
chapter five

Alex’s POV

I’m glad Luke woke me up from that dream. Sadly, that wasn’t the first one I’ve had. Having him here at least made me feel better. God, he was amazing.
I’m still worried sick about our parents. And what are we going to do once we get to Sydney?

My mind was racing. I over think a lot of things, but, I don’t know. This was different.

I was scared.

My hands shook violently in my lap and I stopped hearing the music blaring out of my headphones. I looked at Luke. He was playing Angry Birds on his iPhone. Placid, and determined as ever.

Suppressing a giggle, I realized that this might not be so bad. We were going to be in Australia, where at least for a while, we’d be safe, and have time. Time to figure things out.

Taking a deep breath, I settled myself down. I listened to the voice buzz over the intercom, announcing breakfast would be served within the next thirty minutes, and we would land in less than three hours.

Luke chose a breakfast of a bacon omelet, and I ate a plastic bowl of a cereal resembling cheerios.

Luke started to ramble on about something about sports, I think.

About an hour later, I suggested we watch a movie.

“Were seriously not going to watch some chick movie,” Luke stated flatly.

“We could watch twilight!” I suggested laughing.

Luke gave me a disgusted look and laughed. “Totally” he replied sarcastically.
I shuddered slightly “I don’t think shooting me would get me to watch that movie.”

Strolling through our options, we decided on The Mechanic, a totally epic action movie.

“When we get there, we totally have to have an action movie marathon.” I laughed.

After that, we watched our plane fly into Sydney International Airport on our monitors.

Listening to the flight attendants talk about landing and safety was torture, so I tuned them out with my headphones. I had at least four people tell me to take them out. Ahh, such a rebel. After landing, Luke and I rushed off of our plane.
We made it through customs with what little we had, and I earned a few odd looks for my black leather, studded backpack. It made me smile.

“Who’s driving?” I asked Luke jokingly as we walked down the main hallway of the airport.

Giving me a strange look, he opened his mouth only to shut it again.
I laughed. “Dude, were getting a cab, chill. I’m not going to kill you with my driving…... Yet.” Smirking, I hit Luke playfully on the arm.
Walking outside in to the bright sun, I pulled on my aviators and strode toward an oncoming cab.

Hopping into the backseat, I threw the driver a fifty dollar bill, and Luke rambled off his address.

About fifteen minutes later, the cab stopped in front of a large house.

“Alex, were home.” Luke’s voice sang as he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the cab. He waved farewell to the driver, and headed up the long paved driveway. “And now, we will start our action movie marathon.”
♠ ♠ ♠
super sorry if any of the paragraphs are messed up, i tried to fix them all. formatting got REALLY screwed up -_-