Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 9

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Chris Bourne, Cameron Byrd, Daniel Geraghty and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***


“I’m sorry! Ok? I never did anything it was all her!” I said through the phone trying to get Gracie to understand.

“Dan, I'm done with this. I'm breaking up with you. I can’t take this pain anymore!!” Gracie yelled, in the phone, through tears.

“No, Gracie…” I said before I heard a click and the room fell silent again.

I can’t do anything to change her mind and its killing me. This is the last thing I ever wanted. I can only imagine how she feels. Why did I ever go over to Nora’s house?! I should have known something was going to happen! Nora is an old friend, she use to like me but I didn’t feel the same way. Her mom had called an invited me over for Nora’s 18th birthday party.


Their house was the same as it was when we were 10. The small pale white shutters on the sides of the windows, that bright red front door inviting you in. Nora hadn’t changed either. She was still the same outspoken girl I met the first day of 5th grade.

“Omg, is that Danny Geraghty?!” I could hear Nora yell my direction.

“Hey Nora, happy 18th birthday!” I responded, while I was just about tackled.

As the night went on, I saw some old friends. I even saw Lindsay, who ended up being Nora’s cousin. Nora dragged me around with her for most of the night. Then it became clear of her intentions. She was telling our old friends we have been dating. Liam, a friend of mine that I still talk to, slipped up and asked how our relationship was.

“Gracie and I are doing great! I really think she’s the one dude!” I responded.

“Wait who is Gracie? I thought you were dating Nora?” Liam said with a confused look on his.

“WHAT? I would never date Nora! I've been dating Gracie for a year…who said I was dating Nora?”

“Nora, herself… sorry dude, that’s awesome though. Gracie must be pretty special for you to say that.”

“She’s more than special she’s amazing!”

We continued to talk until his own girlfriend called him over to her.

“We’ll have to catch up like this more often, not just whenever we see each other at a random party!” He said before walking away.

“Ooohhhh Danny” I could hear Nora calling from the kitchen. I walked in and there was a large cake with her name on it and candles lit.

The party began to wind down so I sought it as my time to leave.

“Danny where are you going, it’s still early?” Nora asked trying to run in heels towards the door.

“It’s Dan and I have a girlfriend to call.”

“Shhhh, don’t talk really loud!”

“Why you don’t want everyone to know I'm not really your boyfriend and that you’ve been lying?”



Lying in a bed crying yourself to sleep doesn’t seem too pretty but what else would I be doing? Dan really messed up, and I'm not taking him back anymore. Last time it was a fan’s fault this time he did it all by himself! Lindsay called me late last night. She is visiting her family for a cousin’s 18th birthday party. She told me she saw Dan there witch confused her but she just forgot about him being there until when everyone was leaving. Dan and Nora started arguing about something when he was getting ready to leave. Nora started kissing him but he didn’t push her away, instead he kissed her back. Lindsay said he looked over at her afterwards and ran out the door, he was caught red handed and he knew it.

“Is everything ok honey? You’ve been up here for a while.” My mom asked as she walked in my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

“Yeah I'm fine mom, just a little tired.” Oh what a perfect lie.

“Ok, well supper will be done soon. So please come down and eat something.”

I went and ate supper and went back upstairs to my room right after.

‘What’s the first thing I should do now that I'm single?’ I thought to myself.

Oh of course, make it known you’re single. I logged into Facebook and switched my relationship status from “In a relationship with _______” to “single”. My first status of being single again, ‘I can’t take any more heart break, living the single life for a while.’


Dan logged into Facebook soon after Gracie had. It killed him inside to see she had changed her relationship status and seeing her status about heart break hurt him even more. He thought to himself that he did more than mess up, he hurt her and a lot. How could he hurt the one person he thought about day in and day out?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment!!! I was almost thinking about ending this fan fiction soon but a great idea came to me, so this fan fic won’t be ending anytime soon and there will definitely be a sequel! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)