
Chapter Four

"Luke!" Someone in the distance screamed. My eyes opened to see nothing but bright white, so white, it could make you blind. I picked up my head from the stone cold ground, pounding with pain. I didn't see what called my name. I tried to stand, but my legs were tired, and lame for the moment. I fell down on the ground, and the unknown name caller called my name again, this time, much closer. "Luke!" I wanted to escape from this dream state of hatred. I tried again to stand, from a distance, it would look like I was a drunk. My legs wobbled beneath me, and I collapsed again. "LUKE!" The thing screamed in my ear, making my go awry. I went into a state of panic-rage. This wasn't right, at all. My crippled body on the ground started to shake, something blotted out the bright white light.

"What are you?!" I said, more like a scream in anger than in pain. I looked up, my bloodshot eyes, and weak body could not longer take this. Something picked my up by my collar of my new shirt. It was another man. Bald, green eyes, and glasses.

"I've been waiting for you Luke, my name's Joseph. If you ever want to see your family again, you will comply with everything I say. Am I clear?" He said, with a growing smirk on his face.
I stared him right in the eye. And like any movie guy, I spit in his face.

"Never, you ugly son of---"

"No," He said interrupting me. His hand shifted to a 1911 pistol. He shoved the large lead object in my mouth. "Let's use proper language." A finger miraculously grew out of the gun, and went for the trigger. The small index finger layed on the trigger. "Let's see this time. Will you comply." My eyes started to water with anger. I went to my thinking. I imagined my foot an a large knife. I looked down to see it become larger, and more metallic. I lifted my leg back, about to strike the man, Joseph, and he pulled the trigger.

"AAH!" I screamed in the on board suite, I remember. I was sleeping, it was all a dream. Alex suddenly woke up.

"What happened!" She said angrily, yet sleepily. My breathing slowed down, and my heart beat calmed.

"I'm so sorry, I just had a crazy dream."

"Me too, was there a guy named--"

"Joseph?" I said, completing the sentence.

"Yeah, listen--"

"What? Something' on your mind?" I said anxiously.

"What if we don't get our parents back?" Tears started to come out of her eyes.

"Hey," I lifted her head up, so she looked at me right in my face. "We will. Don't worry." She smiled, and gave me a small hug.

"I love you," She laughed out, forgetting everything that happened. She looked back at me, and kissed me. Well, that was unexpected.