Just Like Heaven


Dr. Wormer called us two days later saying that Noah did have a bit of damage to the speaking and memory area of his brain. The most of it was done to the speech area. He prescribed him some medication, and all we could do was wait and help Noah learn to communicate.

At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed and all I wanted to do was cry. Mikey comforted me, telling me not to, but how could I not? I felt responsible, as if I somehow ruined my son's life. 

"M, calm down," Mikey wrapped an arm around me, "It's okay."

I didn't respond, I tried to stop myself from crying. I didn't want to cry anymore, I had to grow up, in a way, for Noah. I couldn't shut down because I didn't like what was happening. I had to be supportive and be his mommy.

So, I began to learn all the things I needed to, to help Noah. I got books on mutism and how to help and cope him through it. Mikey was amazing, too; he read them with me, even if he had gotten busy with music.

A long month had passed; I was teaching Noah with flash cards, to build his memory, he actually was getting better at it. He loved playing with the flash cards. I read to him, even though he didn't understand the stories, I was building up his education. Even though he's so young, it was a great jump start to when he did start preschool and kindergarten.

We all had gotten so busy, I didn't even notice that it was time for Mikey and I to talk to the priest about our little wedding. I had been rushing around, getting Noah ready, so we could go talk to the priest. Mikey was waiting for me by the door, smiling as I rushed.

"You could help, y'know." I handed Noah off to him and began to put my shoes off.

"I think it's funny watching you run around like a chicken with it's head cut off." He laughed softly, bouncing Noah on his hip.

I slugged his arm gently, once I got my Vans on and took Noah from him. He smiled at Mikey and Mikey just continued to laugh, while rubbing his arm.

"I'm ready, get the diaper bag," I told him.

"So bossy." He mumbled with a funny roll of his eyes.

I laughed myself as he grabbed it, and we headed out the door.

Out in the summer heat, I wasn't feeling too good. I made sure Noah was cool enough before I cooled off. Mikey turned on the air conditioning and slipped his sunglasses on.

"Fuck it's hot." He muttered, "Second reason I hate California."

"What's the first?"

"The air."

I shook my head at his face; it was twisted in a disgusted manner. I pinched his cheek, "You're so damn cute."

He smirked at me, "Thanks."

Throughout the ride I made funny comments about Mikey being cute while he ate it up. I think he thought I wasn't joking; I mean, he is cute, but I was being ridiculous. I love him, too, because he knew how to have fun with me.

When we got to the small church, I got Noah out, giving him a bottle with water and put his little LA hat on. Gerard bought it for him; Noah's shaggy hair fit beneath it, and he could tolerate the sun. He held onto the bottle while I cradled him; he kept shying his head into my shoulder.

Inside the church, Mikey led the way into the priest's office. We were to go over the whole event, the vows and the payment. We made it clear that we wanted it as quick as possible and straight forward.

The priest welcomed us in, he was a nice, older man. I took Noah's hat off, and set him in my lap. He was ready to doze off; the air conditioning made him real sleepy.

"What do you two plan to say in your vows?" The priest, Father Vince, asked whined his desk.

"Morgan and I don't want to say vows. We aren't the most comfortable with saying things." Mikey explained, "And it's just going to be our family. We really want to do this for our son."

Father Vince nodded, "I see. Quickie marriage?"

We both nodded back, "Yes, sir."

We went over the vows he would say, how many people would be attending, then he explained the payment, which was fairly cheap. We were able to leave in a matter of 25 minutes. But, Father Vince began to add something else as we prepared to say bye.

"Do you want to baptize your son?"

Mikey and I looked at each other. This felt a bit awkward, "Um..." I mumbled, "You see...I'm not...comfortable with the idea of that. I have nothing against it, it's just..." I chewed at my lip a moment, unable to form words.

"Morgan wasn't raised Catholic," Mikey said for me, "She doesn't want to conflict things."

