Status: In progress

I'm Not Like The Other Boys

I'm Not Afraid Anymore

A month later...
I had a hard time admitting it to myself even, but I was definitely in love with Jack. I realized that when I gave him my innocence, and I could tell he loved me too. The best part was that I wasn't even afraid.
It took me a while to figure it out again after Byron came back into the picture, but I was right, after a month of my own version of therapy, I found myself again.
I was able to stop jumping at every sudden movement at school now, and Brad hadn't said a word to me since the case had ended. I'm sure he had no idea about it, that, and he was still stuck on that cheerleader girl. Something about him seemed different though, something about him seemed, dare I say it, more sincere. I really couldn't put my finger on it.
"Liz?" speak of the devil, Brad snapped me out of my trance. I was in 3rd period, and we were supposed to be working with partners. I did most of my work alone in here. Brad did the same occasionally.
"Brad." I said, flatly. He had a sympathetic look on his face, I looked at him confused.
"I promise I'm not here to be a creep this time..." he sat down next to me slowly.
"I'm listening." I held my head in my hands, elbows rested on the table top. I had to hold on to the belief that all people could change after all the shit I’d just gone through, and unfortunately, that meant Brad Fletcher.
"I'm really sorry about everything, I feel like an asshole. I stopped acting like that, and your story was my inspiration. I had no clue about Byron, I just knew we were related, I guess that makes us cousins, which makes me a sick creep. About Byron though, I never met him. I never knew he was like that. When I acted like that, I was joking, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I really don't know how to live with myself knowing that I probably made you feel as bad as he did. But he actually acted on it, and it makes me sick to think we're actually related to someone who's capable of that. I'm calling a truce, if you're willing." he really was sorry, he looked really upset, about as torn up as I'd ever seen someone as confident as him, but I wasn't about to break. Although things did seem different around here lately, my peers seemed to have a lot more class.
"On a few conditions..." I looked at him seriously.
"Anything to break away from the name I've earned for myself." he promised.
"Respect the fact that Jack and I are a couple, and delete that audio file from a couple of months ago. Start treating every girl you ever talk to with respect, and only respect. Turn over a new leaf, ditch the old Brad. I mean, yeah, stay confident, but that's the ONLY thing I want you to hold on to. Don't go about it egotistically." I said, the last sentence sharp and demanding.
"Deal. I don't care what I have to do, but I will prove to you that I'm sorry. I'll defend you, and stand by your side with this one, I promise." he held out a hand to shake. I smiled, a real smile, and gladly took his hand.
"Wait..." my face paled, and I swallowed hard, "how did you find out about Byron anyway?" I've been trying so hard to keep this story under wraps, if anyone found out, the entire school would have a huge pity party for me. I was sick of attention from my peers.
"Calm down Liz, my mom found out through yours. The media doesn't know anything." he chuckled. I let out a deep breath, and sighed of relief.
"Sorry I made you the center of attention as well, now I know how much you must have hated it." he added, it was like he was reading my thoughts.
The bell rang, and everyone else cleared out as quickly as possible, leaving Brad and I, who still had stuff all over the table.
"I called time 5 minutes ago." our teacher chuckled, he stood at the foot of the table.
I shrugged and smiled awkwardly, handing him my papers, Brad did the same.
We walked out of the room, leaving a heavy past behind, walking out as platonic friends. I smiled, feeling accomplished.
"Babe!" I heard Jack call, I turned around, and sure enough there he was. I turned towards him, Brad still at my side. Jacks facial expression went from eager, like he wanted to tell me something, to confused.
"Is he bothering you?" he rose an eyebrow.
"No, just the opposite, actually. We called a truce. So what's up?" I asked, regarding his latter expression.
"I'm not so sure a truce is gonna do it." Jack looked unsure, changing the subject back to Brad again. I didn't want to talk about Brad though, I wanted to know what he had to say.
"There were conditions, don't worry, I got this." I assured him, "So, what were you going to tell me?" I asked more excited, hoping it would be contagious.
"Oh... just that I'm in love with you, no big deal you know." he took my face in his hands, and kissed me deeply, suddenly I felt light headed, and a rush of butterflies to the stomach.
"I-I love you too." I admitted as he pulled away, letting out a heavy sigh. He took both of my hands, and we stood there without breaking closeness, nose to nose.
"Hey man, you hold on to her, she's a good catch." Brad smiled genuinely, and walked away. Jack gave me a look, and I shrugged, smiling.

The last bell for the day rang, and I walked out of the classroom, hand in hand with Jack. Luckily now, no one was staring. I was no longer the center of attention. All eyes were focused on something else though.
I followed everyone’s gaze to see Rian and Kara, standing nose to nose, he held both of her hands, and they looked at each other longingly.
"Sup mother fuckaaaas!" Alex caught up with us, punching Jack playfully.
"Shhhh..." I looked at him as scornfully as I could without laughing. It didn't work for long. I averted my eyes to Rian and Kara hoping he would follow.
"Finally!" he practically shouted.
"Alex! Shut up!" I hit him, we both laughed.
"Anyway, thanks for helping me, you know, when my dad showed up. I don't know where my mind would be if I didn't have you guys." I smiled at both of them. Alex and Jack smiled too, then looked at each other, and back at me suspiciously.
"What?" I asked looking at them with caution, they locked me in a bear hug, I lost my breath.
"O-okay, can't breathe. I feel the love." I assured them.
That was it, my happy ending. I didn't have to put up barriers with them. Now I was sure everything was right with the world, well, my world anyway.
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end D:
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