Status: Still in the works

Jacob's Reckoning

Nothing but a breeze

I was with my sister and her friends, we were walking by Jacob’s old house none of us had known what had really happened in there. All of our names are Rush single and ready to mingle, Blaire my sis and dating pretty petey, Sarah dating Daniel, Daniel with Sarah, Peter with my sister, and me Roxas.

“Hey guys look its little Jacobs house; we should go spend the night” Blaire Exclaims

“Um Blaire I think we should stay away from that house the news paper has had murder reports coming from that house for the last 27 years”

“Roxas I’m your older sister I say what we are going to do not you” says Blaire.
“Blaire I kind of agree with Roxas” says Sarah.

“Well the guys agree with me even Rush”

“I guess one night isn’t that bad”every body agrees.

I was very tense after all those news reports. Talking about these insane things happening, the one that scares me most is the one that ripped a woman in half, her throat had been cut, eyes gouged out, and finally her head was hung by a huge clasp hanging by a tree. After that final entry in my diary I drifted to sleep.

Blaire’s’ friends were all thinking I was an idiot because not one bad thing happened all night. So they decided to have a contest, whoever left the house first would serve as the personal slave to the winners. So Blaire saw this as a great opportunity to take advantage of me.

“Roxas I thought I saw somebody last night hovering over you.”

“You still have to ask mom if we are even going to stay here smart one….but I do think we should get supplies for the week.”

“Blaire and Peter go together Sarah, Daniel, and Rush need to get the food.”

“I’ll get the drinks from Starbucks.”

“Ya right said everybody at once you just want to see Niki!”

“Her names Nicole.”I said flatly
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First story, don't be to harsh!