Status: give it a go?

New Direction


“Hey dad,” Brian greeted the older man when he got home. “Where’s Zyn?” Brian Sr pointed to the coffee table. Brian sat on the couch looking thru the glass top of the table where Zyn was laying asleep. “Why is he under there?” Brian Sr shrugged closing the lap top he was on. “I came back from the bathroom and he was there asleep so I left him.” Brian shook his head and leaned down to pull his son from under the table. Zyn whined but stayed asleep as he was moved to the smaller couch.

“You’re home early.” Brian Sr said looking at his son. “Yea, Jimmy let me leave.” Brian answered covering Zyn with a small blanket. “So, ummmm.......I was thinking on my way home.” Brian looked at his dad nervously. Brian Sr raised his eye brows nodding. “I was thinking of maybe.......maybe finding another appart-” Brian Sr glared at his son, “No, no Brian!” He said cutting Brian off. “Dad, you’re not letting me finish!” Brian argued. “If you want to move, then you move alone! God forbid you get thrown out again. You’re leaving that baby here.”

Brian’s jaw dropped. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Brian Sr shook his head crossing his arms. “I’m not leaving my son!” “Then you don’t move!” Brian Sr said standing, going into the kitchen. Brian got up and followed the older man. He pulled his check out of his pocket and slid it across the island toward him. “What?” Sr asked picking up the check. “Do you not see how much that is?” “Yea? Your point Brian?” he asked tossing the paper back onto the island. “You could make a million dollars and I still wouldn’t let you move out with that baby.”

Brian felt tears sting the corners of his eyes. “It was hard enough when you came home at eighteen saying Michelle was knocked up, then at nineteen you got left alone with him.” Brian Sr said looked at his oldest child. “Suzy and I have been there from the day he was born, we don’t want anything to happen to you or him. I think it’s best if you just stay here for a while longer.” Brian shook his head wiping the tears away. “I’m not trying to piss you off Bri,” “Yea?” Brian asked glaring up at his father. “I’m twenty-two fucking years old! This is the time of my life were I move out and get shit done on my own!”

Brian Sr glared back, “No, this is the years you’re supposed to spend going to or graduating from college! Having fun being single and going out every night! You chose to give that all up when you chose to keep Zyn! So don’t even pull that shit with me Brian Elwin Haner Jr!” Brian growled running his hands thru his hair. “You didn’t give two shits the first time I moved out!” “Daddy? Why Papa yell you?” Zyn hiccuped from the door way, rubbing one of his eyes. Brian went over picking the toddler up. “I’m just having a disagreement with Papa baby.” He kissed Zyn’s forehead. “Oh?!” Zyn said looking between Brian and Brian Sr. “Why Papa say my name?” Brian shook his head grabbing him a juice box and taking him into the basement.

Zyn yawned before sipping his juice as Brian picked up a guitar and started strumming. Zyn put the juice on the table going over to Brian. “Yes baby?” Brian smiled. “I play?” Zyn pouted touching the fret board. “Of course.” Brian lifted the guitar so Zyn could climb into his lap. He set the guitar on his knees holding it. “I play! I play!” Zyn cheered excitedly. “Hold your hand here, and.....your other hand here.” Brian said positioning the toddlers hands. Brian laid his hands over Zyn’s hand strummed a few strings.

“No daddy! I do!” Zyn cried. “Okay, okay!” Brian took his hands away. Zyn pushed the guitar on the floor and crawled up to it. He leaned over putting one hand on the fret board and ran is fingers across the strings. “Look daddy! I did it! I did it!” Zyn turned and smiled at Brian. “I saw Zyn.” he praised the toddler. Zyn giggled and kept strumming. “Hey you two! There you are.” Suzy smiled as she came down the stairs. “Momma! Look I did it! I play!” “Oh yea?!” Suzy sat on the floor next to Brian. “Show me.”

Zyn happily strummed the guitar on the floor. “Why are you hiding down here?” Suzy asked Brian. “Don’t, I know dad has already told you.” He said frowning. “What do you think about it?” Suzy sighed giving Brian the answer he expected. “I’m going to bed, come on Zyn.” He got up putting the guitar away. “No! Daddy, I play!” Zyn cried. Brian picked up the toddler. “It’s not even four yet.” “I don’t care.” “Brian.....” Suzy sighed softly. “Not now Suzy.....” Brian hissed going up to his room. “Daddy! Why I no play?” Zyn whined climbing on Brian. “Because Momma and Papa are pissing me off.” “But why?” Zyn asked. “They don’t want you to move with me, if I move.” Zyn pouted and laid his head on Brian’s chest. “Love you daddy.” Brian smiled. “I love you too baby.”


