Status: In progress!

Peter Windsor

You see, Peter needed a mother

The forest stretched far across the horizon. A giant wooden pirate ship rocked slowly in the middle of the sea. Peter stopped on a cloud and grinned as Isabelle joined him.

"Its even more beautiful than I ever imagined!" She laughed as her eyes scanned everything around her.

Peter smirked and rolled over onto his back. Isabelle turned to face him.

"Peter? How come you're so old...the story said you were a child."

Peter stared blankly up at the clouds around them. It was almost as if he daren't tell her, however, he turned back to her and spoke.

"I almost do not remember. I do not remember many things. If it wasn't for Wendy's book I would no longer know of Hook, or Tinkerbell, or my old lost boys."

"Tootles, Nubs, Slightly, Curly and The Twins" Isabelle thought it sad that she would not meet the boys.

Peter nodded sadly and told Isabelle of how he did not even recall their faces. Then Peter told of how he came to be an adolescent.

You see, Peter needed a mother. Wendy grew old and could no longer fly to Neverland to do spring cleaning when he came for her, and so Wendy's daughter Jane took her mother's place. In the Spring of 1948 Peter flew to London to get Jane and escort her to Neverland. However, Jane was not there. Peter waited yet Jane did not return. A kindly woman saw Peter sat in street crying.

"Boy?" She asked politely "Why are you crying?"

Peter hissed at the woman, for Peter did not cry. The woman thought of Peter as an orphan and took him kicking and screaming to an orphanage, he was adopted by an ageing couple, Mr and Mrs Windsor, and so Peter Pan having forgotten of his old life completely, was now Peter Windsor.

At 18 years old Peter was to start work and find himself a wife. It was then that he happened upon Wendy Darlings book The Adventures of Peter Pan. And then he remembered. He was furious with himself, how could he have let himself grow up? How terribly silly of him! And so he went to Kensington gardens and found himself a fairy, for most young adults this ought to have been a very hard thing indeed, however, even though he was grown up, he was still that magical boy from The Neverland.

"You see that is why you flew, because you believed in The Neverland even though you knew you ought not to."

Isabelle nodded her head softly and drifted off the cloud.

"Take me to the underground house Peter?"

And off they flew. Isabelle's stomach was knotted, she was suddenly very nervous about meeting Peter's new lost boys. She hoped they were as polite and funny as the ones she knew so well. Most 17 year olds would not believe this to be real, they would think it a dream, doubt it no matter what. Isabelle, however, had no doubt, she was in Neverland with Peter Pan, and it was very much real.

Peter and Isabelle landed in a small clearing. He took her over to one of the openings to the underground house and explained that she would most likely be okay as it belonged to one of the smaller, thinner of the boys.

On arriving underground Isabelle was in awe. It looked just like the novel had told her. One giant room with unusual coloured mushrooms growing out of the ground that made perfect stools. There in the middle of the room was the table, a door sat on top of a two foot tree that was cut down every evening after dinner so it may grow again the next day. There was the fireplace! It still had hooks from where Wendy used to hang the washing. However, most wondrous of all the things in the little underground house was no more; the giant bed that leant against the wall until it was pulled down for bedtime. Instead, extra space had been used up to make wooden bunk beds for the boys.

Peter appeared next to Isabelle with a large smile across his face. He gestured her to take a seat in a badly weathered armchair in the corner of the room.

"Lost boys! I have returned" Peter said with a raised voice before he let out his famous crow.

Almost suddenly the room filled up with five teenage boys, it appeared that Peter had found himself more suitably aged companions.

"Boys, this is Isabelle. She will be staying with us until further notice. Introduce yourselves."

There was an echo of 'ay Captain' and the boys flattened down their hair and stood in a perfectly fine line.

"My name is Vac" the first said.

He was a tall, brunette boy with a permanent smile on his face. It was likely that he was the best dressed of all the boys as he lifted up his hat to Isabelle. Next came Frizz, a lanky red head with a sly smile, whenever something mischievous happened, it was very likely that Frizz was so blame. Peter was forever getting him out of trouble. Frizz was followed by Primply, a know it all who actually knew very little. He had the messiest hair, which was black and hung over his green eyes. Fourth came Styles; the shortest and chubbiest of the bunch. He was forever missing the good action and was described to be a little of the stupid side.
Last of all the boys was Hive, a quiet boy with large muscles. He didn't know his own strength and was forever breaking things.

"It's nice to meet you all." Isabelle smiled at the odd bunch. "Flying has made me really tired. Is there any chance of a rest?"

Peter stood at once and took Isabelle's hand.

"Primply she is to have your bed for her rest."

Primply knew better than to argue.
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I've had my nose in Peter Pan and Wendy (also know as The Adventures of Peter Pan + Peter and Wendy) all day! Read it page to page :3 I adore Peter Pan even if the final chapter makes me sob. That is innitially why I decided to write about after Hook and Tinkerbells deaths. When Wendy Darling is long gone. So here you have an explination to why Peter is a young man and not a child!