Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 6

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Daniel Geraghty, Cameron Byrd, Mike Montalbano, Chris Bourne, and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***


**2 months since the photo was tweeted, everything has settled down…for now anyways**
“Helllooooo…” Dan answers groggy, trying to sound half awake.
“I'm sorry it’s so early but I know you wouldn’t be able to forgive us if we didn’t call…”
“Wait what’s wrong?” Dan asks sitting up realizing it’s not Gracie on the phone but her mom instead.
Gracie’s mom, Diane, begins to cry unable to hold back the tears looking at her daughter lying in the hospital bed.
“It’s Gracie, she’s in the hospital….” She begins to say sniffling. “…she was have pain so I brought her in and she blacked out twice so far”
Dan dropped his phone hearing this news, ‘I'm 686 miles from her, I need to catch the first train to leave today and get to her as soon as possible!’ he thought to himself. He realizes he dropped his phone and picks it back up to see he somehow hung up on Diane.

Gracie is now regaining her strength she seems to be losing when she falls asleep, she thinks. When she looks over at her mom, she is in tears and is holding Gracie’s phone. Her mom is unaware that she had regained most of her strength and is started when she begins to talk.
“Who… did you…call?” Gracie asks talking as loud as her body allows which turns out to be a whisper.
She never gets a reply as her body is so weak she drifts off to sleep after looking at the large white clock on the wall right in front of the bed, it says its 4:27 but she remembers being wheeled into the room at 3:30 had she slept that long?
No one told her but she blacked out twice since they brought her into the room. It seems like you’re just sleeping when you come back through, but you have no memory of the last 5-10 minutes before it happens. It erases itself from your mind. You will understand if you have ever been through it.

I walk into the hospital’s lobby unsure of where to go. I haven’t been to a hospital many times before but there’s still an eerie feeling about it, as I walk through the many core doors until I reach a nurses station were five nurses sit talking, organizing papers, and one is talking on a phone. When I reach the station a nurse in dark green scrubs with the name tag Tiffany greets me.
“Good afternoon can I help you sir?” she asks politely.
“Umm, yeah I was wonder if I could see Gracie Rice?” I answer back trying not to break down. Never thought I would be asking a nurse to see my girlfriend.
She looks down at the desk at what must be a log for this area of the hospital.
“I'm sorry but she isn’t allowed to have any visitors, her mom’s orders.” She replies, almost sympathetically.
“I'm her boyfriend, are you sure I can’t see her?” I ask, just as my eyes start to gain pouches of water that will spill over at any moment.
She must be able to see them because she hands me a tissue as she says. “Let me call her room and ask how about you have a seat and I will talk to you after I call.”
With that she walked behind the other side of the station to a phone and I took a seat making sure she was able to see me clearly.
After a couple minutes she doesn’t come, but I recognize a face and her voice. It’s Diane! I rush up to her scaring her and making her feel relieved. Tiffany must have told her I was waiting.
“Is she going to be ok? Do they know what’s going on? Has she blacked out anymore?” these and a hundred more questions rush out of my mouth before I'm able to stop myself.
“First off how about we talk a walk to subway, and we can talk on the way.” Her mom offers. How can I refuse food, I was in such a hurry to get her I haven’t eaten anything all day and it’s nearing 7:30 pm. I agree and we head in the opposite direction I entered the hospital. From the outside it didn’t look that big but now that I'm inside its huge!

“I'm going to start from the beginning if that’s ok with you.” Diane says as we enter a, what seems like, never ending hallway.
“Gracie said she was having very bad migraines and odd pain in her right leg. I tried to make an apt. with her doctor but the nurse said she was probably just having growing pains and they will go away soon, but soon never came.”
She continued on saying that she tried multiple more times but still they wouldn’t let her see the doctor.
“So I took it into my own hands, this morning around 3 am she came to my room in more pain than ever. I couldn’t watch my baby girl be in pain anymore…..”
This is the first time I've heard Gracie be called baby girl, but I can see why her mom would call her that. Gracie’s the only child her mom has. She tried for a second but miscarried and didn’t try for anymore.
“That’s what landed us here. I didn’t want to take her to our local hospital so I drove twenty minutes to get her here. When they called her name back I let her go by herself, since she is sixteen. Fifteen minutes later I could hear a nurse call for the doctor to come in right away. I thought it was for another patient, I mean she only had a head ache and leg pain. But I was wrong after a few minutes a nurse came out and asked me to walk to her room. She told me Gracie had just blacked out and they’re not sure how or why it happened. She walked me into her room where she was laying on the bed, she practically disappeared into the sheets. She was so pale.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, all I want to do is run to her side and stay there until she leaves the hospital and even then I don’t want to leave her. Right as she’s done telling me everything we reach subway, which turns out to be in a building right next to the hospital were the cafeteria for visitors and other things are located. I eat as fast as I can so I can get back to Gracie. Once we’re done we walk back through the same way we came but I made a stop at the gift shop picking up yellow and pink daises, Gracie’s favorite flower and colors.
I enter Gracie’s room first. I look to the bed to see her only she doesn’t look like the Gracie I know and love. Her mom warned me but I wasn’t expecting this, she has at least ten wire hooked up to her not including an IV and oxygen tube. Her normally straight shiny hair is pulled into a bun on the top of her head and her face almost looks like one of those creepy baby dolls that look so real but have a strange way about them that you can tell they aren’t real. But I know she’s real and in safe hands here.

I stayed overnight and she hasn’t woken up yet. The doctor said the medicine they gave her to ease her pain is the cause for sleeping so long, but as long as I see and can hear the monitor I'm ok.

I must have slept most of the day yesterday, I open my eyes to find a silent, empty room to myself and look up at the clock which is showing 8:30. It’s not long before I notice the beautiful pink and yellow daises placed neatly in a vase on the end table next to my bed. I wonder who got them for me, I thought to myself. I feel more like myself today but as ordered I page my nurse, Tiffany, when I decide I need to get up. I return to my bed soon after expecting my mom to have returned but the room is still empty.