Status: completed

Sweetest Downfall

Twenty-Six - Shay

I sighed and woke Emilyn up by shaking him softly. “We have to get moving.”

He nodded and got up with ease, I sucked in a deep breath and braced myself for what I knew would be agony. Getting my hands beneath me was easy, but every step from there was gruesome and excruciating. Even just bending my knees in order to get them below me was hard, but I managed to pull myself together enough to stand up and stay up.

“Shay, let me carry you,” he mumbled. I looked over at him in surprise, Carry me?

“You have hardly enough strength to walk with your own body weight; there is no need to add mine.”

“Oh please, you’re just skin and bones.”

The second he said it he knew he shouldn’t have. I sucked in a deep breath, “Yeah. I know.” I scratched the side of my head and pulled out a few brambles before speaking again. “Alright, there’s no way I can walk there, even with the salve my legs burn like Hell.”

He nodded and wordlessly came up in front of me, waiting for me to get on his back. I slowly lifted my legs to step on but my knees gave out, he caught me and lifted me softly onto his back and looped the single pack around his arm, letting it dangle, before starting our journey to the Cornucopia.

It took maybe three hours of walking before we even broke through the dense forest and to the brink of the field holding the shining Cornucopia. Without warning Emilyn took off in a sprint and with each step he took my body bounced and hit itself, causing my muscles to scream in protest. God damn it! Stop running! I held my breath so that I didn’t actually scream that and bring attention to us, for we were in absolutely no condition to fight anyone.

When we reached the Cornucopia he just about dropped me and the pack on the floor, without a second thought, and rushed into the giant cone to search for any remaining supplies that we could use. I laid back and took a moment to recover from the bouncing journey over here when I heard the grass being stepped on, From my far left side. The Cornucopia was on my right side. The steps were coming quickly from my left. Oh God—

A warrior’s cry erupted from where I knew the steps were coming from and when I turned my head to look, I was faced with the girl from District Two. Her face was contorted into what looked a severely pissed off cat and her teeth parted just enough for me to see that her teeth were vibrating from the high noise that was radiating from her vocal cords.

I can’t fight you, I don’t have the strength left in me. I thought as she lunged down at me and started to randomly scratch at my face with her pointed nails. Alright Catgirl, I’m not done just yet.

She pulled at my hair and scratched the length of my face, drawing blood, when I realized she had filed her nails into literal claws. I yelled loud enough to startle her, and hopefully give Emilyn a warning so that he could help me, before managing to throw her off and pull myself closer to the pack where I knew there was at least one knife that I could use. Catgirl grabbed hold of my bad ankle and stood before dragging me back down and under her; she kicked at my sides, breaking a few ribs and madly snickering above me before I could grab hold of her flying legs and pull her down hard onto the floor.

I crawled up on top of her and dug my dirt caked fingers into her eyes, which made her screech in protest and grab hold of my wrists. Her grip was so tight that my fingers started to turn blue but I couldn’t get my fingers out from her eye sockets; she pulled hard and pulled my fingers out of her eyes, and also one of her eyeballs. Animalistic instinct took over and I leaned down and took the string of the eyeball in my mouth and ripped at it until it spurted blood and came loose.
A moment of stillness passed between the two of us as she held one of my wrists in her hand and glared up at me with her one eye. She screamed in my face and pitched her body forward, sending me toppling backwards and thudding on my spine. My ribs shook from the impact and I was left winded and struggling to fill my lungs with air again. She pulled out a knife from her back pocket and took it in both of her hands, poised to drive it straight through my forehead. Just as she came within an inch of my skin I grabbed hold of her wrists and pushed them back as hard as I could. With a final grunt I threw her off of me and onto her back; with one last cry I came down on top of her, using all of my body’s weight and momentum, and drove the knife into the skin right between her eyes. A cannon sounded and I took a moment to breathe before I heard the grunting and screaming coming from inside of the Cornucopia.

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dont be silent readers!!!!!