Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 1

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Daniel Geraghty, Cameron Byrd, Mike Montalbano, Chris Bourne, and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***


It was one of those days were I was blasting Hollywood Ending and dancing around my room. I heard my computer chime saying I had an email. I raced to login to twitter and went into my mentions…it was true!!! I read it twice before saying it out loud. “I hope you have a good day too Gracie! :)

We just landed in New York. Surprisingly the weather isn’t too bad, for being fall. We drove to our hotel for the first week we are here and check in. I hear a voice that sounds kind of familiar but it doesn’t at the same time, if that makes sense?! I turned to where I heard the voice to see an elevator door shut. I just ignored thinking about it. We finally got to our room and I opened the door, it was huge! I was expecting something small not this big!! I set up my laptop on the empty table near my bed and plugged my phone in. Next thing I knew I was waking up to the song of a ring. I looked to were my phone was to find an iPhone taking its place! I automatically jumped out of the bed and went into the joining living space and ran up and gave my mom a hug. I walked back into the room to see what the noise was from. It was Lacey she had texted me telling me she had to go somewhere so our annually talk had to wait for the next night. Well what is there to do now? My mom looked at me knowing what I was thinking. “Gracie this hotel has a teens only club on the 8th floor, if you want to go check it out!” I took her up on the offer and went up to the next floor. After hanging around for 20 minutes or so I decided it wasn’t what I wanted to do so I headed towards the elevators. When I got there, 2 guys were also waiting. Finally the elevator arrived and the guys offered for me to go. “We can all go?” I said with a smile. “Ok, sounds good!” the darker haired one replied. We all go in the elevator and that’s when I realized the darker haired guy was Mike Montalbano!!! I stood there staring at him until he realized I was. “Hey I'm mike, what’s your name?” he asked. “Oh sorry, I'm Gracie.” I replied stuttering my words. “Hey do you want to go hang out with us and a couple other guys? I’ll make sure they won’t mess with you!” He said winking. “Yeah, sure let me tell my mom first.” I said getting off the elevator. I ran to my room, flung open the door, and yelled in, “Hey mom I'm going to go hang out with some people I met I’ll be back soon. Ok?” “Yeah, that’s fine honey!” she said back as I was shutting the door. I walked back quickly to the elevator hoping they didn’t leave me. “Ok, we can go now.” I said out of breath walking into the elevator. Mike pressed the button and the elevator started to climb again. I can’t believe I'm going to hang out with Mike from Hollywood Ending!!! I thought to myself making a little squeal come out. The guys giggled so I guess it wasn’t that bad! We reached floor 10 and the elevator came to a stop. I followed them through the maze of hallways before we reached a door.


I was getting out of the shower as I heard our hotel room door open. I figured it was just Mike and Chris G, coming back from the teen club. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist and headed towards my suit case when I heard a giggle and it WAS NOT A GUY’S VOICE! I turn around to see a petite brown haired girl standing between the guys. “Umm this is awkward!” I say as I back into the bathroom and shut the door. Did I really just walk into a room, with a cute girl in it, in only a towel!!! I get dressed in my clothes I had in the bathroom and walk out again. “Much better!” the girl says jokingly. “Hey I'm Dan!” I say smiling at her. “I know who you are.” She replies back making all of us surprised. “My twitter name is @yourperfectgirl, hey Dan I'm Gracie.” She says smiling. My mouth drops. There is no way the only girl I reply to multiple times, every day, is sitting in my hotel room.