Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 4

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Daniel Geraghty, Cameron Byrd, Mike Montalbano, Chris Bourne, and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***


I spent the first day back home in my room. It was Sunday so it gave me a day to unpack and catch up on sleep, which I did in the car ride home. The annoying sound everyone knows alarms my body to wake. The bright sunlight peers through my shade waking the rest of me. I get ready after taking a shower, grabbing a new hoodie I got in NY at the same time putting Dan’s hoodie is my closet hiding it from anyone who might enter my room today. A knock at my door, making me hurry to get dressed. I answer it to find my little cousin looking up at me, who I haven’t seen since we left.

“Hey Jayleen, I missed you.” I say bending down to give her a hug.

“Hi, Gracie, I misses you too” she says back with excitement and the adorable, 2 year old, vocab I've missed.

I pick her up and walk down stairs heading into the kitchen, eat breakfast and head out to the car.


“Bye mom, see ya later!” I say shutting the car door, walking up to meet Lindsay, my best friend, by the door of our high school.

“GRACIE!!!! I've missed you! How was New York? Meet any cute guys?” Lindsay says attacked me with a bear hug.

“Hey Linz, I've missed you too. New York was amazing!” I answer back, ignoring the last question.

She doesn’t realize I do and tells me about her winter break. We walk to our lockers they’re right next to one another, which is the reason we started talking in freshmen year. We grab our books and separate her heading to French, me heading to foods, best class of my day! We meet back up 4th period, which is Geometry.

“Hey you never told me if you met any cute guys!!” Lindsay says walking to her seat, right behind me. I thought I was going to avoid it, I guess not!

“Hey, do you want to come over after school today?” I ask trying to change the subject.

“Yeah that sounds cool, you will tell me about this guy or guys then!” she replies right as the late bell rings.


The cafeteria filled with the freshmen and sophomore class, we go to lunch after the seniors and juniors so there is enough room for everyone. Lindsay and I clamed our seats at our table before going to get our food, making sure we had our normal seats. After we dumped our trays I went to the restroom to check my phone out of view from school officials and Lindsay. I reached the bathroom and walking into a stall making sure no one would see me. I pulled out my phone to find 3 missed text messages all from Dan.

8:37am- Hey beautiful I'm sitting in the basement thinking about you, so I decided to text you! :)

9:13- Well I guess you must be at school, but I'm still thinking about you!

11:57- Geez Gracie, hello are you alive??

I heard someone walk into the bathroom so I put my phone away quick and walked out of the stall to find a random girl had walked in. The rest of my school day flew past and soon it was time to spill about meeting Dan. The final bell rings and I hurry to my locker, wanting to escape the rush of kids.

“Hey Linz, I’ll meet ya at my house in a half an hour or so, Ok?”

“Yeah, sounds good G!” She replies back, saying that dreaded nickname she gave me!

I speed back through the hall and straight to my mom’s car.

“How was your first day back?” my mom asked with a warm smile.

“It was ok, hey is it ok that Lindsay comes over in say a half an hour?” I ask getting straight to the point.

“Yeah that sounds good! Did you tell her about this boy, Ryan, if I can remember?” my mom asks with a confused face still trying to think of his name.

“His name is Dan, and no I didn’t tell her, that’s why she’s coming over” I reply giving her a funny look. Where did the name Ryan come from?!

***knock knock***

I ran down the stairs to answer the door. Lindsay being her normal self had a bag of munchies. We raced back up to my room.

“What all did you get in NY?” Linz asked looking at the bags flung around my room.

“It’s all in my closet, if you want to look.” I answered back forgetting about Dan’s hoodie laying in it.

She opened the large swinging door and I noticed the small striped hoodie lying on the bottom of the closet. I hoped she wouldn’t see it but I hoped to late. She picked up the dainty hoodie and examined it.

“This is a guy’s!!! Who’s is it??!!” she blurts out giving me a weird look.

“Well that’s the thing….” I tell her the story from the beginning. Showing her the notes, which I still had, and the texts I got from Dan today.

“Awe, that’s so freaking cute! What does he look like?” She says after I finish showing her the messages.

Right on cue my phone rings saying I have a FaceTime request. I look at my phone to see its Dan!

“He looks like this.” I say handing my phone to Lindsay right after I answer it.

“Umm hi you aren’t Gracie…” Dan says seeing Linz in the screen and not me.

“No, I'm not G I'm her friend Lindsay or Linz for short. She just told me about you, and says you’re pretty…” I stop her from finishing her sentence by putting my hand over her mouth.

“I'm pretty, huh?” Dan says after I grab the phone from Linz.

“Hey I didn’t say that!” I say winking at him through the camera.

“Oh I see how you are!” He replies back, trying to make a sad face and utterly failing at it, which makes it even cutter.

We talked for a little bit before I remembered Linz was still there.

“Awe what love birds you guys are!” Linz says the second I end the chat