Status: give it a go?

New Direction


Brian sighed rolling over onto his side. Pinky growled at bit but settled back down on the vacant pillow. From downstairs he could hear giggling and screaming. “BriBri? You awake?” Suzy asked quietly poking her head into the room. “Yea,” Brian mumbled sitting up. “It’s nearly eleven thirty. Aren’t you gonna go see Jimmy today?” she asked opening the curtains, causing him to frown at the bright light.

After a quick shower Brian walked into the kitchen picking Zyn up off the floor, kissing his son’s head. “Hi daddy!” Zyn smiled hugging him. “You plan on trying to get a job wearing that?!” Brian Sr gasped dramatically. Brian rolled his eyes, “I highly doubt that Jim cares if I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt dad.” Sr grinned, “I’m just breaking you balls son! Good luck.” Brian kissed the side of Zyn’s head before putting him down. “I’ll be back later.” “Bye!”

The sun shone off the ocean water as Brian walked along the boardwalk. Brian had grinned when he read the shop was just off the boardwalk, leave it to Jimmy to put a tattoo shop right were hundreds of people visit each day. It was also conveniently located across from a bar/grill. The shop had large, tinted floor to ceiling windows, the door of the shop also tinted and a large white skull with wings on it with the word Sevenfold above it and Ink right under. All in large, easy to read letters. He took his sunglasses off entering the shop.

The sound of buzzing echoed off the walls. “Hey! Welcome! Can I help you?!” A cheery voice greeted him. The girl had bleach blonde hair with light blue highlights and equally blue eyes. She was covered from what he could see in tattoos. “Hi, I’m looking for Jim?” “Are you Brian?” she asked with a smile. He nodded, “I am!” “Follow me!” She lead him down a set of stairs hidden in the corner of the shop. “Jimah! Brian’s here!” Jimmy nodded shooing here away as he listened to whoever was on the other line of the phone.

Brian sat in one of the chairs across from the desk. “Alright, well I gotta go! So let me fucking know what you wanna do asshole!” Jimmy laughed hanging up. “BRI! How are you man?” “I’m alright, I guess.” “JIMAH!!!!” The girl from upstairs walked in again. “Kenadee! Quit fucking screaming!” Jimmy laughed shaking his head. “Sorry boss! But I need you to sign this!” After Jimmy signed it she left. “I think she eat’s speed in the morning.” Brian laughed along with him. “Sooooo? What kind of job interview is this?” Brian asked looking at his friend. “What?” Jimmy asked lighting a cigarette. “Who said anything about a job interview? I told you if you were interested to come down! You came down, meaning you’re interested so guess what! You got the job!”

“Jimmy, you can’t be fucking serious!” Brian said in shock. “You start now by the way! So get your sweet ass upstairs and I’ll introduce you to everyone!” Jimmy jumped out of his chair before Brian could protest his crazy friend, now turned boss. The shop was quieter, only one customer getting any work done. “Alright, you met Kenadee!” Jimmy started, “You’ll be working mostly with her!” Kenadee waved from her box at the front of the shop. “Shads!! This is Brian, Bri this is Shads!” Jimmy said introducing him to a large, muscular man with short brown hair and golden, hazel eyes. “Sup man!” Shads said turning away from his drawing. “Hey!” Brian said back accepting the other man’s hug.

“You’re gonna need a better name than Brian if you’re gonna work here buddy!” Shads laughed, “Any nicknames you got?” Brian thought, “I used to be called Syn in high school.” Shads grinned, “Syn? Wait do you have an ex-girlfriend name Michelle?” Brian resisted the urge to roll his eyes, instead he just slowly nodded. “I remember you!” Shads smiled, “I’m engaged to Val now, Michelle’s twin! You and I used to hang out!” Brian frowned thinking for a moment. “Matt?!” Shads pulled Brian into a hug again. “Holy shit, I didn’t recognize you dude!” “It’s all the tattoos isn’t it?” Shads asked as Brian shook his head.

