Status: give it a go?

New Direction


“Shit, it’s slipping.....” “Don’t drop it!” “I’m tying!” “Damn it short shit!” Johnny yelped dropping the end of the couch. Both Brian and Zacky sighed, while Jimmy laughed hysterically. “I think my shin is broken.” Matt walked in with Arin, both of them moving carefully around the others with the second smaller couch. “Even Arin is more of a help then you!” Zacky said smacking Johnny over the head. “Ya know maybe that’s why he’s so stupid, you smack him too much Zee!” Jimmy grinned. “You’re not doing much help just standing there either!” “I’m over seeing.”

Matt shook his head pushing Johnny out of the way. “Move, Bri grab your end.” They moved the bigger couch near the smaller one. Brian sighed falling onto the couch. “Is that it?” Arin asked looking around at the pile of boxes. “Yea I think so.” Brian frowned. “Well ladies its been fun but Arin, short shit, we must leave, we have clients waiting for us!” Jimmy said hugging Matt, Zacky and Brian. “Let’s go bitches!” Matt shook his head again shutting the door behind them. Zacky sat in the chair digging thru a box of labeled pictures. “Nosey fucker aren’t you!” Brian raised his eye brow at the green eyed man. Matt dropped onto the smaller couch also staring at the younger.

“Awwww how cute!” Zacky smiled as he picked a few up. Pinky finally emerged from her dog cage, sniffing Matt’s foot curiously. “Come here girl.” Matt patted the couch, “What’s her name again?” “Pinkly.” Brian answered catching the dogs attention. “Hey Pinky, its you as a puppy!” Zacky laughed showing the dog the frame. Brian rolled his eyes, “If you’re gonna go thru my shit Vengeance, put it away for me!” Zacky shrugged and started placing pictures around the living room. “You want this one above the TV?” Brian looked up from his phone. The picture was of him and Zyn during Christmas when they went to Germany. Snow stuck to their hair, big smiles across their faces.

“Yea, that’s fine.” “Damn Bri! I thought only crazy moms took tons of pictures of their kids!” Matt laughed from the couch, looking at the pictures Zacky placed on the small table. “I love my son! Bite me asshole!” Brian glared at Matt, “When Val pops out your kid, lets see how many pictures you end up having!” Matt frowned looking down at his phone, “Fuck you man.....” Zacky jumped on the box to crush it. “What are you guys having again? I suppose I should buy you some baby shit.” Matt tilted his head, “Ummm......a boy, I'm pretty sure.” Brian laughed, “How the tell do you forget what you having?”

Matt shrugged, “Very carefully I guess.” “What are you naming him?” “Val’s naming him Adam, Adam Lazzara.” Both Zacky and Brian raised an eye brow. “Val’s naming him? Where’s your input?” Matt shrugged, “Lost with my dignity.” Zacky’s eyes widened, “You’re fucking kidding me?” Matt shook his head, “I sleep in the fucking guest room because Val says I take up to much space.....we have a fucking king sized bed!” “Damn women, half the time they make you wanna switch teams.” Brian joked. “Don’t laugh too much, that’s what happened to Zacky boy.” Matt stood to stretch. Zacky frowned, “If you had my ex-girlfriend, you’d turn gay too!”

“Gena was kind of a bitch.” Matt patted Zacky on the head. “Kinda? No dude,” he turned to Brian, “This bitch was fucking crazy. That’s all I gotta say.” Brian held his hands up in defeat. “I’m sure!”


“It’s gonna be how much?” Brian sighed rubbing his eyes. “Yea, I’m sorry......I just. I can’t do that.” He hung up the phone growling. “Awww, what’s wrong sweetie.” Kenadee pouting kissing Brian’s head. “Trying to find a fucking lawyer.” “For what?” She asked sitting down in her plush chair. “My sister called me the other day, dad wants full custody of Zyn. So I thought I’d try to fight it but every lawyer I’ve called wants way too fucking much.” “Did you call Zacky’s sister?”

