Face Down


My trial is today.

Meaning I have to face Randy.

I haven't seen Randy in two months.

I'm shitting bricks.

"Sydney, It's going to be okay." Matt said, rubbing my arm.

"What if he's found not guilty?" I asked.

"He won't. The prosecution has good evidence." Elliot said.

"Okay." I said, nodding.

I sat in an office waiting and Elliot left.

Matt told me that the guys were all here for me.

Even Michelle, Leana, Gena, Lacey, and Jade.

I was happy that they all came.

Guess I was really part of their family now.

Elliot came back with a woman.

"His lawyer is tough. He is going badger you till no tomorrow." Elliot said.

"Well, that makes me feel better." I said, in a sarcastic tone.

"You'll be fine. I'm Lilah Diamonds. I will be the one who asks you questions first and then his lawyer will." Lilah said.

"Okay. And what's his lawyers name?" Matt asked.

"Travis Bailey." Elliot said.


A bailiff knocked opened the door.

"We are ready for you, Ms. Griffin." He said.

"Alright." I said.

"Remember, don't panic and answer questions truthfully. You are under oath." Lilah said.

I nodded and followed everyone to the court room.

The door opened and we walked in.

The first person I saw was Jimmy.

What the fuck?


He's dead.

I stared at him and he stared back before he broke out into a smile.

"You can do this." He said. "I believe in you. And so does everyone else."

I nodded my head and smiled at him.

He disappeared and I looked at Randy.

He had a nasty smirk on his face and I held my head up and walked to the witness stand.

The bailiff held a bible in front of me.

"Please place your right hand on the bible." I did as I was told. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or help me god?"

"I do." I said.

He left and I took my seat.

Lilah got up.

"Ms. Griffin, how old are you?"

"I'm 29."

"And when did you meet Mr. O'Hara?"

"I met him on my 27th birthday."

"When did the beatings start?"

"About 2 months after we started dating."

"And when did you start dating?"

"Objection." Mr. Bailey yelled. "Are these questions relevant?"

"Are they Ms. Diamonds?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor." Lilah said. "I'm getting there."

"Overruled. Continue."

"And when did you begin dating?" Lilah asked.

"In June. And the beatings started in August."

"What happened when he first hit you?"

"He came home from work mad. He said the people at work were stupid. I noticed lipstick on his shirt and asked him about it. He got mad and snapped at me. I snapped back and then all of a sudden I was on the floor and my face hurt."

"And what did Mr. O'Hara do after he hit you?"

"Nothing. He went upstairs to our room and left me."

This continued for about 20 minutes.

Lilah showed pictures of all my bruises to the jury and the judge.

"No further questions." Lilah said and sat down.

"So Ms. Griffin, you say Mr. O'Hara beat you?" Mr. Bailey asked, standing up.

"Yes. He did. And he raped me."

"And why did he do all those things?"

"He said I made him mad, so I had to be taught a lesson."

"Mr. O'Hara filed a report saying you beat him. Is this true?"

"Yes it is, but it was self defense."

"Is it self defense when he was just sitting and doing nothing?"

"That's not what happened." I said, starting to get shaken up.

"A police statement was made on February 15th that Mr. O'Hara was sitting on the couch and Ms. Griffin attacked Mr. O'Hara, beating him and breaking his nose."

"That's a lie. He wasn't sitting down. He charged me. It's self defense."

"Ms. Griffin if Mr. O'Hara illegibly beat you, why didn't you report it?" Mr. Bailey asked. "You said you've been hurt many times, then why not report it?"

"He threatened to kill me."

"Really? That's no where document saying that."

"Because I didn't report it."

"And why not?"

"Because he threatened me." I said again.

"Why not go to the police, why not get away?"

"Objection." Lilah said. "He's asking the same question over and over."

"Mr. Bailey, please get to your point."

"My point your honor is that this girl had many opportunities to get out and she never did. She-"

"When you are constantly being beat it's hard to make a report. When you wake up and fear for your life, wondering what's going to happen today. And when you can't walk because he raped you so fucking hard the night before. And he throws you outside in the cold making you stay outside until he's ready for you to come back in. And when he forces to you to do everything, it's kind of hard to make a report." I spat.

"I have no further question." Mr. Bailey said.

"You may step down Ms. Griffin." The judge said.

I left the stand and went to sit down.

I sat next to Matt and he wrapped his arms around me.

I wiped away a few tears.

"You did amazing babe." Matt said.

I nodded and Lilah got up to do the closing statement.

After Mr. Bailey went.

I was told they already interviewed Randy.

The jury left and then came back 20 minutes later.

The bailiff took a paper from one of the jurors and walked it over to the judge.

She looked at it and handed it to the bailiff who took to back to the man.

"Has the jury reached their decision?" The judge asked.

"We have your honor."

"In the felony domestic violence charge how do you find the defendant?"

"We find him guilty."

"And in the rape charge?"

"Also guilty."

I started crying and I hugged Matt.

"Then it's settled. You will spend 10 years in prison. Bailiff please remove the defendant. Court dismissed."

Randy was taken away for good.

"It's over Matt."

"It's over." He said, kissing me.

"Matt, I want to be your girlfriend." I said.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked. "Only if you're ready."

"Yes Matt. I am."

Matt smiled and kissed me again.

"And we finished the album!" Jade said.

"Let's fucking celebrate!" The guys yelled.

I laughed as we left the court room.

I saw Jimmy again and he was smiling at me.

I smiled back.

"I love you Jimmy." I mouthed. "Thank you."

"I love you too Sydney."

He disappeared again and we went to celebrate.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry for the long wait!! My internet went out! :( And I had no other access to a computer, but now it's back!! YAY!! That means more updates. Also I know that doesn't happen in a court, but it's my story. So I'll do whatever I want with it! :D

So, Randy is found guilty on all charges!! :D Yay!!
Matt and Sydney took it to the next level! <3
And the album is done! :)
And she saw Jimmy. He will come in the story later.
But drama is coming in next. O_o


Thank you for the comments:
Robin 'The Sidekick'
Star Angel