Thanks For Nothing.

To the groupies.

To the groupies.

None of you thought, at all that maybe what you were doing was mean. You didn't even stand up for me let alone yourselves here's a tip go get some self respect I lost all respect for you when you followed her around doing as she said. God I can't believe I was like you people. You follow her around like she's a god well gues what she isn't she's a cruel minipulating backstabbing little bitch. I can't believe what you guys did to me I thought we were like sisters well atleast that's what you told me. I feel so stupid I shouldve learnt by now that friends aren't worth anything all you can ever rely on is yourself, no one else because they hurt you at some point maybe not intentionally but they still do. I hope you all burn in hell for what you did to me. Everyone thought I stopped cutting well guess what I didn't intact it got worse all because of you you stupid bitches I hope you feel like shit reading this. I would but then again I have some morals.

I hate you.
From the Lying attention seeking underweight fat whore.