Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 2

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Daniel Geraghty, Cameron Byrd, Mike Montalbano, Chris Bourne, and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***

The last few days have been amazing! During the day I spend time with my mom and her boyfriend then normally at night I spend time with Dan and the others. I still can’t believe I'm met him, let alone hanging out with him. A knock on the door brings me out of all my thinking. I answer it to find no one there but as I shut the door I look down and see a small package. I walk back over to my bed and read the top. All it reads is “Gracie, room #704”. I open the small box to find a note and a small ring like box. I read the note before opening the box. The note is typed so I have no clue who it’s from.
You will probably be surprised to find out who this is from but that will have to wait. It’s time to go on a scavenger hunt! In the end you will find out who I am, until then carry this box with you and don’t open it until you find me. First stop: the first place you went to when you got here. There you will find the next clue.
Love, your guy

“First place I went to?” I say confused. “What’s that?” my mom says walking into the hotel room. “I don’t really know actually, someone wrote this.” I say handing the small note to her. She reads it and smiles then hands it back. “Well hope it’s a good guy at the end of it, you better get looking or else he might not wait for you!” she says rushing me out the door. “Lobby duh!” I reminded myself. I walk towards the elevator with the note running through my head. When the elevator reaches my floor the door opens and Dan is standing inside. “Hey Dan!” I say stepping into the elevator. “Hey Gracie, sorry but I'm kind of running behind I got to go. I’ll talk to ya later, ok?” He says stepping off of the elevator. I didn’t have time to answer, the door of the elevator shut and started to descend. When it stopped again I got off and walked into the almost silent lobby. I looked around the lobby and didn’t find any kind of note or message. I sat down on one of the large couches. “Gracie is this what you’re looking for?” Ryan, the young door man asked. We met when I first came and accidently stepped on his foot. I looked up and seen he had a small piece of paper, much like the one in the box, in his hand. He handed me the note then went back to doing his job. I opened the note and began to read it.
Glad to see you found your way to Ryan. But you still haven’t found me. There is one place where everyone can mourn for the loss of loved ones on that horrific day back in 2001. That is where you will find the next clue to finding me.

“Ground zero” I thought to myself. I hurry out the door of the hotel and walk a block and a half until I walk into the area.
Within a couple minutes I found the next clue. That one wasn’t too hard to find. People probably think I'm crazy, picking up a random piece of paper from this area. I open the note and begin to read it and start to smile.

I'm happy that you found the next clue only 3 more to find. I know you’re beautiful but I'm not sure that you know you are. Now go back to the hotel and find Ryan on more time, this time he will have something else. You will find out how beautiful you really are.

I do as I'm told and walk into the hotel finding Ryan right away. He hands me a mirror and smiles. “What’s this for?” I ask confused. “You’re supposed to look in it.” He replies making me rethink why I asked. I look into the mirror and see a small white thing in the reflection. I turn around and see it’s another hint next to a different set of elevators.

Well now that you see your beauty, I guess it’s time for some more hints. I don’t think you really know how much I think about you. If you knew you would think I'm crazy, I'm sure of that. I dream about what it would be like if you thought of me the same way.

That’s all the note said. I wasn’t sure if all this was fake but I wasn’t about to find out. I walked back up to our room and lay on my bed. “Did you find what you needed to find?” my mom asked. “I'm not really sure to be honest.” I said flipping through the channels on the TV. I showed her the last note and she was as confused as I was. I woke up a couple hours later, realizing I took a 2 and a half hour nap. I checked my phone to see I had a text message from an unknown number.

Did you forget about me? If you didn’t go up to the top floor were you will find your last clue.

I did as I was told and got on the elevator and got up to the 11th floor, the top floor. As the elevator door opened I could see a shadow of a person standing by a window. I wasn’t sure exactly if it was another guest at the hotel or the person who I was looking for, but I would find out soon enough.