Status: active/still writing



Thoughts are lethal. Not in the sense that they can kill you as soon as the pop into your mind, but in the sense that they are volatile, especially outspoken ones. I like to think of thoughts as a sort of atomic bomb. They’re close to harmless while they’re being developed but as soon as they’re sent out, they set off a boom, a systematic shock that freezes you into submission. Everyone judges you based on what you look like and what comes out of your mouth although it is truer for the latter, your thoughts and words can make or break their judgment of you.

That’s why I liked to keep myself busy. I was always busy, be it with work, friends, going to shows, anything. I hated having free time because free time gives you time to think, thinking leads to dreaming and dreaming leads to disappointments. I guess you could say I had become addicted to staying busy. I was perfectly content with it. Staying busy made me happy, and there’s nothing wrong with being happy… right?
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Please let me know what you think. Feedback is really highly appreciated.
I'll post the first chapter tomorrow.