Brian put his sunglasses over his eyes as he looked out over the ocean. He was on his lunch break at a cafe a few stores down from the shop. “Can I join you?” Brian looked up seeing Vengeance standing behind a chair across from him. “Yea sure.” Brian heard the chair scrap across the wood as Vengeance sat down. “You alright? You’ve seemed out of it all day.” Vengeance said looking at Brian. Brian just shook his head looking at the ocean. “Can I get you anything?” A young girl came up to the table. “No thank you, I’m good.” Vengeance smiled at her as she gathered Brian’s plate.

“Come on man! What’s up!?” Vengeance asked again kicking Brian’s chair. Brian glared at the other man. “Just my parents are pissing me off. I wanna move but they told me that I couldn’t take Zyn with me.” Vengeance raised his eye brows. “Shit......that sucks.” Brian just nodded. “You wanna go out tonight with Johnny, Arin and I?” Brian shrugged. “I’ll take that as a yes! We’re going right after work.” Vengeance said standing with Brian. “I don’t know....” Brian said as they walked back. “Well too late now, ready!” Vengeance patted his back before he walked to his station. Brian shook his head going behind the desk.

Kenadee was out on her day off leaving Brian alone. Jimmy strolled around the shop stopping lastly at Brian. “Don’t even Jim.” Brian growled. “I’m not in the fucking mood.” Jimmy hissed, “Way to snap at better be going out with the guys after work, you look like you need a few drinks.” Brian slowly glared up at his boss. “Go!” Brian growled glaring back down at the appointment book. Jimmy slapped the top before stalking away. The ringing of his phone caused Brian to sigh. “Hello?” “Daddy hi!” Zyn said. “Hi baby, what are you doing?” “Ummmm......I playing with momma.....we ummmm, ask momma cuz I forgot!” Zyn said before Brian heard movement. “Hi Bri.” “Hi.....” “You’re still mad at me?” Suzy asked her step-son.

“I don’t have time for this Suzy I’m at work.” Suzy sighed. “I’ll talk to you later than.” He hung up and turned his phone off. The next few hours went by slower than Brian wanted. “Gates! Let’s go dude!” Arin ran up to the desk grinning. “Let’s go, go, go!” “Calm down, god damn.....its not like you can drink anyway!” Johnny laughed grabbing his keys from the desk. “Hey!” Arin growled, glaring at the smaller man. “I a few months......” he pouted. “Don’t worry buddy! I got ya covered.” Johnny grinned patting Arin’s back. “Alright ladies! Let’s roll!” Vengeance said taking Johnny’s keys.

“Da fuck!?” Johnny snapped. “My car is in the shop, we’re taking yours.” “You’re not driving my car!” Johnny tried grabbing his keys back but Vengeance held them up just out of reach. “Stop being an ass Zacky! Give me my keys!” Brian raised an eye brow. “So that’s your name?” Zacky frowned kicking Johnny in the leg. “So?” Brian shrugged putting his phone in one of his pockets and his keys in the other. “God damn that hurt, you stupid ass son of a bitch!” Johnny swore holding his leg. “Don’t talk about my mother like that short shit!” Zacky kicked him again. “Unless you four plan to continue working, get the fuck out!” Jimmy shouted turning back to his client.


“IDs!” The security guard stopped the four at the door of the night club. He scanned over all of them before holding Arin’s up high. “This place is 21 and over only you know.” The guy said handing them back. “He’s our DD for the night!” Zacky smiled pulling Arin into a half hug. “That I am!” Arin grinned back. The guy glared over them before stepping aside. “I’ll have eyes on him.”

“God damn that was bad.” Johnny said as they piled around the table. “Oh shut it!” Zacky said before turning to Arin. “You are to only drink Vodka and pretend it’s water! Don’t get drunk.” Brian couldn’t help but laugh. “Good luck with that.” “Hello boys! What’s your poison?” A tiny brunette haired waitress leaned over the table. Johnny’s eyes went straight down her shirt. “Bottle of vodka, rum, Jack......and a pint of water.” Zacky said to her as she wrote it all down. “I’ll be right back!”

