jona. "Wait, this isn't yours, right?"

"No!" My eyes widened, my heart maintaining the quickened pace.

"Relax," Dani whispered next to me. "Hi guys, I'm Dani." She spoke to everyone else, smiling like a champ.

"'Ello! I'm Matt and this is Matt but call him Vegan," Nicholls spoke.

Dani nodded and looked over to Lee. "And you are?"

"Lee," he smiled reaching his hand out. "Pleasure to meet yeh."

"You too. Are yeh afraid of kids?"

Lee's eyes widened a bit as he looked over to Abi. "Not realleh as long as I don't have to watch them. I'm not the best wiff that, yeh know?"

Oli shrugged, sitting next to Mary. "It's not too hard, mate. I did it the other day."

"Ah, so yeh onleh showed Olleh yeh new lass? Selfish," Matt grinned.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Maybe I didn't want yeh scarin' her." That was partly true. I wanted Dani all to myself. If the guys ever scared her off, I don't know what I'd do.

"Oh!" Dani jumped. "I better get dinner out of the oven before it burns. Can someone hold Abi?"

"Me!" Oli jumped.

"I got it," I interrupted and scooped Abi right out of Dani's arms before anyone had the chance. I felt protective over her. Besides Oli, none of the guys knew how to handle a baby as far as I was aware. I didn't want to risk it, or so I told myself.

"Hey mate," Kean, nudged my leg lightly as soon as Dani left the room. "She's cute. Where'd yeh find her?"

Lee grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "She, yeh know, good?"

I rolled my eyes at both of them. "Mind yeh business and I wouldn't know."

"She holdin' out on yeh?" Matt laughed.

My mum rolled her eyes and got up, heading to the kitchen. "Boys," she mumbled as she left.

I groaned, "guys, shush. I don't want meh mum gettin' the wrong idea or anyfing."

"Wait, yeh not datin' her?" Matt Nicholls asked.

"Or shaggin' apparentleh," Lee added.

"Why haven't yeh told us 'bout her yet?" Kean chimed in.

Oli smirked, "'cause he was probableh too embarrassed to tell yeh that she was a homeless person he picked up off the road."

"What!" They all gasped, laughing after. "I didn't fink Weinhofen had a heart in him!" Nicholls chuckled.

"He didn't. It's a bet," Oli grinned. "One month wiff her. She still has no idea."

I frowned and looked down at the baby in my arms. I hated thinking that I was only doing this to prove them right. That's how it all started anyway. What do I tell them when the month is over and I want her to stay? They have no idea that I already have a room for the baby. And Dani... What will Dani think if she finds out that someone made me do this?

I sighed and held my arms out to Oli. "Take Abi fo' a moment. I'll check on dinnah."

Oli grinned and took Abi in his arms. "Hey little baby," he cooed. The guys surrounded him, tickling the baby. I got up and quickly walked into the kitchen where my mum and Dani were finishing up. "Where's the baby?" My mum asked.

"Oli's got her."

"What!" She gasped, running into the living room. I chuckled and leaned against the counter. Oli's not that stupid. I at least trusted him with the baby whether she did or not. I would never put Abi in a bad situation. I guess you could say she was growing on me.

"Hey," Dani smiled. "Everything okay?"

I sighed and walked over, pulling her into a hug. She was tense at first but eventually relaxed into my arms. "Sorreh for jus' grabbin' yeh like tha'," I mumbled into her hair.

She shook her head into my chest and relaxed. "You can hug me whenever you want."

I smiled and held her closer listening to the voices in the room over.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part One of Two
I know this is way later than I expected, which is why it's so long.
But then it got way too long and I made it into two parts.

Part two up tomorrow hopefully.

Thank you all for all the comments!
XxMorningBeautifulxX. lexin3d, PonAndZiFan, FantasticalJayla,
patrik berglund, DropDead4Me, dreamingyouhere,
babygurl94512, dirty mind.,
and Twokids.Onelove.

I love you guys.