Brian tilted his head at Kenadee. “ZeeV!!! Love come here!!” She called across the shop. “No, Kenadee.....that’s not really.....” Brian shut is mouth as Zack strode up to the counter. “Yes my dear?” He smiled. “Bri here needs a lawyer! Maybe your sister could help.” Zacky looked over to Brian before pulling a small card from his wallet. “Call around 2:30ish.” He said going back to his drawing. The clock on the wall said it was 2:12. “Hey Jim, I’m headed for my break!” Brian yelled grabbing his phone and wallet.

“Thank you so much, Zina.” Brian smiled. “Not a problem. Anything for a friend of my brothers. Now we can meet tomorrow if you’d like to get things going.” “Yea of course! Thank you again.” “You’re welcome Brian, see you tomorrow.” He hung up and turned back to his chips. “Hey Bri!” He looked up, “McKenna? What are you doing here.” “Day off of school. Thought I’d bring Zyn to the beach.” “BOO!” Zyn jumped out from behind her legs where he was hiding. “Come here you!” Brian smiled engulfing the small boy in a hug. “I miss you so much!” “Oh why thank you Mac! You’re the best sister in the whole world.” She grinned stealing the other half of his sandwich.

Brian rolled his eyes. “Daddy why you don’t come home! Papa said you took your stuffs away.” Zyn pouted. “I’m sorry baby, Papa and I are fighting. But I got us a new apartment and you’re gonna like it so much.” Zyn laughed hugging his father. “When I see?” “Soon, but you can’t tell momma or papa about it, ok?” The little boy nodded. “So they don’t know you moved?” McKenna asked. “They think I moved in with one of the guys.” “I dunno why dad is being such an ass about everything. I think you’re doing a good job.” Brian looked at her. “Glad someones on my side.” Zyn slid off Brian’s lap going over to the railing, peaking down at the water.

“Careful you.” “I is!” Zyn nodded, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “How much longer is your break?” “Like ten minutes.” “We can walk you back!” McKenna smiled. “Hey Zyn! You wanna walk daddy to work?” “YES!” Zyn ran over pulling Brian’s hand. “Alright alright!” Brian stood letting Zyn hold onto his hand. “I bet.....I bets I can find it by myself!” Zyn grinned. “Oh yea?” Zyn nodded walking faster toward the shop.

“Oh, you’re so smart!” Brian picked him up. “Wonder where he gets it?” McKenna laughed, “From his wonderful aunt, perhaps?” Brian whispered in Zyn’s ear when they entered the shop. Zyn slowly crawled across the shop to the drawing table where Jimmy sat staring down at the blank paper. “BOO!!” Zyn shouted behind him. “Holy shit! What the fu-?” The shock wore off as he recognized Zyn. “Hey! Zyn Zyn!” He stood picking the small boy up. “I scared you!” Zyn laughed. “That you did little man.” Jimmy half hugged McKenna.

“We just popped in to say hi!” McKenna smiled, “Dad is picking us up at the pier soon.” “OH MY GOSH!! HE’S SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!” Kenadee screamed hugging Zyn tightly. Zyn frowned but let her hug him. “Can I keep him!?” Brian shook his head. “No, he’s mine. Go have your own.” Zyn wiggled out of her grip and held onto Brian’s leg. “Hey daddy, No we’re going back down now. See you in a minute.” McKenna ended the call. “We gotta go Zyn.” “Nooooo,” the little boy cried. “I stay with daddy!” Brian kneeled down, kissing his head. “I’ll see you again soon baby. Okay? Don’t cry.” Zyn rubbed his face and nodded. “Love you daddy.” “I love you too baby.”


“How’d the meeting with my sis go?” Zack asked giving a glance over his shoulder. Brian had been standing behind him for the last ten minutes as he drew. “It went pretty well.” He said taking a seat next to Zack. “I really think that she can help.” “She’s the best damn lawyer in LA county.” Zack grinned adding a few more lines. There was a long silence. “How long you been doing this?” “Tattooing?” Zack titled his head side to side, “Since I was about, seventeen.”

“HEY ASSHOLES!!” Arin stood on a small chair. “The whole shop is going out tonight! Jimmy’s buy- ahhhh!” The chair leg snapped sending Arin to the floor. “I’m okay!” He said standing quickly acting like nothing happened. “Clean it up!” Jimmy yelled from downstairs. Brian shook his head looking back over to Zack who was staring back at him. “This isn’t gonna go well is it?” Brian shook his head at the other.