“You alright Brian?” Arin asked noticing he was looking around. “Huh? Yea.....” Brian said, “It’s just been so long since I’ve gone out.” The waitress brought back the bottles and a few glasses. Brian poured a bit of rum into a glass. “Oh yea, you’ve got the baby!” Arin said watching as Zacky carefully poured him a glass of vodka. “I wish I had a kid, they’re so cute!” Johnny smiled taking a shot of Jack. Brian looked over at him. “Oh yea? Spend ten minutes alone with a toddler who’s sick or throwing a tantrum and see how cute they are then.” Johnny shook his head. Zacky slid the glass over to Arin. “Remember now young one, act sober!” he said before chugging the rum.

Brian stayed at the table while everyone else went off to get more drinks, dance or throw up (in Johnny’s case). “Get up and do something fun!” Zacky frowned sitting across from Brian. “God damn man!” “I haven’t been out in over three years. Excuse me for not knowing how to have fun anymore.” Brian snapped. “You still sober?” Zacky asked sipping his beer. “Yea, I guess I am.” “Loosen up.” Zacky grinned sliding a glass over to Brian. Brian eyed it before looking up into bright green eyes. “What’s in it?” he asked sniffing it. “Just drink it!” Brian shrugged knocking the whole glass back.


Brian groaned rolling over away from the bright light that invaded his eyes. There was movement next to him along with a slight cough. He opened his eyes seeing a mess of black hair and two little eyes staring down at him. “Da fuck?” he whispered. “Ick, get down.” A rough voice came from the other side of the dog. “Down!” The dog growled but ran off the bed. Brian turned his head seeing half of Zacky’s face, his eyes still closed. “I feel like I remember why I don’t get drunk anymore.” Zacky half smiled. “Your phone wont quit going off......”

Brian leaned over picking his phone off the floor. 23 missed calls and about 100 texts, all from dad. “Shit....” Brian groaned, Zacky hummed opening one eye. There was one voice mail, Brian listened to. 

Zacky had both his eyes opened by that point. “He didn’t sound happy.” Brian shook his head, his phone said it was just after noon. “Don’t worry, Jimmy already said we could take today off.” Zacky said laying on his back. Biting his lip Brian sat up slowly dialing Suzy. “You are in a lot of trouble Brian.” She answered. “I heard......I’m coming home in a few, I have today off.” “Alright.” she said hanging up. “She’s mad too huh?” Zacky asked sitting up as well. “How’d I get here?” “Well, I think we walked.....I can’t remember.” “Can I get a ride home?” Brian asked getting out of the bed. “Yea, let me put some pants on.”

Brian waved Zacky off as he pulled out of the drive way. He hesitated before going inside. Zyn peaked over the couch and smiled. “Daddy!” He slid off the couch, running toward him but Brian Sr grabbed him. “Papa, put down! I see daddy!” Zyn cried. “Suzy!” Brian Sr called. “Come take him.” Suzy took Zyn outside, ignoring the fact he was screaming by that point. “Where the fuck were you last night.”

Brian stared at his father not saying anything. “Brian.....” his father warned. “I went out, with some of the guys from work.” Brian said calmly, looking out the sliding glass doors. “You didn’t think that informing me or Suzy would have been good?” Brian shrugged. “I don’t know what you want me to say! I was already pissed off at you.....” “I’m not gonna put up with this shit Brian,” Sr said crossing his arms. “Alright,” Brian growled pushing past his father going into the kitchen. “You stay away from that baby while you’re hung over and smell like a bar.”

Brian glared at the older man. “Excuse me?” “You heard me!” Brian shook his head reaching for the door. “I said no!” Brian Sr said pulling Brian by his arm. “Get your fucking hands off me!” Brian yelled. “I went out for one fucking night in almost four years! So I forgot to call and tell you! I’m so fucking sorry! I stayed at a friend's house because I know you wouldn’t have approved of me coming home wasted! I'll be damned though if you think you're gonna keep me away from my kid.”

“Watch me Brian!” Sr glared standing between him and the door. Zyn cried from the other side of the glass. “Please move dad.....” Brian sighed. “ get your ass upstairs into the shower and get to bed.......” Sr said sternly. “and if you don’t fucking like it Brian, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”