“I haven’t spoken to Michelle since you two split.” Shads said sitting back down. “Yea, I haven’t talked to her since we left the hospital almost three years ago.” “What?” Shads said surprised. “Michelle never told you or Val that she was pregnant....” Brian said watching Shads’ expression get more confused. “She had a little boy, my son,” he pulled out his cell phone showing a picture of Zyn to Shads. “No she didn’t!” Shad’s spoke lowly looking at the screen. “He’s adorable though, looks just like you!” Brian took his phone back. “Thanks. Better me than her!”

“Alright! You two can finish catching up later! Shads back to work!” Jimmy pulled Brian away to a shorter man with a shaved head. “Short shit this is Syn! Syn, short shit!” The smaller man sighed shaking his head. “I’m Johnny!” Brian shook his hand. Jimmy lead him back to the front box. “There’s three more guys, Jacoby, Arin and Vengeance but they’re all out to lunch right now. Any questions just ask Kenadee!” Brian nodded watching Jimmy walk back downstairs, tapping some beat against his leg.

“I’m so happy to have some help finally!” Kenadee smiled hugging Brian tightly. “So, what do I do?” he asked watching Kenadee bounce around. “Just help me answer the phone, schedule and change appointments.” “That’s it?” Brian smiled, this job would be easy. “Pretty much! We also help clean up the guys work spaces when they don’t have time to.”

Brian nodded and began sorting out next weeks appointments while Kenadee walked around the shop cleaning. “Kenadee! My darling, I brought you back sugar doughnuts!” A guy sang walking into the shop. Kenadee skipped over to him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you Arin!” she smiled kissing his cheek. “Oh! Arin this is Syn!” Brian looked up at the guy, he looked younger than Brian, with messy slightly curly brown hair and brown eyes. “Sup man!” Arian smiled half hugging Brian across the counter.

“How old are you?” Brian couldn’t help but ask. Arin laughed, “Nineteen, I shoulda gone to college but I ran into Jimmy one day and I’ve been here ever since!” “He’s still an apprentice, so don’t let him fool you!” Kenadee said through a mouth full of doughnut. “Where’s Coby? I thought he was with you!” Arin shrugged, “He got called into James‘ shop for the rest of the day. Silly girl!” He walked away after slapping her ass. “How old are you?” Brian asked her tapping his pen. “Twenty-Six!” she grinned boldly. “Bull shit!” Brian yelled half tilting his head, “You’re fucking lying!” Kenadee just winked, “I look damn good don’t I?” “Ladies! This isn’t happy hour! Back to work!” Jimmy called out from his spot next to Arin.

He was watching over Arin as he started some drawing. “Sorry boss!” Kenadee called back, rolling her eyes. “Gotta be quite!” she smiled putting a finger to her lips. The bell to the shop dinged as an older man walked in. “Hey, what can I help you with.” Brian greeted him as Kenadee ate her doughnuts, clicking away at the computer mouse. “I was wondering if I can make an appointment to see Jacoby.” Brian turned to Kenadee who poked her head up. “He’s outta the shop right now babe, but he’ll be back tomorrow between ten and two!” “Thank you my lady!” The man smiled nodding his head.

“Why couldn’t we just do it?” Brian asked leaning back. “Because Coby likes to make is own appointments,” she said looking at the large appointment book, “He works here and at his boyfriend’s shop in LA too, so it’s hard to set up his appointments to make sure the condensed with his LA clients.” Brian made an O shape and nodded. Looking at the clock he noticed it was almost three and he never did ask Jimmy what time he got off. “Kenadee!!” Jimmy yelled again sliding over to the box. “Did Vengeance ever come back from lunch?” Kenadee shook her head. “Nope!” Jimmy rolled his eyes and was about to start swearing just as a man with dark hair walked in.

“Where the fuck have you been!?” Jimmy said slapping the other guy upside the head, knocking his oversized white sunglasses off. Brian guessed this guy to be Vengeance. “Your fat ass doesn’t need a two hour lunch!” “You love my fat ass Jimmy!” Vengeance laughed picking up his sunglasses, narrowing his bright green eyes at the taller man. Jimmy didn’t get a chance to respond when Arin called him over to look at another finished drawing. “About time! You’ve got an appointment coming in, in about five minutes!” Kenadee said putting her hair up into a bun. “Oh, this is Syn, the new guy! Syn this is Vengeance, or ZV.”