Status: Complete

God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You

Ch. 1

Pat shuffled his feet waiting for Garrett outside the building. Garrett had been sad ever since he and Rachael had broken up but being his best friend Pat knew everything and was there for his friend. In fact, he'd begun to develop feelings for him which caused him to blush sometimes and it caused suspicion. He was actually pretty sure that someone had at least figured it out.

Looking up as the door opened, Pat smiled and pushed his bangs back. Shoving his hands in his pockets and turning on the music on his iphone they walked to the bus in a somewhat awkward silence. Questions almost tangible. When Garrett stopped, Pat didn't notice until he'd walked past the taller man. Turning back around he cocked his head.

"Why'd you stop?"

Garrett looked at him trying to meet his eyes. Questions swarming in his eyes he shook his head and shrugged. Pat looked down shuffling his feet and twiddling his thumbs. Biting his lip he looked up from where he'd been having a staring contest with the ground.

"Garrett? Whatcha thinking about?" he asked quietly.

"Lots of things, Patty." He sighed and looked at the sky. Sitting down on a near by bench, he tugged at the collar of his Star Wars shirt and ran his fingers through his hair.

Looking at him, Pat thought of the awkwardness yet welcome feeling that came the day he came out. He was gay and he'd finally admitted it to the people who'd known it for years, his friends and family, but it was still awkward the elephant in the room you could say. He remembered sitting down in his living room and telling his family and his parents being sad yet happy because while they wanted grandchildren from Pat they'd rather be happy. With that thought came the memory of telling the guys one day on the bus. They'd been sitting there playing video games. He'd been trying to come up with the right time to tell them, but nothing ever seemed right and it just slipped his lips. Of course it'd been awkward for a while but it was still Pat and he was still their one of their best friends and everything slipped back into routine and that made him happy.

He sat down by Garrett and looked over at him through his hair which fell out from behind his ears. His heart skipping a beat, he smiled and gave his friend a hug. "Like what though?"
Pat was genuinely curious and concerned for his friend. He wanted him to be happy that was all.

Looking up from his intense staring at his jeans, Garrett smiled a genuine smile not realizing his close proximity to his friend who's arm was still on his shoulders. "Pat, I think I'm ready to move on from her. To be happy again because that's what matters, right? To live while I can and be happy."

Pat smiled not really knowing what to say but knowing his friend understood. Remembering his arm still across Garrett's shoulders he noticed how close they were. Eyes widening just a little, he hugged him and pulled his arm back so it'd seem natural. Garrett raised his eyebrow at him and pulled him closer slightly. He'd been thinking for a while. A long while and it'd occurred to him in his thoughts that maybe, just maybe, he liked guys or well Pat.

Pat shuddered slightly at their close contact and bit his lip staring at his hands in his lap. When Garrett placed two fingers under his chin, he allowed them to tilt his blushing face back up to look Garrett in the eyes.

"Pat?" Garrett asked looking from his eyes to his lips and back. Pat nodded almost unnoticeably. Smiling Garrett kissed him lightly. When their lips touched, Pat shivered. He'd had a crush on the man for a while after all. Pulling back slightly, Garrett smiled and wrapped an arm around Pat's small waist.

"I think I like you," he whispered breathe fanning over Pat's face. Pat smiled and touched his lips back to Garrett's gently.

"I think I like you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
so this was just a random idea I had earlier today. Love it? Hate it? Comment please?