Father Vince nodded, "That's perfectly fine with me." He smiled at us, shook our hands and we were able to leave.

In the car, I was kind of upset over the whole thing. When something happens in your life, such as what's happening with Noah, you start to question your own faith. I wondered if God was upset with me over not believing in him hard enough. Silly, right? But, I felt like it was a strong possibility.

"Mikey?" I called suddenly as we drove down the freeway; we planned to go eat.

"Yeah?" Mikey looked at me, then at the road.

"Do you...do you think God is punishing me?"

His brows furrowed as I stared over at him, "What? No." 

"I'm being serious."

"No, Morgan, I don't think God is punishing you." He looked over at me again, he took one hand off the steering wheel and took hold of mine.

"How can you be sure?" I asked desperately.

I asked as if Mikey had all the answers.

"Because, I am. God isn't that cruel. This is just a little bump in our lives. Everything will work out."

I nodded to his answer, I was satisfied.

"Thank you," I murmured as he squeezed my hand.

"Any time, babe."

Mikey and I got some takeout, and then we went to the drug store; to fill Noah's prescription and I needed to get something. I hated being sneaky around Mikey, but I had to in this situation. Yes, we had a major situation on our hands.

I may or may not be pregnant. 

Is it really a shocker? I don't honestly know, because we used condoms off and on, and the last time we didn't even bother. Plus, I'm late and I'm sick and I'm fatigued. I need to make sure, and I didn't want to worry Mikey or possibly bug him about nothing if it were nothing.

So, while he was at the pharmacy, I went and got two pregnancy test and some other random things to decoy it. I went to the register, paid, and went to the pharmacy where Mikey was with Noah. Noah had his arms wrapped around Mikey's neck, while they waited in line, and I could only smile at them.

I can't say it wouldn't be nice to have another one. We make cute babies, and Noah's proof. I only worried that something may go wrong with our next baby. No one is bullet proof. I'm afraid to have another baby, even though I would love another.

"What'd you get?" Mikey asked when we exited the drug store.

"Just stuff." I said nonchalantly.

"Stuff?" He raised his brow.

"Candy, Cosmo and nail polish." I told him in a girlish tone.

He shook his head as he place Noah in his car seat in the back, "Girls." He mumbled.

"You asked, mister." 

Mikey laughed softly, getting in the driver seat, "You're funny, M."

"Thank you, I don't have to try hard."

He snorted a laugh, "My funny girl."

Mikey leant over and kissed the top of my head, causing a wide smile to break out. Mikey always managed to give me butterflies. Damn that man.

"I love you, Mikey." I told him. 

He smiled at me, "I love you, too, M."

On the ride home, I had to pick his brain. I know it's suppose to be a secret, but I wanted to know what he thought about having another baby. He hummed along to the radio, and I turned it down a little.

"Do you want another baby?" I asked bluntly.

Mikey looked at me quickly, a surprised look hidden by his sunglasses, "Where did that come from? Are you pregnant?"

I shook my head, "I'm just asking."

He looked back at the road, "Oh, well...shit, I think it'd be cool to have another kid." He shrugged.

"Boy or girl?"

He chuckled, "Another boy. Mikey Jr."

I rolled my eyes, "We got Mikey Jr. in the backseat."

"I mean Michael Way Jr." He corrected with a smug look on his face.

"Do you ever want a girl?"

"Yeah, one day. I bet she'd look like you." He smiled to himself.

"Someone has a crush on me." I cooed while pinching his cheek for the third time that day.

"I love you," He kissed my hand, "I can't wait to have more kids with you." He spoke sincerely.

I was a bit taken back, but I returned the affection by kissing his lips at a red light, "Me, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I'm awing at myself.
I am such a hopeless romantic.
Oh, and I got half of Mikey's dog's name right! Her name is Piglet, I knew it had something to do with pig. I just thought I'd let you know; I'm not a terrible fan afterall